How does Shun turn around and Drink twice?

Discussion in 'Shun' started by Pnasty, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. Pnasty

    Pnasty New Member

    As seen at 1:50 here.
  2. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    [3][P][4] Instead of doing a clean [3][P] you cancel it with [4] and shund di does the move that gives you 2 drunken points.
  3. Pnasty

    Pnasty New Member

    Oooooo Is there enough time at the end of a round to do it twice?

    SQUIIDUX Active Member

    most folks do the [G][+][P][+][K] , 3 [P]4, 4 [G][+][P][+][K]
  5. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I think just P+K+G out from BT stance is slightly faster, turn works after quick moves sure. Getting 4 DP for roundwin is the norm after most semi-fast moves (at least 3K kill hit still works, but look below for a better option from it). Oushin P and 6K (rolling double kick, not sure which stance) both quarantee 4 DP too.

    But there are better ways. The basic roundwin game is finishing with P or 2P which gives usually free 6P+K (5 DP). Also 46P (11f P, first punch) as a finisher requires 2P before 6P+K. From long range 33P kill 2P allows for 6P+K. There are other tricks too to get 6P+K, near wall and side hits for example, they require their own thread really.

    Even better than above, 3K gives 6 DP by doing P+K+G, 6P+K afterwards. Side hit works too sometimes, when in doubt skip the P+K+G. I try to get 3K eaten if I reeeally need dat booze.

    The Grand Slam is hitting 6P+K clean. Wait until 5 DP register and instantly get to Oushin (P+K+G) and drink 2 DP more, 7 DP total. Get wasted people, I see too rarely good drinking online. Drinking a lot is a key to make Shunshine, you may or may not get the chance during rounds (they are many tricks for that too).

    That BT Sou stance move gives 2 DP, but can be suicidal unless opponent is further away. The animation seems to avoid some highs after blocked P(G) though. Much better to go straight to stance mixups up close. -
  6. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    Shun is Drunk
    Drink! Drink! Drink!
    Genesis likes this.
  7. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    I guess I forgot but watching Evo play of Fuudo, Itazan and Kissa gives great ideas for drinking too. Standing P is the simplest way to drink 5 DP by 6 P+K as are many other P finishers with "slow drop" of opponent. Experimenting!
    SQUIIDUX likes this.
  8. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    Just watching Evo2012 Fuudo vs Itazan. It seems 46P as a KO followed immediatedly by P+K4 P+K+G x3 clocks 5 DP too. Never thought about that! It's 11 frames! This is possible at least after second 46PP hit KO too. Maybe also after the third one?

    Tight timing I guess, but seems not as tight as 2P knockout, 6P+K (5 DP), P+K+G to Oushin and P+K+G -> 7 DP. That's most awesome and after standing P may possible too. If you want 7 Dp after KO otherwise, 6P+K seems the only option but hitting it is a feat.
    SQUIIDUX likes this.
  9. Phoxx

    Phoxx Well-Known Member

    Phoxx 3D
    Sit down. Drank. Stand up. Drank. Pass out. Drank. Wake up. Drank. Faded. Drank. Faded. Drank.
  10. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    OK so I guess we need a drinking thread, but just saw an replay where 3P killed with a short float and 2P to 6 P+K gave 5 DP too. It seems 2P after a float kill generally allows for 6 P+K but specifics should be tested out. Getting 5 DP out of 3P by itself is awesome. I plan to find out all moves where 2P helps.

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