Hello Again! and Shun Question

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by RealAikiVF, Mar 4, 2002.

  1. RealAikiVF

    RealAikiVF New Member

    Well, I may have been away for the last year or so, but I am back! Anyway, my question is whether or not Shun's back-turned P+G throw is still guarranteed after a MC or mc b, b+P.

  2. akira2001

    akira2001 Well-Known Member

    Good question!! Wish I knew. I have a question for you-

    What is required for Shun's (back turned) P+K+G, P,P,P,etc throw? Is it that the last hit must connect? Or does it reqr a counter?
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    RTF<a target="_blank" href=http://virtuafighter.com/commands/index.php?chara=shun>CommandList</a>
  4. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    That didnt answer any of the questions Myke:) In my short experience if the BT throw is guaranteed after b,b+p its under different conditions than was previously required. Also BT p+k+g,pp is also a bit of a mystery to me something must hit I just dont understand what part yet. So sorry for being of little help. If anyone busts out concrete info on this please post. As I will do If I by some miracle I actually figure it out:)
  5. Hadaka

    Hadaka Member

    As I understand it, the TT P+K+G,P,P last hit must connect and you must have 10 DP atleast.
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    That didnt answer any of the questions Myke:)

    Yes it did!

    The Command List clearly indicates the condition for the [BT] P+K+G, P, P into auto-throw, and that is, if Shun has 10 drink points and the last P hits, then you get the auto-throw. So there! :p

    As for the b,b+P (MC) into guaranteed BT throw, I don't know the answer to this but if I were to guess I would say yes. But you know, what's it gonna hurt for someone to just try it out in the heat of battle. You know, try something out before knowing if it works or not!? What a concept, eh?
  7. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    okay okay I didnt see the little hit thing in the movelist sorry:) I have been trying b,b+p,p+g out in battle and it doesnt seem to be gauranteed on MC with 14 dp. Maybe with other parameters met it is. Myke what leaves you to believe it is guaranteed?
  8. akira2001

    akira2001 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the help everyone.

    Guess next time I should check the COMMAND LIST so I don't get "reamed a new one".
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Myke what leaves you to believe it is guaranteed?

    The fact that it was in VF3. Like I said, that's only if I had to guess.

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