HAH HA! Jacky trick! Easy! Half their life!

Discussion in 'Jacky' started by gamesmaster1_2be, Sep 29, 2002.

  1. gamesmaster1_2be

    gamesmaster1_2be Well-Known Member

    you know jacky's [6][4][P]+[G] throw? well quickly dash in after, then perform [7]+[K] quickly. practice. it is much easier then attack breaking with the knee, cos of the long duration, and is easy. as soon as you see them move input the command. half their life. /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Zero-chan, could you move this to Kumite board since it's a vs. CPU strategy (*cough*)?
  3. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    He has a good tactic creedo, showy, but good. [7_]+k does hit easier than any other moves jacky posseses. Unfortunately, it's risk/reward makes it very stupid to use in a human vs human match.

    The [6],[4][P]+[G] throw leaves them head towards, instead of trying to out time there rising attack, dodge it!! and then punish. Keep in mind that in this position most chars rising attacks are semi-linear and can only be dodged to "ONE" side. After your dodge, do whatever you want...throw again =). later.
  4. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    The title of this thread alone is enough to verify why I hate Jacky
    so much. Anybody who plays the guy only has to connect with
    a couple of series and it's practically over; why not just get your
    wins handed to you on a plate?
  5. gamesmaster1_2be

    gamesmaster1_2be Well-Known Member

    it annoys me when someone can't handle something so they call it cheap and turd, or boring, for that matter.
    if you can't handle it, go and train how to stop it, like a sensible person. /versus/images/icons/mad.gif
  6. gamesmaster1_2be

    gamesmaster1_2be Well-Known Member

    CreeD, this works against humans as well.
    in case you didn't know, it is in the human psychology and natural defence to hit someone low if they are on the floor and facing away (i'm talking about real life here )
    watch a proper fight (like a ju-jitsu tourny or somthing), and you will see it holds true.
    now this apllies with the game, and because the hit low, you will definately cancel it out, or jump it. try it against a friend without telling him/her!
    by the way, for some reason, it doesn't work against akira or (duh) some who doesn't rise-attack.
  7. gamesmaster1_2be

    gamesmaster1_2be Well-Known Member

    blonde one, this will almost always work! i now have got my friends to risng attack me at all now with this technique!
  8. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    One good thing about playing against human Jackys as opposed
    to CPU Jackys, human Jackys are not nearly as cheap. I'll admit that.
    Still, Jacky is jiveass, sorry to say...easy damage delivery coupled with
    auto-parry and lack of throw counters on a lot of Jacky moves = bullshit.
  9. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    I've mentioned it to u b4 and I'll say it for the final time.

    Jacky is not the 'bullshit' character as u always assumed him to be. Don't be 'blind' just because u dislike the character.

    Check your claims before u fire them off, esp your 'lack of counter throws' comment.

    Unknown to you, Jacky players work alot on their E-TEG game because alot of Jacky's moves leaves him at a disadvantaged position even when it HITS.

    If he is like u say, full of 'lack of counter throw moves', I seriously wonder why all decent Jacky players work so hard to improve their defensive skills. After all, as u say, 'lack of counter throw moves', why the hell should they work on their throw escapes techniques and defensive game plan?

    After all, 'lack of counter throw moves'.
  10. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Frankly, I doubt most average or below-average players playing
    Jacky are working on their defensive skills since they don't need
    them at that level. I'm not talking about you big dick pros going up
    against other big dicks. At the suckass level, all I can say is Jacky
    seems to have moves that propel him away from the opp.; those that
    don't, get him thrown if not escaped. Lots of Jacky kicks put him
    back, though the kick strings are easily blocked.

    I'm responding to the arrogant nature of your typical, low-level Jacky
    player, illustrated by the thread title. I hate any thread that
    spews creamed corn all over itself because somebody figured out how
    to do big damage against the training dummy or the Kumite dummy.
    Real players out there murdering folks with Jacky...more power to them.
    I'm sure it's fun...
  11. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    well, i also hate jacky coz his efforts to take down life are insanley easy... plus around my area, i can't even breathe without some scrub choosing the guy and trying to cheese teh win with back-dashes and a large series of flip kicks... *yawn*

    but hey, when i see someone like shinZ or Arashi use him, it seems abit more respective.

    EDIT: i think i see your point more than the defenders come to think of it, u seem to have a more realistic view. but i guess it all depends on individual experience.
  12. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Right. Shinz is great with a variety of characters at all levels
    of difficulty. I have no problem with a real player who's main man
    is Jacky in high-level contests, because the field is even (mostly) at
    that level. Actually, I love Jacky because I CAN hate him, because it is
    more gratifying to take out a Jacky than any other character. Great VF
    players are great players, not great because of character choice.
  13. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    by the way, for some reason, it doesn't work against akira or (duh) some who doesn't rise-attack.

    Yeah that last part was sort of my point.... this isn't exactly free money.
    A slow in place rising attack loses to a perfectly timed kickflip.
    A slow in place rising attack wins against a mistimed kickflip (it's easy to mistime, I can do a rising kick right away or wait a little bit, you can't really know for sure which unless you kickflip the kick on reflex)
    A rising sweep is pretty hard to time it against.
    A face down head towards rising sweep like akira's or wolf's is especially tough to interrupt, and if the sweep hits a pounce or ground hit is guaranteed.
    If the opponent side rolls this isn't going to work.
    If the opponent rolls back it isn't either.

    My point is, instead of saying this is "ha ha easy half life!" you might want to rephrase it to say "this is a trick that will work in a very specific situation if the opponent does exactly what you want them to."
    It isn't gonna work more than once vs. anyone competent even then.
  14. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    This is some of the silliest whining I've seen about jacky in a while.

    "wah jacky can kickflip you all day and it hurts to much!"

    How is a move like this unfair? Nearly anyone in the game gets a 40-45% damage combo when the kickflip is dodged. And dodging it doesn't take "big dick advanced player skill"

    I don't hear anyone complaining about aoi's overpowering and godly b, df+P [sarcasm] which is a frame faster than the kickflip and does 33% damage on interrupt once you take your free f+K,K. Again, that's 33% vs. jacky's 26% for a FASTER MOVE that recovers TWENTY FRAMES ahead of jacky's when blocked. Should we all whine about aoi now? Why doesn't someone bring up someone pai's lethal kick, kick, pounce combo? It's the same speed and nearly uncounterable when blocked, OMG! Wolf's HCB+P,P is only a frame slower and is completely safe if blocked, oh no! It's a safe 23% kickflip! Wolf must be a god!

    "Wah his moves are so safe!"

    Did it occur to anyone to not block the elbow-backfist, but rather to duck it and interrupt like you see good players in movies do? Hiro recommends ducking it and doing a rising knee with sarah. Kyasao does the same with Kage in movies. It works against random attempts to do P+K,P as well. Wake up folks and grow some reflexes and rudimentary yomi for god's sake.

    "Wah he's the best in the game by a mile!"

    He's not even second.

    "wah he's easy to use"

    And Lau's not?

    "Wah he's overpowering at scrub level!"

    So get out of scrub level.
    Get out of scrub level.

    PS: Laufists, this wasn't really directly to you, even though I replied to you. It's to jacky whiners in general... some of whom are even competent players despite their poor attitude.
  15. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    My comment: To post about "Jacky" being hard at scrub level, and admit it, is like saying I "SUCK" at VF and the fact that I'm going to complain about it indicates your going to suck for a long time. Stop complaining, and start posting things you really have problems with Jacky about. Like moves or situations. To complain about the auto-parry makes me laugh whole heartedly. =) let us know what sucks about jacky and maybe we can help!

    later guys.

    ps- after [6],[4][P]+[G] throw kickflip can interrupt a mid-rising a little easier than a low one. Also for timing, you can time it to hit almost everytime, but you have to watch the characters animations. As soon as you see them start to rising you kickflip, if anything try to do it a little late, just after you think the rising attack will hit. But sincerely, this tactic doesn't hold true in tournament play only for the sheer fact that if missed... ALL characters get guaranteed followups! i.e. Akira: standing palm,p,double-palm. better to try to evade or ECD in the right direction after the throw. Sometimes an oppoenent that knows your going to evade his rising attack will just rise and throw you. So ECD! later guys.
  16. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    How exactly do you tell when Jacky is going to perform the
    kickflip? Is it just an educated guess based on what he CAN
    do when you're rising? Does Jacky do something in his prep
    for the kickflip? I hear about players recognizing moves before
    they happen, but is it actually something they see, or just a guess
    based on the abilities of the character?

    I wouldn't think higher-level Jackys would do the move that
    often...if anything it looks like you're just floating for the opp.
    if it's blocked. Though you see a lot of great Kages doing the kickflip
    amid series.
  17. gamesmaster1_2be

    gamesmaster1_2be Well-Known Member

    really, in case you didn't notice jacky does a weird mini step forward defore he does his kick flip.
  18. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    lol, i think u took things abit too literal there, i don't think that people really have a major problem with avoiding kickflips, i'm just personally unenthusisatic about fighting same ol jackys, why? because usually i find myself playing at a repetative level inorder to conquer his high priority & high damaging moves but hey, try avoiding a kickflip when u are juggled in the air after a [P]+[K][P] ~ [P][G] (or any other setup).. it's kindda impossible.

    *still* - it's all down to personnal experience
  19. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I'll admit to anyone jacky's combos are damaging for being so easy.
    I found vs. akira today knee, b+PK,P, f+PK, df+K for 89 pts.

    But, it's not like wolf's knee, P, b+P, pounce is hard. And it's more damaging than pretty much anything jacky has.
  20. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    was that an answer to the previous poster?!

    Lau fists, ignore gamemaster, I think he's trying to say you're supposed to dodge it on reflex or some such crap /versus/images/icons/smirk.gif

    Yes, yomi (knowing what the opponent will do next) is possible. And it's easiest at beginner and intermediate level, where people find a few moves they like and stick with them. But even if you can't easily predict a kickflip, you could pretty easily predict one after f,b+P+G if it's something a guy like gm2be might do. The alternative is you can simply guard or dodge at logical moments, and even if you were expecting something else... an elbow, a knee, a beat knuckle, whatever... you dodge a kickflip instead. Then you can punish it for at least 1/3rd of jacky's life with minimal reflexes.

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