I am 3rd Dan

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Chunbelievable, Nov 26, 2007.

  1. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    OK, first let me start off that this is not a rant or complaint about my rank. I am perfectly content with my current rank.

    That being said, I think the ranking system online works and is accurate. I have over 700 online fights under my belt, been as high as 4th Dan and have a 58/59% winning percentage and am currently 3rd Dan and I think it fits.

    As it stands I seem to do well against newer players, have reasonably close fights with those of the same rank and lose handily to higher ranks. Of course on occassion I take a fight from the higher ranks and I lose to Kyu's all the time. My point is I think my current level of ability is accurately measured by my rank and it looks like I am going to be here for a while.

    Once again I am OK with that. I don't think I should be any higher than 3rd of 4th. But when I first got into the online fighting and even though I played through most of quest, I thought the ranking system was just a simple match counting thing which of course is not the case. I think it's pretty cool how it all works. And for those who played through quest as well, you know those 3rd Dans with like over 3000 matches? Yeah, that's me!
  2. EndCA

    EndCA Well-Known Member

    I know where you coming from I think the system is good too, wish the ladder was based on rank instead of points though. I'm currently 4th Dan right now and almost a 5th Dan a couple different times now, but I definitely hit a wall, I know this because I'm spending way more matches at 4th Dan then any rank before.

    I don't have probs with kyu's anymore but the Dans are tough times. Time to study up and re-tune I guess.
  3. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    I am 5th Dan right now and am about to go down in rank, late last night and today have been off days for me, my Y and B buttons keep getting jammed/stuck and I am constantly having trouble pulling off moves the way I want to with the crappy 360 controller. Thankfully within this month I will have a arcade stick.
    Lion and Eileen players seem to give me the most fits, specially Lion players that like to low back dash.
    But I never imagined myself going above second Dan though.
  4. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    lol... I have over 2000 points an am 3rd Dan. Tells you how many matches I lose to same rank players /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Good to know if I ever make a high rank that I will have earned it.
  5. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Im right there with you guys. I do well against 5th dans or better. My biggest problem is with the kyu's and lower Dans. I think the problem is that I over think the situation. After the first round I have an Idea what good players are trying to do. The Newby's utterly frustrate me because they make no sense. I keep thinking that they WILL stop /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d_.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gifing or /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/db_.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gifing. When i realise that I need to dodge its too late, because the lag wont let me. I have 296 wins and 615 losses. Ohh the frustration. But all I really want is a good fight. I know Ive got a long ways to go but geees. Its shattering my confidence.
  6. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    hmmmm. Well I don't think that the ranking represents your skills 100%. I'm currently 6th-7thdan. I come across a lot of similar ranked Dans that are just not good. You can tell that they have only gotten that far by pure luck of fighting lesser people of the same rank. It gets to the point where you begin to slack, and when you actually fight a good player you forget what to do lol. That’s why I've tried my best to only fight higher ranked players. 9thdan and higher. You learn faster as to what you are doing wrong. I believe in a few months we will really see who belongs where. But until then just try to keep your game up. Focus on what you are doing wrong and what you can do to improve.
  7. YuuKun

    YuuKun Well-Known Member

    IMO the ranking system is accurate although the win/loss is less so, unless you're only stick with your main character. Myself started off using sub characters which I severely damaged my record by a fair amount of losing to lower ranks. Only after I got to 5th Dan I mostly choose my main, although occasionally I would still go back to subs. Therefore the system is accurate only if you make it accurate. I personally prefer the VF4 card system (in Japan) where each character have a separate win/loss record.

    I know what you mean, although I always blame myself not to capitalise their bad play. I have came across 6-7 Dans which you may not think they're good because of the way they turtle, few moves and patterns that seems to hit you more often than it should do. The fact is, these people who may not play the game effectively, frame conscience, or any technical stuff like ETEC. I would say they get far by good judgement in spacing, turtling, good defense, and good timing with certain attacks. I might call them a pro in scrubbing, and I believe this could be the case for some higher Dans.

    Of course there are higher Dans who disconnect to climb their way up the ladder. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  8. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    LOL... I need to change the thread to "I am 4th Dan." :p

    Went on a great run last night and had the best fight of the night be my promotion match. 5 rounds and just good chess, set ups, spacing, defense, reversals and combos. What a great match, what a great game.

    I love those matches, it doesn't happen often but the type of match where you achieve everything you wanted to for an attack, even Pai's wacky cross up launcher which is not easy or consistent for me, and your opponent is still puting up a great fight and sending equally great moves back at you. This is what makes VF fun for me!

    Last night I was even able to take a game from Kila Ken 707 which was a first for me. Usually I am lucky to get a round! If I ever get a fight from Konjou I am announcing it in neon!
  9. YuuKun

    YuuKun Well-Known Member

    good luck! you need more than an iron hammer to break his defense.
  10. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    I've taken 2 rounds a few times now. Never know... it could happen damnit! Maybe?
  11. jawnjawn

    jawnjawn New Member

    Hey there Chun, nice to see you on here. I had some pretty good games with you, sorry about the lag. Has it always been that bad? I'm jam dozen gun by the way.
  12. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    Sup Jawn!

    Welcome to VFDC. Dude I have such problems with your Lion. Yeah the lag was pretty bad last night, in fact I made a thread about it :p

    Tonight the connection was much better but still a little off. Which is not an excuse by the way, the one fight I got off you was seriously tough for me. Right now I don't have an answer for your attacks. Definitely good games though.
  13. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    I am 6th Dan now, about to get demoted. :)
  14. C1REX

    C1REX Well-Known Member

    I'm 4th dan and I hit the wall.

    Anyway, I started playing few days ago so it's not bad I think...
  15. Nagasumi

    Nagasumi Well-Known Member

    4th dan here...

    I've noticed a LOT of the 4th dans are quite the dangerous bunch and I also get the feeling some 10th kyus are hiding skills that sorely beget their rankings. [almost lost to a very dangerous 10th kyu Shun claiming to be the best in his state. Was a PS3 and arcade junkie till Online came by... go figure.]

    I made no mistake though, winning by 3% health and 2 to 2 rounds is quite the nerve racking moment. Especially when a 10th kyu is about to hop a promotion because of you lol ^_^

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