Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by dynamic-league, Aug 29, 2001.

  1. dynamic-league

    dynamic-league Well-Known Member

    Firstly, I must ask the moderators to have mercy on me on this occasion and allow me this post. This is no joke.

    I have just come off the phone to the Managing Director of SEGA Europe. We have been discussing the launch of VF4. He is interested in supporting a European launch attached to a Tournament. He wants to see evidence that players are interested in such a project. He will be visiting Casino to see how the Dynamic League is working over the next 2 weeks and he will be asking lots of questions.

    HELP !
    Please could any UK players, that can, support the cause. If you see anybody asking questions about the Dynamic League please say it's great and that you love VF4 and that you want a machine in your home town.

    I'm panicking. If he gives the go ahead we will get official support from SEGA and loads of official prize merchandise etc. AND we will get support from the Arcade operators. We can then send for a some International players to come to the UK.

    If this works perhaps other VF fans should try this in their own country. The more players we have the more fun it is.

    I will keep you posted on progress depending on how the moderators take it. I obviously can't post this on the Dynamic League website as he will browse it at some point in the near future.

    I need all the help I can get this is the real thing.

    "Rise to the challenge"

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