I wish I had known...

Discussion in 'Goh' started by Dae, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. Dae

    Dae Member

    So today, Hseiken informed me that unlike every other throw escape in the game, you escape Goh's clench throws, after he grabs you and hugs your neck, with just [G] instead of [P]+[G], and it made me think, I wish someone had told me that a month or two ago!

    So, here is a thread for character specific things you wish you had known, or think should be shared with new players. Things like lazy throw escapes, fuzzy guard, and other basics are covered well in tutorials and videos, but I want to leave the thread pretty open to things that people think are "basic" that new players might have missed, or just never have been told.
  2. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I use P+G. Same effect. A more important fact is that you can be thrown and can escape from it up and down. That confused me for a sec.
  3. DEH

    DEH New Member

    just watching a youtube vid and i learn that Goh's [9] [P]+ [K] while in midair does a ground slam reset(whatever yall call it).this is the same type of move thats been kicking my tail for awhile and i just now learn i can do it
  4. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Taka can't fuzzy at -5 and Taka can't tech roll from feet in the air knockdowns like Wolf's [4][6][P].
  5. bingalaszatanu

    bingalaszatanu Active Member

    Goh have very insane eyes full of power! I like JAP flag on kimono! Best bone breakers is a King from Tekken and Norwegian Wolf from VF! 2old4THISshit but i tkink about martal arts a lot! TEKKENZAIBATSU and Mortalus Kombatus Pit Fighterus und Street Fihhterus & young uterus anusus flat footoos!
  6. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Dafuq did I just read?
  7. bingalaszatanu

    bingalaszatanu Active Member

    My shitty joke man! I have humour with rumor today! I like fuck small ducks in the ass and little chickens in the mouths!
  8. Fuuma

    Fuuma Member


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