If ur new the best thing u can do is...

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by focusflute, Aug 10, 2008.

  1. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    Find a friend (or even better friends) who are willing to play with you. You can all learn the game step by step together, customize your characters to show off to each other, and all in all just have a blast.

    Its so much fun when someone finds out a new trick and uses it against everyone else and everyone is like "how did ya do that?" Then information gets dispersed to everyone and everybody learns something new.

    The next step is to find other ppl that you don't know yet who play the game and get together with them also. This can be tons of fun meeting new ppl, seeing new strategies, and seeing their wacky costumes.

    Remember that fighting games are much more social than other games. It is always awesome to sit next to someone and play them head to head and high five when the match is over while u all drink ur beverage of choice. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  2. FcoBenitez

    FcoBenitez Well-Known Member

    That's the way I became one of the best UMK3 players here (with my friend). Despite the total lack of techical difficulty of that game, it was a great way of learning how to play better a new game. I want to do that, but nobody around here wants to learn it. They suck.
  3. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I was lucky, I got VF5 when it came out for the 360 so there was plenty of new players to grow alongside.

    Many of them stopped playing but a few of them stuck with the game and continue to play it today.
  4. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    This is exaclty the opposite that happen to me...

    I bought xbox 360 and vf5 after the price of the game was lowered.

    So no one played the game with me... and in Italy there aren't shops that sell sticks... (i spent the double only for the shipping cost) and the only friends who wants to play with me offline is in another city far away from me... i hope i can fight someone after vf5r comes out (if sega will) but without a stick no one can be a real vfighter :S...
  5. Jargen88

    Jargen88 Well-Known Member

    I dont have any friends who will play this game, they are all GOW lovers. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif

    So i just train really hard by myself

    Oh and I have the PS3 version so yea no online...
  6. OJuggernautO

    OJuggernautO New Member

    One of the best UMK3 players? Sorry, but I highly doubt that.
  7. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    If ur new the best thing u can do is... not flame

    If you've got time, please let me know who IS the best UMK3 player in Chile.

    Welcome to VFDC, by the way. It's not so great that your first post is derisive. Still, this is a great place. Good luck.
  8. FcoBenitez

    FcoBenitez Well-Known Member

    Re: If ur new the best thing u can do is... not flame

    What's derisive?

    Hey, sorry for being like "I'm one of the best UMK3 players in Chile blablabla" because actually nobody cares haha. But really I don't know why Jugger doubts it, oh well...

    Thanks for the wellcome Plague
  9. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

  10. FcoBenitez

    FcoBenitez Well-Known Member

    Re: If ur new the best thing u can do is... not flame

    Oops, my bad. Yeah I was asking myself that, why would Plague think that it was my first post?

    And thanks for the link, you learn new things everyday.
  11. OJuggernautO

    OJuggernautO New Member

    Re: If ur new the best thing u can do is... not flame

    Yeah sorry about that FcoBenitez. I totally thought something different from your post. So you're a top player in Chile, thats cool man. Nice to see other UMK3 players around.

    Just starting out with VF5, and man do I suck. I did figure out a 94dmg "combo" with Kage (which probably isnt good but it is to me ;))

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