Help Against Pai!

Discussion in 'Pai' started by SoundWave, May 16, 2003.

  1. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    I have such trouble with Pai when playing as my Aoi! and even as Lau! With Aoi i'm not used to people being able to keep up with me so her speed really throws me off, also she has so many double strikes and flashy moves i sometimes dont even know where i'm bein hit! Any tips against her would be great, thanks.
  2. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Join the club.
    Pai's main strength against Aoi is her double-fisted stuff (which will float you when yer in YY) and her double-legged stuff that you can "reverse" but is actually just an evade.

    Her evasive attack is also full-crescent, which sucks balls.

    Basically, Aoi's defensive tools are severely weakend.
    Depending on how much damage you have, ducking instead of eating Pai's [2_][3][6][P] is not a bad option. Also gets you out of [2_][6][P]+[G]
    Remember what's throw counter-able and what's not.
    [1][K]+[G] is, even thow it looks like it has fast recovery.
    Don't fall sucker for her doing one [K], then another [K][K]. That's a lot of damage if you try to throw after the first K.
    Also be weary of the follow up [P] after [3][K] - this can be tricky.
    Last but not least, be careful when throwing after she tech rolls, as there's a good chance that there's a [4][4][P][K] coming (I guess the same could be said about Aoi though)

    Good luck soldier.
  3. SenoB

    SenoB Well-Known Member

    A lot of her moves are very much throw counterable. Pai players love to poke constantly with her, then throw out either combos or interrupts (MC) to try and set up guessing games. My recommendation is to brush up on counters, play as her for a good while, especially against the CPU Aoi, and get a good feel for the strengths and weaknesses of both.
  4. SliceOfPai

    SliceOfPai Well-Known Member

    SenoB's right. I'm a Pai player and that's exactly how I play. I think your best bet would be to try and learn her combos. That way you have an idea of what's coming and can have a reversal handy. I think Gaijin said something about her [1][K]+[G] being easily countered cuz it LOOKS like it has fast recovery when it really doesn't (I've found this out the hard way). Just beware of it. If she catches you with it and you're not ready to respond, that move some how holds a [2_]charge which she can then use to go into her [2_],[6]+[P]+[G] (her 2nd strongest throw) or her [2_], [6]+[P] and juggle you.

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