Help with Goh...

Discussion in 'Goh' started by FilthyHands, Aug 23, 2003.

  1. FilthyHands

    FilthyHands Active Member

    I just started using Goh in VF4:Evo,and I'm having a hard time finding any good combos with him.Also,his "tsukami" throws,when do you enter
    [6][6][P]+[G] or any of the othercommands after you grab your opponent?When I do it,Goh just walks foward or whatever direction I'm pressing or he'll do it after like 3 steps foward.Any help would be good.
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Check out my goh guide. It's here.

    Bummer, it's not updated yet. But myke has the new one which has a ton more info. You'll see a combos section in there, but if you have the patience... read it all.
  3. FilthyHands

    FilthyHands Active Member

    Wow,thats a great guide you got there...well thanks alot for the help(Imean it).I'm still new with Goh but I'm practicing alot.He's already a fav right along with Akira and Kage.Well,the guide was great,thanks again...
  4. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    I know this sounds classic...

    You seem to be new at playing Virtua Fighter (welcome to a wonderful game).
    I, and many others I think, would fully recommend that you don't pick Goh as a starting character when starting to play the game. And you shouldn't take that as motivation to try harder either.

    To use Goh, and have fun with him for a longer period, requires one to have full understanding of the Virtua Fighter game engine itself and basicly an understanding of the character you're about to fight aswell. This takes time. I'm just saying this cause I've seen many people pick Goh up and then drop him which might not give you that enjoyable feeling that playing the game actually is and leave you with a bitter aftertaste. So my tip (take it or leave it) is to play Kage first and then later, when you're ready, go back to Goh.
  5. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: I know this sounds classic...

    I don't agree with that. If you want to use goh, then go ahead and play as goh even if you are starting to play the game. Just remember learning the character is equally important as learning how the game works. So don't ignore all the info in the tutorials. Look through training mode and learn the things that applies to all the characters, such as evade, advantage, disadvantange, throw escape... etc. etc...

  6. FilthyHands

    FilthyHands Active Member

    Re: I know this sounds classic...

    To be honest,the first time I picked up a VF game was on the Dreamcast(VF3tb).I found the game to be dificult since I grew up on Tekken(I know,eww...).I still played it and loved.When the original VF4 came out I didn't have a chance to pick it up,so Evo was a huge blessing for me.I tryed playing as Kage and found him to be pretty easy to use,but when I started to use Goh Icoudn't stop because I really liked the his style.But I really don't know a thing about using him,only whats most obvious.

    So,Kage is recomended?I'll try him then.Thanks for the pointers.
  7. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    CreeD said:

    Check out my goh guide. It's here.

    Bummer, it's not updated yet. But myke has the new one which has a ton more info. You'll see a combos section in there, but if you have the patience... read it all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    When is that new one gonna be available?

    It seems to me that Goh relies on fairly simple tactics like [P], [3][P], [4][3_][P], universal [2][P], CD into shoulder barge (which can beat [2][P]) and his wide arsenal of throws.
    what do others think though? Would he be considered expert or intermediate in the ratings they had in the VF4 game?

    Brad seems tougher since he doesn't have a particular safe or fast mid stagger like Goh. Alot of his moves can be dodged and he's vunerable during sways so this has to be used at the right time. His throwing game is not as abuable either. I don't think he has one safe low or a move which counters low punch. I think avanced movements are more important for him as well.
  8. FilthyHands

    FilthyHands Active Member

    Are there any effective combos against fast charecters?I have alot trouble when I face Sarah or Pai.Also,does he have any reversals?
    Any help would nice.
  9. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    it's all in the guide, which was updated.

    His P+K is a reversal against just about any punch. If you just enter P+K you get some frame advantage, if you enter P+K, P+G you will deflect their punch and grab them.

    b,f+K sabakis most kicks.
    df+P+K works against mid punches or elbows, guarantees a throw if goh yells "ahoy!"
    b,df+P+K wipes out low punches and guarantees many followups.

    For lightweights your combos are the same as vs mids but with an extra punch, generally.

    Just go all the way through that guide and if there's anything I didn't think of, ask away. I have combos, reversals, etc all in there.
  10. FilthyHands

    FilthyHands Active Member

    Alright then,I'll check your guide and get back to you when I think I need more help(if thats ok with you).Thanks for the help!!
  11. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    About the Tsukami Throw moves. Don't enter [6][6]+[P]+[G] as fast. Enter forward, forward, P+G as he moves. If you're able to enter the second forward+[P]+[G] right after you finish your first forward you'll notice things are a little faster. I had the same problem when I started using goh (just for testing and knowledge of the character, as I don't Use it).
    Don't press the tsukami's commands as if you were doing a combo. Press them as goh moves (but not too slow or the opponent will escape in no time..).
  12. FilthyHands

    FilthyHands Active Member

    WOW...I have no clue how to thank for the help.The problem was,just you sayed.I entered it as [6][6][P]+[G].So then I tried entering it as [6]...[6]...[P]+[G] and it worked!!.I use [2][P]+[K]+[G] whenever the opponent crouches down wich leads into grab,so it is one of my main tactics(or so I wanted it to be...).
  13. S_HIRYU

    S_HIRYU New Member

    CreeD, I'm in the process of learning Goh as well, and just wanted to thatnk you for the guide, which will prove most helpful...
  14. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Glad to help - I hope it all makes sense and works for you. Lemme know if anything needs explaining or seems wrong.
  15. FilthyHands

    FilthyHands Active Member

    Creed,your guide isreally great.Its helping me out alot now that I read it a little more.Thaks.

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