I Pull Plugs!

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by CiscoRey, Nov 19, 2007.

  1. CiscoRey

    CiscoRey Well-Known Member

    If any of you happen to hear a little rumor about CiscoRey [/size]pulling plugs during matches on Xbox Live, I want you all to know it's true.

    I pull plugs for two reasons and I'll go over them here briefly so potential opponents may be aware. These two reasons are:

    1) Lag.
    2) Poor sportsmanship. (I'll explain)

    1) I played this fellow a little earlier. We had both won a round and somewhere during the 3rd round the game became unbearibly laggy. Midway through that round (about 15 seconds into the lag), I disconnected. Shortly after, I received a message from the same fellow describing me as a noob, fag, etc etc. I kindly explained to the dude, "I only play lag-free ranked. We'll try again." I spanked him horribly the next time around.

    Now let me get something straight... If I know you or we're experiencing minor lag, no I'm not so anal about it that I'll disconnect on you. But yes, if you're a complete stranger and you're lagging horribly under ranked matched conditions, tough luck for you. My advice? Fix your shit.

    2) Unsportsman-like play. Call it what you will, there's no reason for 8th Dans and higher to be practicing extreme turtling and redundant 'low punch, low punch, safe-mid' strategies. It's HIGHLY annoying. Granted, there's a way around everything in VF--I know this. This isn't the point. At 8th Dan I expect to see better from players than cheap exploitations for a rather lackluster win. I will not appreciate it and I might just pull a plug on you.

    Do I sound like a whiny crybaby? Probably so. Just be aware, you've been informed that I have a low tolerance for dumb shit. People on this site have played with me and know that I am otherwise, a great-sport.
  2. CapnKill

    CapnKill Active Member

    Cause on-line rank is sooooooo important that you just can't accept losing in a laggy game. OOOO NO!! 1 Loss.. guys, I didn't deserve it!! I didn't!!! Really, my record isn't 100-1 it should be 100-0!!!

    You're a douche.
  3. CiscoRey

    CiscoRey Well-Known Member

    And I'm guessing you're arguing on behalf of laggy gamers around the world? Great, not only do we have people who play with bad connections but we have support groups for them as well. Your mother must be proud.
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Is it not arrogant to assume that it's always the other person's fault for the lag?

    Anyway, this should be posted in the Xbox Live forum.

    Moving thread in 3, 2, 1, ...
  5. FallingEdge

    FallingEdge Well-Known Member

    So instead of trying to learn on what to do against those tactics, you would rather just bitch and moan and call it "cheap"?

    My advice? Fix your shit.
  6. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    how do you know the lag is there fault? It could even be *shock horror!* your isp, or something further down the networks.
    hell if your that concerned with lag go play in some offline sessions and torni,
    would you unplug the arcade machine if someone was beating you with annoying tactics?
    if everyone followed your way live would be proper shit.
    Learn to deal with the stuff that annoys you instead of moaning about it online and pulling cables.
  7. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I feel your pain with losing in ranked battles when there is lag. I swear to god every scrub lei-fei player has some kinda hack that makes their connection lag because a lot of lei-fei's for some reason or another have shitty connections. Maybe they just get used to the lag and learn how to hore in it. Who knows. I just take the loss knowing that the lag beat me not them. It does make me furious though.

    oh and I'm running of a campus network so I have a T1 line, it's very unlikely that I'm lagging

    You're second reason for pulling the plug I don't agree with, I say eat the loss and try to learn to fix your tactic.
  8. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    The only poor sportsmanship that exists within VF is pulling the cable during an online match.
  9. CiscoRey

    CiscoRey Well-Known Member

    I prefer to call it confidence. I'm an empiricist and experience has told me that my connection remains unusually stable.

    We could argue tech-difficulties for days but being an IT and running fiber optic, I'd rather not. Trust, it's them.
  10. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

  11. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Personally, I think pulling the plug is even poorer sportsmanship than those "strategies" that you mentioned, and other people have said what I think already. Stop whinging and just accept that people play like that.
  12. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Also, you're pretty damn arrogant for demanding high ranked players to play a certain way for your amusement. We're not paid to be your clowns.
  13. CapnKill

    CapnKill Active Member

    No, my connection is fine. I've had about 5 laggy games in 120 matches.

    I'm simply saying that valuing an on-line record to the point where you decide to pull the plug so you don't get an "unjust" loss, is retarded... thus making you retarded. It would suck if you lost the VF5 super bowl because of lag... oh wait.. there is no such thing... you mean there are no awards of any value given to us for our on-line records?! So... on-line records mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING?! wow... what a concept.
  14. CiscoRey

    CiscoRey Well-Known Member

    2 things.

    I guess we all handle lag differently. I prefer to take Ls due to someone being absolutely better. A simple Guide button>Y button>Run works well for me. No biggie.

    I guess I fully understand the 'adjust to your opponent's strategy' argument. I just hate entertaining dullness. My take is "if you're so desperate for a W that you resort to completely lame tactics, you deserve a disconnect."

    I don't know, it's all fair game in my book.
  15. CapnKill

    CapnKill Active Member

    I would say that campus networks are one of the worst methods of playing on-line games. You are going through a router and also sharing a T1 with everyone there...
  16. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    You could call disconnecting a lame tactic to avoid an L.
  17. CiscoRey

    CiscoRey Well-Known Member

    I do the same thing in Gears of war. If someone has a considerably unhealthy host advantage, I leave the match. I simply won't give anyone the satisfaction of beating me due to something like lag.

    Unfortunately, VF5 doesn't give you this option. The only options a player has is to either take a loss, adjust to the lag, or quit. Quitting is the reasonable choice for me.
  18. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I can't believe someone made a thread announcing his own incompetence. This online business is worse than I thought.
  19. FallingEdge

    FallingEdge Well-Known Member

    So what happens if you are at a tourney and someone is playing like this? Are you just gonna turn off the system too?
  20. CiscoRey

    CiscoRey Well-Known Member

    It could also be called a counter-measure to combat excessively lame players.

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