Have you played any VF.com members online yet?

Discussion in 'Console' started by DomAug, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    Has anyone been fortunate enough to run into any VF.com members online yet?

    I believe I played Tiripsem's Aoi and i got completely destroyed in both matches lol
  2. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    I enjoyed our matches, and your fancy looking Lion. When we finished our matches I went right to customizing my own Lion [​IMG].

    I've also run into Dennis, VF Numbers, and Devilstar and had great matches with them too.
  3. Burning_Typhoon

    Burning_Typhoon Active Member

    I can't name any VFDC members off the top of my head... except myself, and myke.. lol.

    So, if I did, I wouldn't know.
  4. RadicalReactor

    RadicalReactor Well-Known Member

    I saw Kamais_Ookin playing some matches the other day, but I couldn't connect to him in time [​IMG]

    I know I've seen Haunts, L_A, BlackLAC, Gernburgs and a couple others.

    I need more friends... (hint hint) [​IMG]
  5. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Genesis Malakh
    Had my ass handed to me by GodEater. Haven't met any ohers, but I'm holding off on rocking ranked matches until my stick comes in the mail.

    Oh, and one of my roommates fought HappyFriend Lau.

    EDIT: Just fought Kunfusmurf. Fun fight, that.
  6. dapheenom

    dapheenom Well-Known Member

    I've been bodied by Plague, Kamais_Ookin, and Gernburgs so far.
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  7. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member

    For some reason, my PSN isn't saving 'people met' records for this game, so I can't even check afterward if I fight someone good.
  8. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    MarlyJay, Seidon, B_feck, animalstaccato, Kingo, Krye, THRfin, Blossy, Chief Gutti to name a few.
  9. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I've played loads of people from VFDC.
  10. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Ditto. How does one have ggs playing against people that aren't on VFDC?
  11. Shinobix23

    Shinobix23 Member

    I played against Glory85 yesterday in xbl, very good taka player.
  12. KillaKen

    KillaKen Well-Known Member

    I've noticed some names, but they probably don't know of me anyway.
  13. Shinzu921

    Shinzu921 Active Member

    I've run into legendaryplayer90 and he keeps handing me my butt with a happy smile, what can I say?

    Oh, and I just fought you, Shinobix23.... fairly even matches dare I say.
  14. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    i doubt one would. the players on this site are VERY good apparently. i played another VF.com'er, VFNumbers, the other day and it was closer than my matches against Tiripsem but i still lost the matches. looks like i'm not at that level yet :\
  15. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    that PSN handle of yours, Alucardx25, looks familiar. did i play you once? i know i played someone with an Alucard in their handle...
  16. def

    def Well-Known Member

    I know i fought against at least one person from here, s/he's an Aoi player, i think his/her psn id is trip-something.
  17. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    probably Tiripsem :p

    Tiripsem destroyed me. you probably fared better i'm guessing lol
  18. FakeSypha

    FakeSypha Active Member

    I believe I've fought a couple times against BLACK LAC. I could only win once, and it was mostly luck. Oh, in one fight I ringed out myself with one of Vane's throws in which she rolls backwards. That was a fun match xD

    Vanessa mirror matches are hot, lol!
  19. Snowgoons

    Snowgoons Member

    From what I can remember I fought BLAC LAC a couple of times, and Kamais_Ookin. They both fucked me up haha.
  20. Venussail

    Venussail Active Member

    I've fought biZarre Logic, Kamais, and gastinell to name a few.

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