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I wouldn't want to sleep with a Laker either

Discussion in 'General' started by supergolden, Jul 19, 2003.

  1. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    ah this is enjoyable... i've never been fond of kobe, hope he gets what is coming to him /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif


    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Me too but man, I don't wanna see him go down like that. It's just sad, he had a kid, what ? Six months ago I think.
    And is it just me or did he seem too weird at the press conference ? He had that guilty look throughout the whole thing. But hey if he did do it then he should be punished.
    What a way to fuck up an almost perfect carreer.
  3. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Did you guys see Kobe's wife at the ESPY awards, damn boy WTF is the matter with you? /versus/images/graemlins/ooo.gif I know Kobe's Ego is big since he doesn't make much effort to use his modesty if he even has any. But I guess his little kobe is slightly bigger it seems.

    MJ succesor my ass, just another PunkAss if you ask me. /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif

    And Shaq you're next with those 24 inch Dubs of yours and I dare you to shoot from the foul line, come on shoot!!!
  4. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    What does this mean for Nintendo?
  5. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Heh, his career isn't fucked up any. He could have cheated on his wife by raping a girl scout and nobody would bench him.
  6. MrUmenokouji

    MrUmenokouji Well-Known Member

    At the press, the guy looked like he was auditioning for his first real acting job, perhaps in the sequel to Shaq's STEEL movie from years back.

    The NBA is full of the worst of the worst, when you talk about privaledged athletes. Pro footballers are scummy sometimes, but for the most part are stuck at age fledgling-puberty, unless they're "patriarchal" figures, like Brett Farve, keeping his children in line (even moreso than the coaches, but that will change when Bill Parcells gets back with Dallas). The NBA has no control over these pompous, oversalaried superstars, because the basketball players' ego is so incredibly inflated over such a long time...but it's more than that. Though the NBA has the best conditioned athletes in the world, they still enter into a sport that is specifically designed around their abilities. The NBA NEEDS 6-8 shooting guards, if the team's to be successful. But team success isn't even necessary in the NBA, which is individual-driven. Lowest ratings for NBA Finals in history, due to lack of any star players on either team. In the NFL, teams can consist of a bunch of slow, underacheiving players who suddenly "get it" and do away with individualism altogether (New England 2002). Basketball players don't have to adhere to any rules, because the sport, and their inclusion in it, is dependent on THEM. Who wouldn't get a giant head knowing that?

    Until the NBA completely revamps the playing system, lessens the intrusion of the Player's Association in every respect where it comes to WHAT a coach can say and do, and until player salaries get scaled back to reflect a player's realistic worth (LeBron James hasn't put on an NBA sanctioned jock-strap yet, and he's got more money than God, fucking already? That's insane...) you won't see any change in the system currently in place that says it's a-okay for an athlete to be a greedy, sociopathic icon for kids to emulate and become worse than...not to say that the crime-infested areas some of these players come from doesn't already instill hatred and disdain for all mankind before they're old enough to talk, but still...
  7. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    It's easier to get individualistic in a basketball game because everyone has a chance to get the ball. In football, there are positions that will never be able to or it's not normal for them to touch the ball. Thus, they only concentrate on one aspect that they are designated to do. You wouldn't see a center in the NFL pass the ball.

    Anyway, Kobe or any other athlete look much worse than the average Joe when they commit, or allegedly commit a crime. Because they are always in the spotlight. But there a lot more people out there who commit the same or much worse crimes. Kobe is not even proven guilty yet, and most of us label him as some kind of monster. (I did too, but changed my view after some deliberation).

    Heck, I'll probably look much worse than he did if I'm in a conference charged with sexuall assault and then admit the I committed adultery.

    I still watch and enjoy basketball. I actually enjoyed the Finals.
  8. MrUmenokouji

    MrUmenokouji Well-Known Member

    That wasn't a Finals, that was a rugby scrimmage, and probably the worst example of team basketball since Riley's Knicks made ugly-ball famous. Anybody's who's watched the NBA and remembers what it was like to watch TEAM basketball is appalled at the product on the floor now. It's slovenly, lazy, "defensive" ball...and sure isn't a product of "defense" by the players...you pass the ball, you penetrate, you kick out: it's so simple. That's basketball.

    Whether Bryant did what he's accused of will be determined, but to say other people do much worse is justifying bad behavior with more bad behavior. That argument is ludicrous. That gives anyone the right to do what they want because others do worse. Flacid argument. As far as it goes, the guy did commit adultery. He sits up and weeps about it for the cameras. You know, my view is be a man. You made a mistake, but you had a good time when you made the mistake...you weren't crying then. This guy is more worried about the endorsement contracts he's going to lose, not to mention the damage to the NBA's "reputation", than he is about hurting his rich, hottie wife, who probably is only supporting the guy rather than divorcing him because she dumbly signed a pre-nuptual and won't get squat. That's only speculation, of course.
  9. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    We'll definitely have different views with the Finals that we'll probably never compromise on. So I'll live it at that.

    I agree that bad behavior can't be justified by another bad behavior. But that wasn't my point though. What I was touching up on is the way some people see him through the media. He or any other star looks much worse than other people committing much more haneous crimes. My point is how people are easy to pass judgement even if they don't know much about the case.

    Also, what is a "Man" in your view? Is a man someone who hides and covers their feelings with a mask that the society dictates them to wear?
  10. MrUmenokouji

    MrUmenokouji Well-Known Member

    I guess I'm thinking a "man" is someone who is brutally honest, to a fault...someone who speaks candidly about what did, or did NOT, occur. These people are involved in litigation (sic), but does that mean Bryant should be hiding behind a lawyer(s)? He showed "remorse", but why? Whose feelings is he trying to spare? He didn't have a problem banging this young woman, however it happened. Why now blubber and weep, and wish oh how I wish I could turn back the hands of time...it's scripted bullshit, the safe, simpering desire to have everyone love Kobe like they used to.

    If Bryant doesn't blubber and make the constant "I'm just trying not to cry here because I'm so REMORSEFUL" face, while his wife clutches his hand in "support", but instead stands up by himself, faces the reporters, and says, "I'm a professional athlete and I know, for a fact, that I took advantage of that position. I hurt my wife, have embarrassed my employers. I met this young woman here, took her there, we did this...and it was not rape. I'd never do that, only human scum do that. That's not what I am."

    I don't know how sincere I'd sound, but you can bet I wouldn't stand up (or sit, in his case) with my high-priced lawyers while my "loving" wife put on a show of asking me, you know with those loving looks, "Are you okay?" Man, that was just about a classic "I'm so guilty I can hear Satan laughing on his way to open the door to Hell for me" moment, I don't know what to tell you.
  11. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    mkool8 said:
    Anyway, Kobe or any other athlete look much worse than the average Joe when they commit, or allegedly commit a crime. Because they are always in the spotlight. But there a lot more people out there who commit the same or much worse crimes. Kobe is not even proven guilty yet, and most of us label him as some kind of monster.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Right on, the reason why this is getting such large media coverage, and public awareness is only due to the fact that he is a high profile athlete, period.

    John Jamelske, do any of you know who he is?

    He committed a much more evil crime than Bryant did, but he received less media coverage, why? Because people want to know more about what a famous person did, rather than a "no one."

    Bryant is most likely not as guilty as the media is portraying him to be, as much of the story is twisted and hyped up to make it more appealing to the public.

    The funny thing is though, even if he is found guilty this is going to change nothing in the overall scheme of things. He will still have loads of money, enabling him to pay bail, and even if he can never play Basket Ball professionally again, he won't need to (for the money).

    I would like to see his wife make a book like Hilary did for Bill......I wonder is she'll stay or leave him too.....oh well..

    Moral of the story, if you are gonna risk fucking up your life, make sure no one will know, I mean can Bryant honestly think that no one is gonna know if he "rapes" some one. And if he did rape some one, who the fuck wouldn't recognize a 7ft tall NBA star named Kobe Bryant, WTF was he thinking??? /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif Seriously, could you imagine a report like: " The man who raped me was black, and like 7ft tall, and he was Kobe Bryant..." wouldn't take too long to catch him now would it?
  12. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Nice answers and I agree to most of your points. You probably know more about the case as you've seen the press conference. I only read the articles on ESPN.com and saw some pictures of him crying. So, this is as far as I can take the my argument to.

    Right now, the only thing I care about is whether he'll be able to play ball in the future. And yes, I'm a Laker fan but didn't jump on the band wagon when they won the championship. I was already a fan when they were being swept by Utah. (I still want revenge on Utah, but it's too late now /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif).
  13. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Right now, the only thing I care about is whether he'll be able to play ball in the future.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The saddest thing I've read all today.

  14. MrUmenokouji

    MrUmenokouji Well-Known Member

    Quote: "John Jamelske, do any of you know who he is?

    He committed a much more evil crime than Bryant did, but he received less media coverage, why? Because people want to know more about what a famous person did, rather than a "no one.""

    Emp, as usual you name-drop but then don't explain yourself. What's your example? You just throw it out there and expect all of us to go racing for Google or Cnn.com to find out?

    And frankly, who gives a shit? This is a discussion about a professional ball player doing what professional ball players are wont to do: rape, murder, and collect DUIs. It isn't an off-season without at least two of the three, though DEFINITELY the DUIs.

    What you fail to understand is that Bryant does not, in any respect, CARE whether or not he is recognized by any young lady he picks up...he knows that he IS recognized, but he's already gotten all the adulation he will ever need. His desire AT THE TIME was to get laid. Not a bad endeavor by any means. What he managed to do was create a very bad situation for himself.

    The worst part of your "opinion" on this is that someone like Bryant should work harder to make sure their lack of ethics and morals are not DISCOVERED. What the hell's that about? Again, you're missing the point...Bryant did not before CARE if his transgressions were discovered, whatever they were, because he's got people, lawyers, bodyguards, ect to ensure most of the time that he doesn't pay for it. I'll admit that Bryant probably is the LEAST problematic, because he is so high profile, of pro ballers. But again, even as high profile as he is, it did not stop him from banging some chick, not his wife, in Colorado. So what does that say?
  15. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    I'll have to wait and read or hear some more about the case, before I can really comment on this. Most of the news programs are all over the place right now about his alleged sexual assault. Hell, most are trying to get her friends to say she's a suicidal party girl who was looking for trouble. I have no idea myself. I never liked Kobe, but hope he gets a fair trial and then his wife beats his ass in divorce court.
  16. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Captain Obvious said:

    Emp, as usual you name-drop but then don't explain yourself. What's your example? You just throw it out there and expect all of us to go racing for Google or Cnn.com to find out?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thanks captain obvious! The point was that he held five girls hostage for the course of multiple years (all at different times) in his basement, which he fashioned into a dungeon, and forced them to do manual labor and sexual conduct with him.

    Go to yahoo and search for him, it takes like 15 seconds, so don't be so lazy. The point was that he is more of a criminal, yet less people know about him. Way to read my post captain!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Captain Obvious said:

    What you fail to understand is that Bryant does not, in any respect, CARE whether or not he is recognized by any young lady he picks up...he knows that he IS recognized, but he's already gotten all the adulation he will ever need. His desire AT THE TIME was to get laid. Not a bad endeavor by any means. What he managed to do was create a very bad situation for himself.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    How would you know what HE cares about, are you now speaking for him....?

    So what if he wanted to get laid, so what if he wanted to have sex with animals?!?!

    The point is that it is none of anyone's business, yet the media slams the information all across the country. I mean heck, Kobe Bryant not controlling himself sexually is more important on the news than Iraq to most people now......
    [ QUOTE ]
    Captain Obvious said:
    The worst part of your "opinion" on this is that someone like Bryant should work harder to make sure their lack of ethics and morals are not DISCOVERED. What the hell's that about? Again, you're missing the point...Bryant did not before CARE if his transgressions were discovered, whatever they were, because he's got people, lawyers, bodyguards, ect to ensure most of the time that he doesn't pay for it. I'll admit that Bryant probably is the LEAST problematic, because he is so high profile, of pro ballers. But again, even as high profile as he is, it did not stop him from banging some chick, not his wife, in Colorado. So what does that say?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How (again) would you know what Bryant wanted discovered or not?

    Considering the man cried on public television, I think that means he cared.......though I forgot that you know everything about him...

    If he didn't care, he wouldn't appeal the judged decision, he would immediately break up with his wife, and he would quit basketball, those are signs of NOT caring imo......but you don't see him doing any of those things do you captain?
  17. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Kobe's crying because he doesn't want his beautiful career going down the toilet, followed by his reputation. If he breaks up with his wife, quits basketball, and just 'drops everything' it will do nothing but make all the bandwagon Laker fans find some other team to latch on to.

    Kobe knows that he could leave his wife and grab the next piece of ass that walks by. If he LOVED his wife he wouldn't be messing with a 19 year old girl in the first place. But that's not good public image now is it... Kobe being the stellar role model and all...

    However, Empnova is right that this thing is getting too much coverage. I really could care less who or what Kobe Bryant has sex with. But the Masses dictate what's first on the news through ratings, and time and time again, the american public has proven that drugs, sex and violence sell.

    And thinking ... well, it's just gosh darn too difficult for most people...
  18. MrUmenokouji

    MrUmenokouji Well-Known Member

    If you weren't such a simpering moron you'd follow the course of this discussion here. The entire thread, the case itself, and anyone's views on it are obvious speculation.

    And by the way, not everyone has the ridiculous amount of time to blather on in EVERY FUCKING THREAD on the site...practically. You've somehow linked your personal preferences and interests directly to this website, attaching to it like some kind of Cronenberg parasite life form.

    Frankly, your views on this matter are sophomoric, almost child-like. "The point is that it is none of anyone's business, yet the media slams the information all across the country. I mean heck, Kobe Bryant not controlling himself sexually is more important on the news than Iraq to most people now......" Are you that fucking stupid? Are you so buried in your own internet-illiterate little universe that you can't see what an absolute dipshit you sound like, most of the time? NO ONE believes this is more important, but there's an insidious problem lurking, concerning the culture. Our culture.

    This whole discussion is based on the idea of that problem in our culture, the problem of inflated ego, of entitlement by a select group of people (America's version of royalty), of the media machine that creates them and tears them down...but a mealy-mouthed internet-cruising dimwit like you cannot distinguish what the thread is talking about, nor do YOU care (that I'm SURE of)...because for you, the thread is less than important. It's your completely random, completely inane opinion that is important; you're a man (frankly I hope a very YOUNG man, because I'd hate to think a man over sixteen had the opinion on this that you have) who is completely sure of himself because there's obviously no one physically near you to tell you how full of shit you are. May I quote your dimwittedness? Your spew? "So what if he wanted to get laid, so what if he wanted to have sex with animals?!?! "

    I'd like to add, for the sake of other VFDCers, that my venom toward this guy is based purely on the fact that his constant overexposure and presence has slowly grated me into a rage.
  19. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Re: Captain O.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Captain /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gifObvious said:

    This whole discussion is based on the idea of that problem in our culture, the problem of inflated ego, of entitlement by a select group of people (America's version of royalty), of the media machine that creates them and tears them down....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well first of all, the media did not make Kobe Bryant play basketball, or have sex with anyone, they just reported on it. As an american, you have the right to decide your opinions on the matter, watch the news about Bryant's misconduct, and judge it for yourself.

    You are not going to see the media "tear him down," not even figuratively.

    Bryant was not a prodcut of the media, he made the decisions alone, and was known as the "role model" type figure way before the media started coining that phrase.

    Captain Obvious, do you honestly think that it is any of your business who Kobe Bryant has sex with, or if he cheats on his wife? That is what I was accomplishing.

    Unfortunately you assume too much, and generally exagerate your posts on this thread.....read clearly please, thanks.

    These are my points:

    -the media is covering this too much

    -it is not our business to know about this

    -it has nothing to do (directly) with his basketball career

    - - - -
    Comment on those, don't act insecure and try to ridicule me with a keyboard, thanks captain.

    [ QUOTE ]
    supergolden said:
    hope he gets what is coming to him /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What do you think his sentence will be like, actual punishments, or an "OJ Simpson" type move where he gets off basically free.....how much will this impact his life/career/marriage/etc, long term and short term?

    PS: Supergolden, why do you hate him?
  20. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze


    Ok so I saw clips of Nick kid's choice awards or something, and was never more disgusted than when I saw an auditorium filled with kids cheering for Kobe Bryant... The man is scum, why cheer for him?

    Even if it was held in LA (which might partially explain the reaction he got, combined with the fact that they were children who may not know better) it shows that if you are good athlete you can cheat on your wife (or even worse) and people will see you, be starstruck forget all the bad you did and cheer madly for you...

    he should have been booed out of the auditorium...


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