Hit Sparks In VF5US A Step Backward???

Discussion in 'Console' started by masterpo, May 29, 2021.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    One of the features that made the Virtua Fighter series stand out over the other 3D fighting game was its clean look and quasi-realism. Virtua Fighter has always been a masterpiece graphically. Its no nonsense graphics has always set it apart and above its competition. It has always been the closest thing you could get to an arcade martial arts simulation. IMO the Hits Sparks in VF represent a BIG step backward for Virtua Fighter in the graphics department. They get in the way of animations. They clutter up the screen, and the information that they purport to provide is already sufficiently represented in VF, or could have been communicated in other ways. AM2 should have been a innovator in this area. Now it just looks like VF is going to be a poor man's Tekken. The hit sparks in Tekken are invasive and obstruct some pretty impressive graphics. It appears that VF is going down the same lazy road:cry: that Tekken chose. I admired Virtua Fighter for being among the few, now it appears that Virtua Fighter is going the way of the many.

    I truly hope there is an option in settings that will allow those of us who don't want to see sparks in our Virtua Fighter to turn them off.

    Some players don't care whether there are sparks or not.
    Some believe that the sparks will make it easier for new comers to play the game.
    Some players believe it makes the game look modern:eek:
    Some players will loose respect for VF simply because it now has hit sparks and explosions

    Virtua Fighter has always been a leader and innovator of graphics in the 3D Fighting game arena. Its very disappointing to see them following Tekken's lead.

    • Will Virtua Fighter also follow Tekken's lead by having no real single player content?
    • Will Virtua Fighter also follow Tekken's lead by having an abbreviated arcade mode?
    • Do we have to look forward to fighting Kangeroos, Panda Bears, Xray Eyes, Devil Wings, and Robots?

    If Virtua Fighter is just simply going to follow Tekken's lead, then VF has become the pretender and maybe Tekken 8 represents the real future of 3D fighting games:oops:
    beanboy and Gibon like this.
  2. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    To tell you the truth, I didn't notice the hit sparks until I saw people talking about them. I don't mind If SEGA wants to make VF more appealing, visually. And, honestly, I don't think that hit sparks is the first step to a path that leads to kangaroo boxers, fighting pandas and devil Akira, with bat wings and everything. It's just a little spark, that's all :)

    VF was dead for more than ten years, and now it is alive, again. And that is the most important.
    Hui_Xiu, joanot, Sozos and 4 others like this.
  3. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    ..... Ever dramatic VF philosopher still I see? I think your overreacting somewhat. Having hit sparks is fine but...

    I think that after certain moves they shouldn't exist. Like throws for example
    Last edited: May 29, 2021
    Hui_Xiu likes this.
  4. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    If it can be turned off for the purist, that would be cool.

    But we have to agree that the hit sparks are really well made ! It may be the best hit sparks that i have seen in a 3D fighting game. They are very Yakuza-ish and SEGA-ish, it's not too much and they surprisingly fit well in the game.

    I think once i'll be used to it, i will no care. And Virtua Fighter has always been a very arcady game so...
    Hui_Xiu, Zekiel and SSShinji like this.
  5. SSShinji

    SSShinji Active Member

    The new "Hit Sparks" is a step forward for sure. The constant criticisms usually are about VF sometimes looking a bit too plain and "boring". Hitting feels like lacking that requisite "impact" and feel-good elements of punishing your opponents.
    These are legit constructive criticisms that I have been hearing from many people and friends about VF, including some high-level players who play other popular fighting game franchises.
    These new HS are giving extra "oomph" to your attacks and will also help "new players" to identify the type of hits that they are getting on their opponents. Whether it is a counter hit, if the hit got blocked, or whether a particular attack actually still hitting an opponent during a tight combo string.
    I have been a long-time VF fan and I personally think that the addition was Awesome!!
    But, hey, just my opinion :)
    VF, Banzaiii!!!
  6. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    The hit sparks are actually nice looking in this game. There are multiple ones also depending on power. Y’all focusing on the wrong things when it comes to hitpsarks. I’m just saying.
    Hui_Xiu, jinxhand, Zekiel and 2 others like this.
  7. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    They kind of look more like water mixed with smoke effects with slight particles rather than sparks. Which is cool. I can't say I won't get used to it. But it's still a sudden and very noticeable visual change, for me at least.. It's going to take time to get used to.

    It's just different. And anything different visually takes adjusting when you've been seeing the same thing for so many years. Like in the game Trackmania. They completely remade the cars and they looked weird to me. But now, I think the cars look way better than the older ones.

    At a bare minimum change, I think they don't need to be there during throws. I'm only guessing they were put there to help confirm hits, and eye candy.
    Last edited: May 29, 2021
    Hui_Xiu and Zekiel like this.
  8. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    If hit sparks are your thing, and if it adds flare to the game you, and you feel it brings more information to the game for new players its all good You are entitled to your opinion. I know for many players hit sparks will make you feel like you finally fit in, and that you have a legitimate game now. Its all good. No worries.

    For me it cheapens the graphics, it lowers VF's stunning visual appeal. It marks one of the few times VF has been a follower and not the innovator in a fighting game technology. Without the hit sparks, VF was unique in its visual presentation. It was the only arcade fighting game that gave a sense of visceral combat without the on-screen pyrotechnics. Now that Virtua Fighter has added hit sparks it looks a little like it could be a Tekken mini-game, just with fewer characters and simpler stages.

    If its all about making VF look more exciting and appealing to the FGC masses, there is a lot more VF can do:holla: Tekken has been very successful over the last several years. Why not go all in and just jump fully on the Tekken train? Why not add some animal mascots? Eileen does monkey kung fu, Why not add a fighting monkey to the game as a pet for Eileen? Jeffrey hunts the devil shark, why not give him graphics that has a shark animation bite the opponent at the end of a complex combo.. Leon does Praying Mantis Kung Fu, why not have Leon momentarily slightly transform into a praying mantis during a complex successful combo. If we're lucky maybe there will be rage art animations as DLC. I play Yakuza and Judgment. They both have a kind of rage art animation, since we're taking hit sparks from Judgment, we might be able to look forward to rage art, and rage drives from Judgment as well. This could mean very bright things in the future for VF. Very BRIGHT:cautious:

    Hell, there are lots of things that VF could do to make the game more visually exciting and acceptable to the 2D fighting community :ROTFL: Kage could definitely benefit from Fireballs and the ability to throw shurikens. And the possibilities are endless with Shun Di? Why should Virtua Fighter stop at Hit Sparks. Let's go all in:LOL: Why not go after Tekken Clone of the Year award. Since we're on the slope why not slide all the way down:) Imagine if in addition to Hit Sparks VF adds Fatalities!

    Will VF also follow Tekken by removing single player modes:oops:

    As long as the VF community gets larger and there are more people to play online and we eventually get roll-back, and we get VF6 or VFekken that's all that matters in the end. VF will finally be a legitimate fighting game with a large fighting game community. That's a good thing right:meh:
    Hui_Xiu and Gibon like this.
  9. Gibon

    Gibon Well-Known Member

    The hit sparks in VF5US are horrible.

    They obscure the animations and clutter the screen for no good reason.

    This is going to be ignored by most people, but hated by VF purists.

    It was really dumb to add this if there's no option to turn it OFF (and there doesn't see to be one right now).
    masterpo likes this.
  10. OniwabanCL

    OniwabanCL Member

    Hey! we get a new Virtua Fighter with stunning new graphics and focus on the e-sport with a strong support from Sega but the game is ruined about the sparks FX (?)... unbelievable

    " I admired Virtua Fighter for being among the few, now it appears that Virtua Fighter is going the way of the many."
    this sentence is the most contradictory idea. "I want a new VF, I want VF6 but I don't want the game be popular , I WANT MY OWN VF, IWANT TO FEEL SPECIAL AGAIN"! but this idea almost made VF disapear

    Again stop the nonsense, this idea that you play VF make you a kind of "artist" or "special" is so annoying

    This post is full of nonsense and futile whining
    Zekiel and masterpo like this.
  11. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    If there is an option to turn the Hit Sparks off, and there is more offline content than an abbreviated Arcade mode (e.g. Sparring Mode, License Mode, Quest Mode, Team Battle Mode, Offline Tournament mode) then there are no worries. Otherwise its not a new VF game, its a new Tekken mini-game and I will be looking forward to fighting Kangeroos, Panda Bears, Biting Sharks, Flying Monkeys, Fireballs and Fatalities in the future. All with very good rollback netcode and major support from Sega and a new massive online community.:cool:

    After all it is better to have a vibrant, thriving, Tekken Clone community with rollback, than to have a dead but superior Virtua Fighter community with no hit sparks;)

    I just want to know will the Kangeroo, Panda, and Monkey be available as DLC soon, or do we have to wait until VFekken 6:ROTFL:
    Gibon likes this.
  12. Emptyeyes

    Emptyeyes Well-Known Member

    I can't really say that it's a step backwards. Although, people should accept that nothing is new under the sun. Repetition and adoptive concepts are what makes humans, limiting to gaming developers, more alike than they are different.

    A little obscurity wouldn't hurt, but innovation has already been established long ago, and people's expectations shouldn't be so high. What stays true to form to what was already a success, should be preserved.
    Last edited: May 29, 2021
    masterpo likes this.
  13. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Not a huge fan of the hit sparks, but the good thing is, at least they don't look overdone, and they don't look too cheesy. But, there were some instances, where when Sarah did some her kick moves, it actually obscured her kick animation. Hopefully, there is an option to resize the hit sparks, or make them smaller, or turn it off completely.
    Zekiel, masterpo and Gibon like this.
  14. Gibon

    Gibon Well-Known Member

    Maximilian Dood streamed it for many hours and there was no sign of such an option. I think it's safe to say it doesn't exist in the build that's going online on June 1st.
    beanboy likes this.
  15. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    This is exactly how I felt as well. Hated the sparks at first and really didn't think much of the first trailer, but the more I see of the game the more I like it and the large coloured sparks will be a huge help to new players.

    The game is looking great and I have a feeling after a few days we'll be fine with all the new changes. Right now it's just us being so used to the old game. One thing is for certain, watching the game in motion in high quality video is a thing of beauty, although I'm still not convinced on the new faces.
    Zekiel and charleypk222 like this.
  16. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Maximilian Dood is in the camp of 2D fighter enthusiasts that wouldn't have a problem with fireballs, and super moves being added to VF. He along with many other like minded players are excited to see the hit sparks in VF. The Hit Sparks to his camp makes VF a more viable, more plausible, more likeable, more playable game.

    So even if there were such an option, he wouldn't have even noticed it. Let own streamed game play with Sparks turned off.:cool:

    The fact of the matter is that folks that are fairly new to the fight game scene have only known: hit sparks, fireballs, explosions, super moves, comeback mechanics, fighting kangeroos, wolves, panda bears, robots, scorpion tales, rage art, rage drive, power ups, flying, tele-porting, disappearing-reappearing, and other 2D fighting game shenanigans. So the Hit Sparks in VF5US will appear normal, and may even go unnoticed (which theoretically defeats the point). As long as we get rollback, a big active community and support from Sega who cares whether VF has become Tekken lite. Who cares if VF5US could be a Tekken Mini-game in Tekken 8

    Well if they've added Hit Sparks in VF that cannot be turned off, then the next question is will we have to wait for our own customizable marsupial in VFekken 6 or can we expect it in the Season 2 DLC:whistle:

    Will the offline features: offline tournament mode, offline team battle, sparring mode, license mode, be in Season 2 DLC, or will offline content be totally dependent on how successful previous DLC is:cautious:

    I guess Katsuhiro Harada gets the last laugh after all:ROTFL: He wanted to produce the next version of VF and add Hit Sparks, and the VF community scoffed. Who would have guessed? No Harada and VF5US still looks like an entry level Tekken:rolleyes:
  17. Gibon

    Gibon Well-Known Member

    He went through the various menus and everybody can see that there simply is no option to turn the hit sparks off as of now. Maybe they will add it in a patch post-launch, but I doubt it. I think they assume to know "what's best". Except they had failed numerous times since VF4: EVO (the last commercially relevant VF game, really).
    Last edited: May 29, 2021
  18. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Yeah, I watched his preview, but I did not see him go through the settings screen:unsure:
  19. Gibon

    Gibon Well-Known Member

    He does it at least one point and there is no option for that. I don't mean the preview. He did a 5+ hours long stream on Twitch.
  20. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    That's sad news to hear:(

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