Idea to make Commands section more useful

Discussion in 'Site News, Questions and Feedback' started by hseiken1, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. hseiken1

    hseiken1 Well-Known Member

    This has likely been said before, but it'd be nice if the command list pages were setup so that there's a stationary frame with the headers to each column. When you're kinda diving down the list, it's kinda brain numbing going back up to the top of the page to verify you are indeed looking at CH frames, etc.

    It seems like it'd be an easy fix if it's set up as a style sheet...

    How bout it, VFDC gods?
    Tricky and erdraug like this.
  2. 40i4

    40i4 Well-Known Member

    I proposed this to Myke a months ago. He was very enthusiastic and.. now you're writing. So, .. :)
  3. hseiken1

    hseiken1 Well-Known Member

    Well, couldn't hurt to right word in the right ear again. :) Myke's got his thing going on, didn't know if anyone had suggested it.
  4. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I've since memorized it, but I can see the appeal.

    I'd love to see sideturned frame data listed, that'd be awesome
  5. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Well you can calculate them from your head; only thing you will be missing will be the sidecrumple on specific moves.
  6. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    yeah, and i mess up the math sometimes cuz the formula can be hard to remember.
  7. no_w_h_ere

    no_w_h_ere Well-Known Member

    All good ideas, maybe just adding the sidecrumple in the notes column of the move.

    Adding the ST frames may motivate people like me to use more this aspect of the game ( I don't DM enough ^^").

    About the formula : Here
    Up to 14 pts: +2 frame bonus

    Between 15 and 24 pts: +3 frame bonus

    25pts or more: +6 frame bonus
  8. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    See the thing with the dmg formula part is I don't actually know how much dmg many of my moves do on their own so I can't make that calculation mid match. I know what my move is on block, but I can't tell you how much dmg my move does except for a very small select few moves.
    R_Panda likes this.
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    As with any thing, an effective way to learn these things is incrementally. Start with your "go to" moves after successful evade, and once you've got those down, build on from there.

    In regards to the earlier requests, I have big plans in store with the command lists on here, but unfortunately they're taking much longer than anticipated. It essentially revolves a complete re-write of the code such that it's an official forum "add-on". Without giving too much away right now, but along with enhanced presentation I plan to allow for embedding commands into posts using a [ cmd ] code (or similar) with parameters. Combo lists will then receive a similar treatment.

    As such, I'm reluctant to enhance the current command or combo lists any further as it's time I'd rather spend learning the new forum framework. So, please be patient! :ninja:
    Tricky, no_w_h_ere and hseiken1 like this.
  10. hseiken1

    hseiken1 Well-Known Member

    Cool thanks for the teaser, myke. I only ran into this because of the fact that I'm playing so much 4EVO and there's no numerica data in the game, just the stupid bars, so I'm constantly having to look up stuff in training to see what's what. At least FS has numerical data so I only look at the command list for extra notes.
  11. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    No worries dude.

    When you're buried pages down a character's command list, a simple way to remember the important frame data is they always occur in triplets* for Guard, Normal Hit and Counter Hit, and are always shown as a relative number (positive/negative).

    *the exception being Final Tuned which had three levels of Counter Hit (light, medium, heavy).
  12. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    I have an idea to make command list a bit more intuitive for new players.
    If someone clicks on a specific command a usefull popup resume of that move appears. However i was never satysfied with the image, since a static image cannot show all about a move.
    So... why not use some gifs? They may be big for a quick load of the page but I would like to know from @Myke if the images in the popup menu are loaded only when someone clicks on a move or if they are loaded when the page is.

    Attached Files:

  13. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    In the default (Details) view, the image is only loaded when the user clicks on a move for the popup window.

    However, in the Icons view, all the images are loaded immediately. Currently, for the FS Ver.A command list, there are a total of 3,326 commands. If we say each image would take, on average, 400 KB (based on the attachment above) then it would require a total of 1.3 GB of storage. On average, that's around 700 MB per character, so I don't think having animated images as a default display would be practical.

    One option might be to store both a static and animated image with every move. The static image is loaded during the Details > Popup and Icons view, and the animated image is only loaded after an additional user input. For example, clicking on a small movie icon.

    An issue with this approach that would need to be looked into further is the disk space required on the host. As I mentioned above, it would probably need 1.3 GB + of storage available.

    Another issue is the availability of the moves as animated GIFs, but of course, I could always make the animated version "optional".
  14. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Dear Myke,

    I belatedly watched oneida's video on Vanessa's Defensive Style. I'll be honest: after overcoming the mesmerising voice, I started thinking "why recommend her sweep? That's a sure fire recipe to get yourself killed!" and " no mention of her DS hit-throw or her DS counterhit launchers? how is she supposed to damage her opponent?!". I was about to leave a comment, pointing potential readers towards the Vanessa Top Ten moves thread - and then realized that the thread is overly long and full of opinions, not always expressed in a constructive manner. The thread is 4 years old at this point which understandably could cause potential readers to dismiss it as deprecated.

    This realization had me thinking about possible ways of tapping this knowledge about character's moves buried in the forums.

    Which leads me to my recommendation for the command list: would it be possible to add an extra column where users can rank their favorite moves for each character? this way, a new player could go in to the command list and select this new column and sort moves "by popularity"!

    Soul Calibur has such a feature built-in within its in-game command list: there's the normal stuff (A-moves, B-moves, K-moves, combination attacks etc.) and then there's an extra tab for each character's "signature" moves that the devs decided to single out for new players. My proposal would emulate this feature - except instead of the devs you would outsource it to VFdc users.

    Alternatively, if ranking each move appear overkill, maybe a simple "favorite" move would be sufficient; limiting it to an arbitrary amount (eg. a "top ten" people seem to like those) would ensure that users would not just favorite every single move of their favorite character and would still allow to sort moves by popularity.

    Implementing such a feature would even allow us, when/if VF6 arrives, to see trends and changes in users' playstyles (for example, I was initially favoring DS 4P but ended up realizing that DS 1P+K was frequently superior and swapped them around in my "top ten".) Also I realized that landing DS 3P+K should be my #1 priority while in that stance so now I have a top 11 (which would be problematic with implementation #2 - maybe a top 20?) but the point stands, my evaluation of her moves changed overtime and such a feature would allow you to keep track of that and publish some interesting stats from time to time and initiate discussion :)
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2019
    Myke likes this.
  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Interesting idea! I'll certainly put it in the backlog of improvements I have in store for the Command Lists. But the one concern I have with implementing such a feature is that I feel it's missing one important piece of information: why?

    In other words, the reader isn't going to know why such-and-such move is on this prestigious list. On the other hand, the wiki strat page with the top-10 lists adds the commentary as to 'why' such-and-such move is highly rated, providing the player with the context that I don't think can be conveyed in a Command List view or filter.

    What do you think?
  16. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    I think an easy solution would be to have a disclaimer in the beginning of the command section saying something like, "for an in-depth analysis of these moves click here" and it links to the character's move analysis page of the wiki. Many of the completed/semi-completed pages already have a top ten list. Maybe this can also be a little motivator for the other content managers to finish their pages.
    Ares-olimpico, Mister and Myke like this.
  17. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Oops, I totally forgot about the wiki. But maybe it proves my point? Indeed there's more info (and this time presented in an easy to digest format) but, between Kaibutsu's guide, acebreaker' guide, Maki's top 10 and my attempt to fill each standardised section, one can easily get confused/overwhelmed and give up reading.

    Anyway, I don't think it's really worth considering now - maybe once VF6 is out, as a means of keeping forum-goers engaged?
    Myke likes this.
  18. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I'm of a different opinion in that I think reading a number of different perspectives on a character is actually beneficial and helps develop a more rounded view. Also, who's to say who has the "final word"?

    In any case, happy to park this idea for now!
    jimi Claymore and erdraug like this.

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