Help Needed!!

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by jt1akira, Feb 1, 2002.

  1. jt1akira

    jt1akira Well-Known Member

    May I know where to get vf4 game in Singapore now??Seems like everyone having it already...pirated or watever...and also any recommendations where to get a completely modified ps2 which k play dvd as well as jap n english version games??thanks...
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I dun know about singapore, but the source for modified ps2 stuff is <a target="_blank" href=></a> ... as for a downloadable copy of the game itself, that's a little tougher.
  3. Genie47

    Genie47 Well-Known Member

    Go online to

    Seow Choon has it as well. Check it out. And no I can't get a PS2 and the whole VF2 shebang. Wifey is watching my purse + I'm due in Perth this Mar. Sigh /versus/images/icons/frown.gif

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