Homestay Akira's Virtua Education

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Myke, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage


    Chapter 1: The Road To Becoming Strong
    Written by kamaage and Homestay Akira
    Translated by Reno
    Edited by Myke

    Proficiency in Virtua Fighter is akin to climbing a set of stairs -- taking it one step at a time -- so like climbing a set of stairs, we'll break this subject down piece by piece.

    I talked to Homestay Akira about this subject. His strength comes not from his reaction nor from his ability to read his opponent, but from the fact that he had to climb more stairs than anyone else. A little bit hard to understand? It might be, so I thought it would be best for him to explain how to climb that proverbial staircase.

    The necessary challenges and how to digest them
    In order to really get what Homestay is saying and climb the ladder, you have to properly "digest" the contents of what he says. You'll be able to get a little bit stronger if you're able to do this.

    The Issues
    Virtua Fighter is very much a game where you have to "do" something. If you have an offense, you have "do" combos, and if you have a defense, you have to "do" fuzzy guard. I don't think a thorough explanation is necessary, but if you miss your combo, the damage you deal lessens, and if you flub your fuzzy guard then you'll eat more and more damage from your opponent. Therefore, winning is directly linked to your mistakes.

    Don't mistake the order of the issues
    Every action has a foundation and an application. Therefore, if you find yourself in a situation where you don't understand the foundation of an action, you'll definitely be in trouble. Once you're able to break down the fundamentals of offense and defense, and the advantages and disadvantages of each, then it's important to move on to the matter of application.

    Don't juggle several issues at once
    For example, combos and throw escapes. These two elements are the foundations of offense and defense, but trying to perfect both of them at the same time is dangerous. Even without dividing your concentration between the two elements, any understanding that you may have of said elements is just an illusion. Therefore the issues you have as a player should be tackled one at a time, and you especially shouldn't juggle more than two at a time.

    The order of your issues is related to your own concept of Virtua Fighter
    Winning in Virtua Fighter comes down to two concepts: "Do as much damage to your opponent as you can before they can do it to you", and "If I don't take damage from my opponent, I won't lose". Once you are able to figure out which concept really fits you as a person, then you'll become a lot more efficient.

    In Homestay Akira's case, he's the latter type, so he shifted his focus on that and began to work on his defense. At first, Homestay's ratio of offense and defense was something like 8:2, so he started to tackle the issue of defense. Once he firmly understood the fundamentals of defense in Virtua Fighter, he slowly shifted his attention to the the matter of offense.

    Taking it one step at a time
    Homestay Akira really emphasized this point several times. For example, when practicing Akira's SPoD, you should not practice doing the entire thing all at once. To start, get the first hit off. Once you're able to do that absolutely perfectly, do the first and second hit until you can do that perfectly. Once you can do that, add the third hit.

    Remembering this doesn't mean that you'll safely execute it 100% of the time. And I can't completely say with this that you have digested all of the issues at hand.

    On top of all of that, you need to evade with 100% accuracy, by inputting up or down properly. Sometimes, when you input up, your character jumps. You must delete those errors from your playstyle. So the first thing to perfect is inputting up or down with 100% accuracy.

    Once you can do that, the next thing to do is to evade and throw escape at the same time. Then practice the easiest throw escape direction, the one you feel most comfortable with. Depending on person, the easiest throw protection might be [4][P][+][G] or [6][P][+][G]. Just practice the one you're most comfortable with. Once you can do that, then you need to evade with throw escape in any direction. When you can do that, repeat it again, but this time evading with multiple throw escapes.

    By piling up your practice like this, you can reduce your misses and reduce the damage taken.

    The Summary
    Virtua Fighter is a game that in order to get good, you need to gather up the elements that are directly related to winning or losing, and to boost them to the best of your abilities.
  2. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Thanks to Homestay and Kamaage for providing us with this, especially Kamaage for answering questions I had about the original article, which was sometimes a bit hard to grasp.

    Sometimes it's best to go back to the basics and while translating this article I thought about what kind of fundamentals I was missing in my game and what I need to improve. So I was able to gain quite a bit from reading/translating it.
  3. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Nice stuff. Looking forward to the next chapter.
  4. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    fucking awesome! [​IMG]
  5. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Nothing Fancy.. Just the Basics. This will get you very far in VF. Nice Post.

    Everything Homestay said is so true.
    I kinda drifted back to the day i learn how to play basketball. I started with Defense first full time. Once i mastered that i learn offense and it blended without over loading Then the MVP trophy came rolling in like achievements lol!!!. Like i said before there is no Shortcuts to playing VF.
  6. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Thanks guys, I hope that we'll all be stimulated into improving our own play from this. Play your best and play to win.
  7. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Unless you're Masterpo
  8. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Thank you Homestay Akira, Kamaage, Reno and Myke for getting this interview to us. I hope there is more to come [​IMG]
  9. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    I just got educated on a few things! [​IMG]

    Thanks to Homestay Akira and Kamaage.
  10. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Beginning and intermediate players should learn to start playing the game like this once they figure this out everything else will fall into place. I began to do this and the importance of what was said here can never be underestimated. Great post.
  11. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    This has been a good read. Granted, it's stuff that I already knew, but never wanted to commit to applying it. I never wanted to switch from Brad to a different character online because I wanted to go with whom I knew the most with. In addition, I never wanted to play online just to practice basics without caring if I "put on a good impression" regarding my overall play.

    It's good to read that even a pro took this elementary approach and became what he did. It may sound silly, but knowing this gave me the push to just play and not worry about what people think. This should improve my gameplay in the long run.

    Good article.
  12. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Excuse me guys, while I go to training mode.

    This was a great read and it applies to more than just VF. It's a way to live ones life.
  13. llMICll

    llMICll Well-Known Member

    This is definitely a good read. I feel like this will eventually become the vf Bible, or something like Virt Fi Do, "The way of playing Virtua Fighter."
  14. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    So awesome to see content created by pros just for VFDC. We're already the best site on the net for VF info. I've heard from some that we're best organized of most, if not all, fighting game sites. So freakin' cool. [​IMG]

    Thank you to Kamaage and Homestay for doing this.
  15. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    This is great, combined with feedback and tips/suggestions from fellow VFDC'rs I shall continue to grow until I'm Indestructable! The last man staanding~

    As said above thanks to Homestay, Kamaage, Reno and Myke.
  16. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    This is true.
  17. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Now you gave me inspiration to possibly fix the long overdue combolists here..
  18. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    Awesome post. i always practiced my basics and try to perfect it to the best of my abilities. The issues of not recognizing my opponent unfamiliar attack patterns, over analyzing situations, my ego, and failure to adapt to the raging waters in a match makes me truly realize why i sux. what am i saying gotta keep improving one step at a time.
  19. kamaage

    kamaage Active Member

    Thanks Reno for your translation!
  20. LegendaryHero90

    LegendaryHero90 Well-Known Member

    "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”

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