How to Play Lei Fei - For You and Me.

Discussion in 'Lei' started by ShaolinTAO, Jun 3, 2003.

  1. ShaolinTAO

    ShaolinTAO Active Member

    How to Play Lei Fei - For You and Me.

    VIRTUA FIGHTER 4 (***not*** EVO)

    **Greetings everyone. I've been working with Lei Fei for a while now, and there's a bunch of stuff I wish I coulda' known before I started learning him. With that in mind for newcomers, I present my knowledge of Lei Fei. NOTE:


    ** It's not technical - it's about the nature of moves, instead of the moves themselves. It's a bit of the sense, I hope, you gain over playing for a while, now.
    ** I've read all I can here on Versus City, the Lei Fei Dojo, et cetera. But between you and I, it gets too technical for me. There's a glossary longer than John Holmes, and when it comes down it a grasshopper wants to jump - not read all day.
    ** This is my Tao of Fei, for people who hate FAQs.

    1 - why you should choose lei fei
    2 - stances
    3 - the rules
    4 - defendin' yo'sef
    5 - flows
    6 - combos
    7 - your enemy and you: tips for the savvy muthafukka
    8 - in closing...



    'Cause he's the cool one. Moving on...


    2: STANCES

    ** Lei Fei is all about stances. The secret to mastering him is understanding what stance you're in, what stance you're wanna' be in, and what the best way to get from A to B is. From any given stance, Lei can unleash unexpected, gorgeous, devastating moves that will most often leave your adversary with a very satisfying crease in their brow.

    ** The stances are as follows:

    ***** uh... SHIKI (no stance)
    ***** NEHAN SHIKI (evade stance) = [1][P]+[K]+[G]
    ***** HAI SHIKI (defeat-miss stance) =[2][P]+[K]+[G]
    ***** KOKO SHIKI (tiger stance) = (various moves)
    ***** and
    ***** DOKURITSU SHIKI (crane stance) = [8][P]+[K]+[G]

    ** On reading these names, and perhaps even seeing them on your TV, you should be fairly unimpressed. It's true, he's just standing there like an overzealous Twister contestant, but the power shall be unleashed.
    ** Oh yes.

    ** Now there are a few basic moves that Lei can perform (with a little variation) from each stance. From every stance ('cept Tiger), you have a sidestep attack, that evades. From every stance ('cept Tiger) you have a sweep. From every stance ('cept Hai Shiki) you have a sabaki, which will reverse attacks. From every stance, you have a flying roundhouse kick (cept Crane stance). So from every stance, you have a move that will knock the enemy on their ass no matter what they come at you with, so long as you learn your timing, and let them go first.
    ** So let's get to know our stances more intimately, shall we?

    *****NO STANCE*****
    From no stance, all your options are open. Attack, withdraw - you're neutral.
    ***** SWEEP: [2][K]+[G] (a little slow - good for bounce combos)
    ***** SABAKI: [2][3][6][P]+[K] (reverses high/medium elbows and punches. This is an amazing friend against Lau, Jacky, Wolf and Akira)
    *****KNOCK-EM-BACK: [2][P]+[K], [P] doesn't look like it'll be much use at first. It's faster than it seems, my friend. Standard punches will rust from lack of use.
    ***** FLYING ROUNDHOUSE: [8][K] or [8][K]+[G] or [6][6][K]+[G] (to land in Tiger stance, Neutral stance and Tiger stance, respectively)
    ***** SIDESTEP: [3] or [9][P]+[K] ([P]) (good round-opener - leaves you in Tiger stance)
    ***** KNOCK-EM-OUT-OF-THE-AIR: [4][K]+[G] ([K]) (very fast double-kick to the face, leaves you in Crane stance)
    ***** ShaolinTAO's Fav: [2][P]+[K],[P] (Fast as a standard punch, but twice as strong. Leaves you in Tiger stance - you're golden, Ponyboy)

    *****NEHAN SHIKI*****
    Nehan Shiki is a mostly defensive stance, used for evading attack and giving yourself some breathing room. With one of the fastest sweeps in the game, and the great diversionary kick, the defeat-miss stance will save your pride, if not your life.
    **NOTE: While in Nehan Shiki, you cannot step forward or back.
    ***** SWEEP: [2][K] (a WICKED fast sweep - good range - it's your friend)
    ***** SABAKI: [P] ([K]) or [P]+[K]([P],[P]) (each reverses all high attacks ('cept rotations))
    *****KNOCK-EM-BACK: None.
    ***** FLYING ROUNDHOUSE: [K] (leaves you in Tiger stance - try to execute this when it'll shove them back a little when they block - it'll give you time to counterattack in Koko Shiki)
    ***** SIDESTEP: [K] (it actually works to move you to the right, as well)
    ***** KNOCK-EM-OUT-OF-THE-AIR: [K] or [P],[K]. (use the flying kick when they're further away, and the [P],[K] sabaki when they're closer)
    ***** ShaolinTAO's FAV: [2][K] (when you sweep this fast, they call you Mister)

    ***HAI SHIKI***
    Hai Shiki is a fairly agressive stance. It is in no way defensive, except that you remain fairly low to the ground and some high attacks will not hit you. Mainly, Hai Shiki is offensive - you move forward into your enemy, forcing them back into a wall, until you unload the Wallbanger on them (see combos)
    **NOTE: While in Hai Shiki, you can move slowly forwards and back.
    ***** SWEEP: [2][K] (an all-round moderate sweep)
    ***** SABAKI: None. (but you can use [P], [P]+[K] to smack someone out of a lot of moves - same deal, without the zippy sound)
    *****KNOCK-EM-BACK: [P], [P]+[K] (still your friend - excellent for ring-outs, in conjunction with a charged [P]+[K]
    ***** FLYING ROUNDHOUSE: [K]+[G] (slow, but strong)
    ***** SIDESTEP: None - see SABAKI.
    ***** KNOCK-EM-OUT-OF-THE-AIR: [K] (this inocuous looking kick will pop an enemy into the air like it ain't no thang, and set you up for a pair of nice combos)
    ***** ShaolinTAO's FAV: [P], [P]+[K] (Ahhhhhhh.... good to have)

    *****TIGER STANCE*****
    Tiger Stance is neither as agressive as Hai Shiki, nor as defensive as Nehan Shiki. In Tiger Stance you are not running towards or away - you wait, patiently, for them to come to you. Ah ah! Patience. Let them step into the lair, before you show your claws.
    ** When they do, they're yours.
    NOTE: In Tiger Stance, you can slowly move forwards and back.
    ***** SWEEP: None. but [2][K] is quicker than most sweeps, and comes with a nice canned combo ([2][K],[P],[P]).
    ***** SABAKI: [K] (reverses low punches and kicks, knees, and sweeps) or [P] (reverses everything else, 'cept for rotations and flips. [picture Homer drooling "Ultimate Sabaki Pair... aghlaglagl..."])
    *****KNOCK-EM-BACK: You're not really trying to in this stance, but [K] still makes a nice WHAM sound.
    ***** FLYING ROUNDHOUSE: None (but with those two sabakis, don't you think that's asking a lot?)
    ***** SIDESTEP: None (let 'em come).
    ***** KNOCK-EM-OUT-OF-THE-AIR: [K] (Fills the bill.)
    *****ShaolinTAO's FAV: [P] (You just can't beat the one-button, everything-but-sweeps sabaki hammer punch. And when you read the combos section, it gets even better.)

    *****DOKURITSU SHIKI****
    It comes to this. You've done it on their terms, in neutral stance. You've run away, in Nehan Shiki. You've attacked, with Hai Shiki, and you've turned their own wrath back upon them in Koko Shiki.
    **The time has come to look at the stance you'll probably use and try to learn first, only to master it last, and unleash it the least. Like the most powerful moves in all the stances, the enemy will come to read Dokuritsu Shiki like you'll read them.
    ** But every now and then you'll smack 'em back or knock 'em down, and just back off. You'll wait patiently on the other side of the ring like a statue - confidently prepared to finish the round in Dokuritsu Shiki.
    ** Let 'em come.
    ***** SWEEP: [2] or [8] [K]+[G] (the sweep with the greatest range - also the slowest. See SIDESTEP)
    ***** SABAKI: You'll automatically, savagely reverse all punches by just standing there ('cept double-fists, BUT:). Every time your enemy gets caught in this, on the inside, a voice screams "GODDAMNIT!"
    *****KNOCK-EM-BACK: [P] (this is a quick punch that throws your weight forward, leaving you in Hai Shiki. Combined with the [P],[P]+[K] from Hai Shiki, this'll do some good).
    ***** FLYING ROUNDHOUSE: None. But [K],[K] serves to knock most flying kicks out of the air. The secret to using it is to be quicker than them - you can knock 'em out of a backflip with this, on the way up.
    BEWARE: Pai is faster than you will ever be, no matter how much you may think you're Neo. The oNe my sas.
    ***** SIDESTEP: [2] or [8] [K]+[G] (see - SWEEP)
    ***** KNOCK-EM-OUT-OF-THE-AIR: [K], [K] (flying-double kick is always pretty - work on your timing)
    *****ShaolinTAO's FAV: [2][K]. (a quick, low kick)
    **I can't emphasize this enough.
    **This move, combined with the sense of fighting you will gain over time, is going to make your opponent look the fool so many times, it'll make YOU feel stupid.
    **The strength of Crane Stance is to appear quite an easy target - a tower standing on a pin - easy to topple. In truth, from Dokuritsu Shiki you can strike with sickening speed, in a series of places that the enemy just can't expect you to be.

    These are your stances.
  2. ShaolinTAO

    ShaolinTAO Active Member

    3: THE RULES

    **There's a few basic things you need to know about the game of Virtua Fighter. If you're reading this, you've probably read the manual. You know throw beats block, block beats attack, attack beats throw - all that stuff.
    **There's some other stuff:
    **If you play Lei Fei with a strong emphasis on just beating down your enemy's attacks, or giving them no options whatsoever (as I like to hope you will), you need to learn the game also in terms of what attack will beat another attack.
    **Take, for example, if Shun spins his body towards you like a bullet when you're in Crane Stance. Do you break stance, or try to kick him out?
    **Neither - you'll reverse it. Okay, that was a trick question, but here's the deal.
    **(1)IF THEY GO LOW, YOU GO HIGH--When Lion attacks you low, you attack mid. From Crane stance, that's your [K],[K]. If he comes in mid or high, you attack low ([2][K] from Crane Stance). Think of it as the reverse of blocking.
    **(2)--EQUAL OPPOSITES--When two attacks of equal property meet (both kicks, both mid) the stronger attack wins. If you match calves with Jeffy, you're goin' down.
    **(3)--FAT FIGHTERS DON'T FLY--Weight is an issue in combos - sometimes the heavier opponents won't stay up for every hit.
    **(4)--COUNTER-HITS--When Akira comes in for a shoulder-thrust, and you use the [2][K] from Crane Stance to knock him out of it, it's a counter-hit. This means it does more damage than normal, and he's not gonna' struggle out before you launch into the Carrier.
    **(5)--PATIENCE--The Sabaki-timing-deal is this:
    ****They hit the button to attack.
    ****You do the sabaki move. This means you hit the ATTACK BUTTON for the sabaki move - your d-pad motion ([2][3][6][P]+[K] from Neutral Stance) doesn't count in terms of timing.
    ****So long as you pull off the right sabaki move BEFORE their attack hits you, you'll reverse it. For a complete list of Sabaki properties, see this link:

    I know, I know - rules are boring. Let's move on.


    Blocking's all well and good - but Lei's a mid-range fighter. You don't want to get too up-close and personal 'till your game is solid.
    **As you play, you'll start to get a sense of when to block low and high - you don't need me to tell you that. What I want to focus on is defending yourself while striking back - letting them show their card, before you trump it. And you gifted schmuck, you picked the character with the most sabaki attacks in the game. Yup - there's pretty much nothin' that Lei Fei can't reverse, 'cept for backflips and flying kicks. He's even got Crane stance, which is has most gloriously lazy reversal God's ever bestowed.


    **But no one is stupid enough to throw a punch whenever you stand there in Crane Stance. That's why you learn your [2][K], your [K],[K], your [K]+[G] and your [P]. So every time they come in, you attack. Every time. Every time. Every time.
    **And then they throw a punch, and you just stand there. And somewhere, you swear you can hear a tiny voice, screaming "goddamnit!". That's your Crane Stance Reversal, baby!

    (ii) - SABAKIS

    The sabakis, however, are a little different. [2][3][6][P]+[K] is something you throw at someone when you know a punch is coming. Lau, for example, relies on his punches like a muthafukka. Akira too - and as you play the game you'll develop a sense of what move is coming.
    **Learn your timing - trust your moves.
    [2][3][6] [P]+[K] = when you're 100% a punch is comin'
    [P] from Tiger Stance = every enemy from Jeffy to Pai will fall for this - they whip out a kick that'll slap the black off Kofi, but you saw it comin' a mile away.
    [K] from Tiger Stance = you'll want to kiss that leg, when you see how useful it is on Lion
    [P] or [P]+[K] from Nehan Shiki ([1][P]+[K]+[G]) = your fastest two sabakis. The canned combos they come with aren't always the way to go.


    Ahhh - Virtua Fighter was the first franchise to give us this, and I'm not sure I've ever really said 'thank you'. I'm not positive what the dictionary defition is, but mine is moving, not attacking. Such motions are this:
    [4][4] = scoot back
    [6][6] = hop forward
    [1][1] = duck down and back
    [3][3] = slip down and forward
    [2][2] = hop to the side
    [8][8] = hop to the other side. It's complex, I know. **Stay with me, now.
    **If you hit [2] or [8] JUST when the enemy attacks, you'll sidestep their attack. IF, however, you hop into a rotation attack on an intercept course, you're fucked.

    **There is also, of course, the [2][2] or [8][8][P]+[K]+[G], [P], which will serve you well. It's only necessary when you get too close and you're worried, and you shouldn't be too worried too often.


    **You should only ever block when you see your enemy attacking - otherwise, they'll throw 'ya, and are you proficient with throw reversals yet?
    **Well, no, I didn't mean to imply...
    **Fine, I'll just move on, then.


    I cannot stress this enough, and it's something I can't teach you here. Learn what moves will knock your opponent out of theirs.


    If you pull the same throw move just after your enemy does (or a throw with the same properties) you'll reverse it. It's another thing you'll get a feel for as you progress, but if you really want to learn I suggest going through the Training section of your game - once you get your trophy, you'll know how.
  3. ShaolinTAO

    ShaolinTAO Active Member

    Re: How to Play Lei Fei - For You and Me.

    5: FLOWS

    You'll develop your own flows over time, but there are a few time-tested ones that will serve you well in Kumite, as well against your pithy human opponents.

    If your opponent is near a wall, or the edge, it's a good time for Smackemback. Smackemback begins in either Dokuritsu or Hai Shiki. Remember the [P] from Crane Stance, and the [P], [P]+[K] followup from Hai Shiki?
    **They'll keep on blocking, usually. But what if you get right up close into the wall, and they're still blocking?
    **Wait a sec, then pull the [2][3][6][P]+[K] on them - they'll either punch or go for a throw.

    So here it is, starting from Crane Stance: [8][P]+[K]+[G]
    The variant, develop on your own. I suggest [2][3][6][P]+[K] or [3]/[9][P]+[K],[P] or [2][P]+[K],[P].

    Rat Bastard is a great round opener, and invaluable in Kumite:

    [3][P]+[K], [P]
    wait - they'll throw somthing - just reverse it with
    ouch - down they go, but before they do
    let 'em go down - get outta' there - back off, and let them come towards you. When they're not quite close enough,
    from Neutral Stance - they'll block it, and go for a punch. That's when you reverse it.

    [3][P]+[K], [P]=TIGER STANCE--(wait for attack)--[P]--[4][P],[P]--they go down, back off--[8][K]=TIGER STANCE--and repeat

    NOTE: You can exchange the [3][P]+[K], [P] for [2][P]+[K], [P], if you'd like to trade evasiveness for speed.


    Every now and again after you beat someone down, they'll roll backwards.
    **This is a lovely opportunity for you, because Lei's charged [P]+[K] from Hai Shiki will zero in like a scud. The timing for this is exceptionally easy to master - I had it down after a half a day with VF4 - enjoy it. The flow is this:

    they roll back--(immediately)[2][P]+[K]+[G]=HAI SHIKI--[P]+[K](charge to full)--hit 'em--[4][P],[P]


    Backin' Off is important sometimes. You've just beat 'em down - ease up. Scoot back three or four or even five times - clean across the ring.
    Let them run to you. Let them run right up, and hit 'em with:

    [K]+[G] from Crane Stance - a reach like you would not believe.

    [8][K] from Neutral Stance - very hard to avoid, and it takes down a lot of airborn attacks

    [2][K] from Crane Stance - see COMBOS

    [3][3][P],[P] from Neutral Stance - when they go high, you go low. Follow this up with [2][P]+[K],[P] for a stylin' combo.

    [P],[P]+[K] from Hai Shiki - still the one. Follow up with [9][K]+[G] and if it hits go for a combo.

    I know - everyone needs more combos.

    6: COMBOS

    Lei Fei has a handy collection of vicious combos - if you can learn the Carrier and Tiger Sabaki, and perfect their complimentary flows, you're well on your way to High King. With all combos, you can usually add a [3][K] or [2][K]+[G], if you're fighting someone who doesn't techroll. On the Wallbanger, it's guaranteed - they're not getting up.

    (1) QUICK-UN - a great match starter, and worth remembering with the Smackemback flow.
    From Neutral:

    (2) FLOAT YOUR BOAT - works with Backin' Off.
    From Neutral.

    (3) TIGER SABAKI - in conjunction with the Rat Bastard flow, this'll keep you on the top of the stack.
    From Tiger Stance:

    (4) THE CARRIER - 1/2way across the ring, and utterly invaluable. Use with Smackemback and Backin' Off. This is where your [2][K] becomes the firing pin on one of the biggest guns in the game.
    From Dokuritsu Shiki or Crane Stance:
    [2][K]=HAI SHIKI---[K]=CRANE STANCE---[2][P]+[K]+[G]=HAI SHIKI---[P]+[K]=NEUTRAL--[9][K]+[G]

    (5) WALLBANGER - when they're a pace or two from the wall, you can finally put the [2][3][6][P]+[K] to a higher purpose, and get good use out of your Smackemback flow.
    From Hai Shiki:

    A hundred and fifteen damage - oh yes.

    (6) SLOW & STEADY (and only for use on beginners)
    **Here's a brutal combo that anyone can struggle out of. If they don't, though, they're your bitch.
    From Crane Stance:

    You may find yourself delivering the fatal blow with your [P],[P]+[K] from Hai Shiki. If so, follow up quick with [K]+[G] for an extra, flashy strike while they're hangin' in the air.
  4. ShaolinTAO

    ShaolinTAO Active Member

    Re: How to Play Lei Fei - For You and Me.

    7: YOUR ENEMY AND YOU: tips for the savvy muthafukka

    There are a few basic things to remember about your opponents, and how their strengths and weaknesses play into your own.

    KAGE-MARU: Kage seems too fast at first - and he is, but his reliance on showiness is his downfall. When he spins like a top towards you, he's open to the Carrier, or just let your Crane Stance reverse it. If he rolls along the ground towards you, he's totally open to the Carrier, and the [2][K] counts as a counter hit - he's not struggling out of it.
    **Tiger stance is equally helpful against Kage - the Rat Bastard flow drives him crazy.

    Vanessa is pretty close to Lei, in terms of speed and strength. What she doesn't have is your sabakis, and speedy kicks.

    LAU: Lei Fei's nemesis is brutally fast and wicked strong. You've got to think one step ahead of Lau, and put him where you want him. Rat Bastard and Backin' Off will work, and don't skimp on the Tiger Sabaki.

    Jackie will always come at you with a strong mind game, trying to make you block your jaw while he's kicking you in the nuts. Unfortunately, Jackie relies on striking attacks as much as you do. Don't worry, though - you'll learn to expect his shit, and discover he leaves himself just as open to sabakis and the Carrier as anyone.
    Remember that he's quicker than you - you need to stay a few steps ahead of him.

    That's your problem.

    These two go together like peas and carrots - they're both so fuckin' slow, nothin'll stop you from turning everything around and wiping the floor with them. Jeffry's great for [2][3][6][P]+[K], while Wolf falls for the Crane Stance Reversal more than most.

    Lion is a rat bastard in his own right, given your limited options of lower defence. He loves getting under you, hitting with two-pronged attacks that you can't reverse.
    The thing to remember with Lion is never let him get control, and never let him see you coming. Mix up your flows, and don't forget to use the [K] sabaki from Tiger Stance on him.

    Aoi is a lot quicker than you, and she'll quickly learn to reverse any repetative moves you throw at her. The best option then, is to always let her attack first.
    She'll usually start moving in with a flurry of punches, leaving her open to the Carrier or your choice of sabaki.

    Shun's a down-to-earth kinda' guy, in that he spends most of his time on the floor. Often, Shun's unusual balance will throw off the Carrier, and his moves don't telegraph themselves - if anything they throw you off.
    Experience is the key to Shun - you'll soon learn what he's capable of. If he's lying on the ground, don't be afraid to scoot in and give him the opening smacks from Float Your Boat ([3][3][P][P]).
    His reliance on punches to gain ground, however, will always give you a Crane Stance opportunity, be it the Carrier or reversal.

    I, personally, hate fighting Pai. She's wicked fast, and she doesn't have a problem reminding you every single time that she's faster than you.
    Like Lion, the secret with Pai is controlling her. Smackemback doesn't always work, because her attacks will often come fast enough to interrupt you. Properly timed, however, it will give you the room you need to switch into Crane Stance.
    Pai's weakness is similar to your own - her dance telegraphs what her move will probably be. Soon, you'll know whether to respond with a block, sabaki or attack.

    Sarah can be a real bitch, 'cause most of your Sabakis are for punches and she's all about the kicks. What makes it worse is, her kicks and punches are usually too fast to reverse consistently.
    With Sarah as well as Pai, a well-placed Rat Bastard flow can turn things to your favour. Sarah will pick you apart if you don't keep on her, so beat her down - smackerback, mix up your flows and don't let her get the upper hand.

    I love fighting Akira with Fei. When Akira unleashes a combo, it'll take down half your life bar, just like Lei Fei. That makes things somewhat more sporting, but Fei still has the upper hand: Akira is slow in comparison.
    The first time an Akira really has his way with you, it'll blow your mind. It'll make you want to switch characters, but keep in mind he's just as weak as you.
    Weaker - he's only got one sabaki attack.
    With Akira, Tiger Stance is your best friend. There's hardly a move he throws that you can't reverse with it. His shoulder thrust and other combo-openers may seem blisteringly fast at first, but once you get used to him it's all easy fodder for the Tiger Sabaki.

    8: IN CLOSING...

    Well, that's it - the ShaolinTAO of Fei. If you're a beginner, I hope you've learned some things that will focus your game. If you're a vet, I hope you laughed once or twice.

    Go forth, and kick ass.
  5. ShaolinTAO

    ShaolinTAO Active Member


    This is an additional flow that's been working well for me:

    [2][P]+[K]+[G]=HAI SHIKI--[2][K]--(opponent TRs)--[8][P]+[K]+[G]=DOKURITSU SHIKI--[P]=HAI SHIKI--[P], [P]+[K]

    - OR -

    [1][P]+[K]+[G]=NEHAN SHIKI--[2][K]--(opponent TRs)--[8][P]+[K]+[G]=DOKURITSU SHIKI--[P]=HAI SHIKI--[P], [P]+[K]


    [8][K] or [2][3][6][P]+[K] or [4][6][P]+[K] (just my reccomendations)

    The flow works like this: When you got some room, switch to Nehan Shiki. When they come in, just sweep 'em. Most will pop right back up, so you back 'em off with the punch from Crane Stance. Then force them back again with the [P],[P]+[K] and end with [8][K] for Tiger Stance, or the [2][3][6][P]+[K] is often useful. If you land the first sweep, this flow works for me 100% of the time up to the [P],[P]+[K]. After that, the flying kick will hit 50% - when you're sure a punch is coming, use the sabaki, and when you know your enemy is going high, use the [4][6][P]+[K] - this move will avoid high attacks, and is wonderful against Jackie and Lau's canned combos, among others.

    If the [2][3][6][P]+[K] or [4][6][P]+[K] hits, go for [P],[P]. But be wary with these two powerful punches - proficient enemies will use them as guaranteed throw moves.

    Here's another:

    [P],[P],[P]=HAI SHIKI--[2][K]

    The three-punch combo will drop you into Hai Shiki, and so you'll avoid high attacks. This is a great time to use the sweep, and start the longer flow above.
  6. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member


    Hey man, just from the length of the writing I can tell you are a committed player. Keep Leifei rolling man!~
    /me thumbs up
  7. KungPao

    KungPao Active Member

    Re: How to Play Lei Fei - For You and Me.

    I just wanna say I registered to this site just to say how much I enjoyed reading your Guide, thank you very much its definitely what I've been looking for. I've been using Lei Fei for about a year and a half

    I've been stuck at 2nd dan for a year and a half (I made 2nd Dan my first time playing Kumite) and since then I haven't raised at all...I've dropped even sometimes. =\ I have like 1300 matches too. So I kept wondering what was my lei fei gimped...

    so I tried Kage to no avail, I played him for a month or two just to have a secondary character...but I kept remembering Lei Fei, so I played kumite last night and just slaughtered a whole bunch of fighters I had a 28-5 win ratio, plus I learned like 5 new Lei Fei combos... Im not sure if you guys know this one but It helps me alot against heavyweights, and can be used in all the other combos as the finishing piece

    you gotta press
    K+G then K+G again, its the one he does while in dokuritsu, throwing his leg straight up really fast and i forget the next animation.....

    .if you do a series that ends in dokuritsu, or you do the lei fei throw combo you can end them with that =)

    or do P P (charge) P then from defeat miss do a P+K (quick one), most of ya proly know that but its good if you wanna keep on an opponent, even if they block it (good chance of hit since the last P was charged and caused a stumble. Only heavyweights I think can get out of the stumble (or maybe this is one of those struggle button tap things u can evade it with) plus it has Amazing Range... anyways thats just a move thats pretty safe in anycase.

    Anyway thank you so much for the guide, the little bits of humor made learning so much easier /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
  8. KungPao

    KungPao Active Member

    Re: How to Play Lei Fei - For You and Me.

    omfg you guys have to know this combo i just did

    I was working on ways to expand my combos I have cheap shots to throw on the enemy to build up damage, comparing finishing series and such...well you guys have to try this one,

    First start out in Tiger stance ([6][K]), then use your P sabaki (all lei fei players should know this one.) the one that does the spinning punch sabaki that always screws them up? yes that is the one =) after you do that follow it up with the mundane by now [4][P][P] but after that follow it up AGAIN with [3][3][K]+[G][K] im not sure if that last kick will alwyas work since im in training with Jacky as an opponent
  9. KungPao

    KungPao Active Member

    Re: How to Play Lei Fei - For You and Me.

    Heres another =)

    "The Carrier Deluxe"
    This combo is hard for me to do consistently but it does like 83 damage and from what ive read about it, its one of leis best combos, however you can expand the original carrier combo to just add this one move in it..

    [IN] [2]+[K] [K] [2]+[P][K][G] [P]+ [P][K] [9] + [P][K] [2] +[P][K]

  10. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: How to Play Lei Fei - For You and Me.

    that is not a true combo cause they can TR and recover after the [4][P][P]
  11. KungPao

    KungPao Active Member

    Re: How to Play Lei Fei - For You and Me.

    oops the last move on the deluxe combo is a [2] + [K][G] sorry
  12. KungPao

    KungPao Active Member

    Re: How to Play Lei Fei - For You and Me.

    but dont they stomach crumble after the two <-pp?

    I wouldnt work on heavyweights probably, but since its a crumble they cant (techroll) which is where you recover but roll to the side right?
  13. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: How to Play Lei Fei - For You and Me.

    im an avid leifei player myself and most of those combos dont work with techroll on, just goto training and turn on CPU techroll to check to see what are true combos or not.

    Veteran players will tech roll neutral after the [4][P][P], because a side techroll leifei can attack into an all your life combo. So those breakdancing sweeps dont work if people techroll up.

    about your 2nd combo, the [2][K]+[G] will not connect if they techroll also. Also for easy leifei wins against Virtua Fighter version C. Computer will always techroll after the [4][P][P]. do combo of doom then. But if you plan to play other people dont make this a habit.
  14. ShaolinTAO

    ShaolinTAO Active Member

    Additional Notes / Thoughts.

    I'm always tryin' out new stuff, so here's some:


    ONE : Showy Enders.

    Because Virtua Fighter is more a simulation than anything, we shan't be ripping anyone's hearts out. On the other hand, once you're familiar with the rules of the game you will find unique combo opportunities arise once you deliver the fatal blow. At that instant, your opponent becomes much lighter and (obviously) cannot techroll. The time has come, if it is your inclination, to kick them while they're down. Literally:

    If you get a killshot that leaves you in Crane Stance, for example [K]+[G] from Neutral Stance, just press [K],[K],[K],[K]. You're not going for the double-kick, but the little punt-kick that steps him forward. You will boot your enemy as you step across the ring. Beware - you won't be able to get five kicks in, so quit before it looks stupid:
    KILLSHOT---CRANE STANCE---[K]--[K]--[K]--[K]

    If your [2][P]+[K],[P] ends up being a killshot, follow up with a boot and a sweep for a few extra hits. So from Neutral Stance:
    [2][P]+[K] (KILL), [P] (or KILL)---TIGER STANCE---[K]---NEHAN SHIKI---[2][K]

    (c) FLYING AOI:
    (so named for the late Savage Aoi, who gave her life so I could discover this ender) If your killshot is the [P] or [P]+[K] from the [P],[P]+[K] from Hai Shiki, you can keep fuckin' 'em up with this. So from Hai Shiki,
    [P](KILL), [P]+[K](or KILL)---NEUTRAL---[K]---CRANE STANCE---[K],[K]

    You can substitute [2][K] for the last double-kick, but it's less fun.

    (d) SABAKI FLYING KICK : simply beautiful

    If you manage to use your [P] from Tiger Stance as the NEAR-LAST blow of a round, don't follow up with [4][P],[P]. Instead, use the rising kick [8][K] from Neutral Stance to deliver the fatal strike before they can collapse - it's much prettier, and not many people see it done.

    Experiment, and see what you can come up with:)

    TWO : refined flows

    I know I put up a variation of this flow pattern before, but I've found that this is the way it works best. Start from Nehan Shiki ([1][P]+[K]+[G]), and let your enemy come in high.

    (i) CONTROLLER : don't let 'em near you
    NEHAN SHIKI---[2][K]---[8][P]+[K]+[G]---CRANE STANCE---[P]---HAI SHIKI---[P],[P]+[K]---NEUTRAL---[8][K]---TIGER STANCE---[K]---NEHAN SHIKI---[2][K] and repeat.

    Your enemy will likely be able to block the [P] from Dokuritsu Shiki and sometimes the [8][K], but it's an excellent flow, and clearly provides ample opportunity for variation as you enter each of our man's stances.

    Sometimes when you're too close to the enemy, the best thing to do is just lash out with a few good punches. I reccomend the simple [P],[P],[P] to end in Hai Shiki. Often your enemy will try to throw, so go for the sweep, and your flow becomes this:

    (ii) GOING LOW :
    [P],[P],[P]---HAI SHIKI--[2][K]---NEUTRAL---[8][P]+[K]+[G]---CRANE STANCE---[P]---HAI SHIKI---[P],[P]+[K]---NEUTRAL---[8][K]---TIGER STANCE---[K]---NEHAN SHIKI---[2][K] and repeat.

    Once your enemy gets used to your [P],[P]+[K], they'll find ways to get around it. Instead, interrupt your flow and hang back in Hai Shiki. When they come in, boot 'em into the air and go into the carrier combo:

    (iii) LET EM COME
    NEHAN SHIKI---[2][K]---[8][P]+[K]+[G]---CRANE STANCE---[P]---HAI SHIKI---[K](FLOAT)---CRANE STANCE---[2][P]+[K]+[G]---HAI SHIKI---[P],[P]+[K]---[9_][K]+[G]


    Here's some groovy combos I've been tinkering with (these aren't guaranteed, I'm just fukkin' with 'em as I go through Kumite):

    (8) SPEEDY - the unexpected
    If the enemy is bearing down on you and you're in Hai Shiki, nail 'em with the flying roundhouse [K]+[G] and follow up QUICK with [P],[P], and and [K]+[G] from Crane Stance. I'm convinced this combo is dependant on foot position, but I refuse to learn such things. here it is,
    From Hai Shiki:
    [K]+[G]---[P],[P]---CRANE STANCE---[K]+[G]

    (9) OPPORTUNITY - seizing the moment
    [3][P]+[K],[P] and [2][P]+[K],[P] are moves that you should be comfy with. Now on occasion, you will get a stomach crumple from the last hit (perhaps your foolish opponent was gonna' try a move, but you were too speedy). If they crumple indeed, you can turn this into a quick combo with [K], and follow up with [2][K] from Nehan Shiki - it look stylin', and should be worked into your flows regardless. So here it is, starting from Neutral Stance:
    [3][P]+[K],[P] (stomach crumple) or [2][P]+[K],[P] stomach crumple)---TIGER STANCE--[K]---NEHAN SHIKI---[2][K]

    (10) INTERRUPTOR : good on people who rely on high canned combos.
    When Jacky or Lau or Vanessa or whoever comes at your with a flurry of punches or familiar kicks, and you know the next blow will be thrown high, stop blocking and use your [4][6][P]+[K] from Neutral Stance. You'll avoid the attack and crumple them. The rest is elementary:
    NEUTRAL---[4][6][P]+[K]---[4][P],[P]---(down attack)
    I know, I know - that one's pretty pithy. A prettier one is this:

    (11) TIGER LAUNCHER : seizing the moment, pt 2
    They're a step or two from the wall, and you're in Tiger Stance. Now I know the automatic thought is to use your [P] sabaki, as it has the most chance of reversing whatever they throw. BUT, it is entirely possible to launch your enemy into the air with [K] instead. Once they hit that wall, seize the moment. So from Tiger Stance:
    [K]---NEHAN SHIKI--[P],[K]---CRANE STANCE--[K],[K]

    It's tricky, but so am I. Alright, alright, if neither of those grabbed you, try this one on for size. It's a true combo, and a wall combo, and if you pull it off you're a true playah. If I need to explain the whole thing, you can't pull it off. Just make sure the [K]+[G] from neutral stance is what hits them into the wall:

    OPENER 1: from Hai Shiki : [K]---CRANE STANCE
    OPENER 2: from Crane Stance : [2][K]---HAI SHIKI--[K]---CRANE STANCE
    CONTINUE WITH (from Hai Shiki):
    [P],[P]+[K]---NEUTRAL---[K]+[G]---[K],[K]---[3][K](if opponent isn't a techroller)

    You should have been able to nail them high enough onto the wall to make 'em land on their face. If so, go for the [8][P] instead of [3][K]. NOTE: It is entirely possible to drop the double-kick, and instead use [6][P][P][P][P], but I've only pulled it off twice.


    I don't know about you, but after 1500 rounds, using the same [4][P],[P] after every stomach crumple gets pretty boring. As alternates, I've been enjoying [P],[P],[P]---HAI SHIKI---[K]. The [K] is a bounce, and won't work on TRers. As well, [P],[P]---CRANE STANCE---[K]+[G] is pretty, and should be worked into flows nonetheless.

    ...that, that's about it.
  15. ShaolinTAO

    ShaolinTAO Active Member


    Stupid typos - the Flying Aoi is, from Hai Shiki,
    [P](KILL), [P]+[K](or KILL)---NEUTRAL---[K]+[G]---CRANE STANCE---[K],[K]


    [P](KILL), [P]+[K](or KILL)---NEUTRAL---[K]---CRANE STANCE---[K],[K]
  16. ShaolinTAO

    ShaolinTAO Active Member

    Notes on the Additional Notes:

    I was just rereading my post, and I realized there were a lot of picky notes that should be on here, plus some addition stuff on building flows. So, here they are:

    (2) FLOWING

    one : combo notes

    (8) SPEEDY - the unexpected
    From Hai Shiki:
    [K]+[G]---[P],[P]---CRANE STANCE---[K]+[G]

    NOTE: The [K]+[G] is a bounce-hit, so don't use it on techrollers.

    (9) OPPORTUNITY - seizing the moment
    From Neutral Stance:
    [3][P]+[K],[P] (stomach crumple) or [2][P]+[K],[P] stomach crumple)---TIGER STANCE--[K]---NEHAN SHIKI---[2][K]

    NOTE: This variation of the Tiger Sabaki combo is only necessary *because* of the stomach-crumpling counter-hit. It is not a combo without it, and the sweep from Nehan Shiki is a bunce.

    (10) INTERRUPTOR : good on people who rely on high canned combos.
    NEUTRAL---[4][6][P]+[K]---[4][P],[P]---(down attack)

    NOTE: The last attack should, as most PS2 Kumite players know, be [2][K]+[G], unless you're playing against a TRer, as it's a bounce attack.

    (11) TIGER LAUNCHER : seizing the moment, pt 2
    They're a step or two from the wall, and you're in Tiger Stance:
    [K]---NEHAN SHIKI--[P],[K]---CRANE STANCE--[K],[K]

    NOTE: The opening kick will only launch them under two conditions: (1) it's a counter-hit and they were going high or (2) it's the killshot. Enjoy practicing.

    from Crane Stance : [2][K]---HAI SHIKI--[K]---CRANE STANCE---[2][P]+[K]+[G]---HAI SHIKI---[P],[P]+[K]---NEUTRAL---[K]+[G]---[K],[K]---[3][K]

    NOTE: I got a private message that told me this combo was impossible, wall or none, and they weren't referring to the final DF-K. To that well-spoken chap, I say: you're either sadly mistaken, or a bloody liar.

    two : flowing

    I was perusing a porn site the other day, and came across this fantastic haiku:

    here's to the men and
    women, flowing forever
    like water, downhill

    Which I thought was fantastic, 'cause really that's how it is - everything unwittingly moves in the path of least resistance, whether it knows it or not.
    **How does this apply to your flows? Well, try this meditation as you play: Imagine yourself as a rolling river, rushing forward, never stopping, flowing onward. Now if this doesn't bring about an immediate need for a bathroom break, it may just allow you to slip out of your brain enough to come up with some amazing flows.
    **It's pretty interesting what you come up with, when you're not really playing, consciously.

    **If you look at the three variations of the flow I posted above, you see they're all pretty similar, with small differences. The important thing to understand in creating your flows is what moves will transition well into the next. For a great example - the [K]+[G] kick from Hai Shiki, followed up with the [P],[P] to Dokuritsu Shiki and the [K]+[G] kick to go into Neutral. The punches are, to put it simply, the fastest attack you can pull off after the flying kick.
    **This is what you look for when you're putting together flows.

    I got another PM that told me Vanessa, from her neutral (I think) stance has all the reversal power of our beloved Tiger Stance.
    **This is true, and if you play my way, it becomes a good point. My style is this: When I'm not tearing you up, I'm waiting for you, immobile. There's nothing sweeter than letting your enemy take you down ninety percent, backing off, running away, and crouching into Nehan Shiki.
    **They come closer, closer, closer, throw a kick or something, and you BURST OUT of your stance with the [P],[K] sabaki, and then - just - don't - stop, 'cause now you've got them in a flow. Now everything they do is because that's the only option you've given them. Good luck.

    P.S. - most experienced players have flows that are designed around techrolls. I find it's way easier to kick their asses if you don't recover - really drives 'em nuts - but I don't reccomend it on people with floor grabs.
  17. ShaolinTAO

    ShaolinTAO Active Member

    Re: Notes on the Additional Notes:

    Some additional practice with the Carrier-Wallbanger-Kicker suggests that it's not the [K]+[G] from Neutral that should hit them into the wall, but the last hit of the [P],[P]+[K] from Hai Shiki. I've also found it's better to use [8][P] after the double-kick, as no one seems to be able to TR it.
  18. KungPao

    KungPao Active Member

    Re: Notes on the Additional Notes:

    variation for the [4][P][P] combos...

    [4][P][P],[6][6][K](hold,K),K+G (last one may be omitted for techrollers... but this is still my best combo it fits into about 16 other flows I have...

    that last one works better with the [2][3][6][P]+[K] attack in the beginning

    you can also do a [9][K]+[G], [3][3][P][P], [6][6][K], [K]+[G]
    or better yet do the [4][6][P]+[K] for beginning...

    [3]+[K]+[G] (to do that front flip thing), do /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gifne: of those then go into a [2][P]+[K],[P],[2][K] at the end theres a down kick from tiger stance that may work...
  19. KungPao

    KungPao Active Member

    Re: How to Play Lei Fei - For You and Me.

    oh yeah, computer, players, e.t.c... /versus/images/graemlins/ooo.gif doesnt tech roll after [4][P][P] either...that ive ever seen

    [4][P][P], [3][3][K][G]+[K]
  20. ShaolinTAO

    ShaolinTAO Active Member

    Round Openers.

    Oh, right - I never said anything about effective round openers. The thing to remember about your first move is this - the D-button commands don't count, in terms of timing, so you can enter the directional command [4][6] before the round starts, then hit [P]+[K] just when it does. This is also handy for

    [3][3][P],[P] (etc)
    [3][3][K]+[G] (etc)

    However, these are the ones I use:

    [8][K] (it's scary how often you can get away with this, seeing as it has some avoiding properties)
    [8][K]+[G] (see above)
    [P]+[K],[P][P] (has always been effective)
    [3][P]+[K],[P] (also avoids, and sets up all kinds of flows)
    [2][3][6][P]+[K] (slightly avoids, but some fighters will start to open with quick jabs, to knock you out of heavier attacks, and sabakis are lovely)
    [8][P]+[K]+[G]---[2][K] (when you trust yourself to pull it off)
    [P],[P] [P] (charged to full)---[P]+[K](uncharged) - (even if the last P is blocked, you're guaranteed a hit with the [P]+[K], and can go into the [8][P]+[K]+[G]---[P]---[P],[P]+[K] flow from it)

    [4][6][P]+[K] *is* my favorite - it avoids tons of attacks, can't be reversed, and basically foreshadows the rest of the fight /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

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