I'm as new as it gets

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Kohlrak, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. Kohlrak

    Kohlrak Active Member

    I recently left FSD (a Dead or Alive 5 website), due to the company producing the game not really responding to the twitter posts and emails from me pointing out a few game-freezing bugs. Even after calling in said bugs, they don't seem to be getting acknowledged and the patch (which was supposed to be released today) is late. It would seem they're waiting until sometime next week. The company seems to be too busy trying to sell things and not support them (these game-breaking bugs are not OK, and the PC version is severely under-supported). The community, as well, seems to be focused on promoting the game, without necessarily cleaning things up (they're starting to) or really making an active look into how to help people joining the community get better (they have lots of tutorials, but they're all pretty much the same thing and there doesn't seem to be any effort to further investigating things to see why said info isn't enough).

    That said, VF5FS seems to have less action from the parent company, however it looks a bit more solid. I've also recently discovered that the system that i like the most from DoA (holds) has a presence in this game. I sucked in DoA (the worst part is, i could never figure out why, so i didn't know how i could improve), but i'm hoping this turns out to be a much better experience. I'm already picking up Aoi and Brad, and noticing (mostly from Brad) moves that i am working into my real life training (not picking up from the characters, of course). I'm about to head out to my real training after making this post (updating my profile when i get back), but i'm curious how alive this site is as well as how welcoming the community is to new-comers.


    A day late and the game breaking fixes took place. That's still no excuse for the total bull that i and others have put-up with. I'm feeling a bit more comfy with VF5FS at this point anyway. I'll keep it and keep it updated as per my own personal policy on it, however i feel my move over to here is going to be more productive.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2015
  2. RawrCookie

    RawrCookie Well-Known Member

    Welcome to Virtua fighter :)
    Hope you have fun playing&learning VF5FS ,
    if you need any help ask anybody and they will help you , for learning try practicing , watch videos , in the first focus in one character because more than one maybe make you confusion and about the companies they all don't hear or respond, sad but true.
  3. Kohlrak

    Kohlrak Active Member

    I like you guys already. I swear that no one got this in the DoA community. TN/TK definitely did not. Do you have any recommended characters, or should i stick with Brad since i recognize so many of his moves from my real fighting?
  4. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    Character choice in VF is unlike any other game...any character can be a beast , the opinions of who is better is all subjective and for the most part , there is no better balance amongst a roster than VF.

    So choose a character you enjoy style wise and playstyle wise...dont be afraid to experiment...but usually a veteran player has a particular Main character that they are far more familiar with ... this game is deep...

    Many in the community can help with Identifying why someone wins or loses, take it in bit by bit...it can be overwhelming if it all floods in at once...

    If you ever wish to spar/paractice/fight ...feel free to message me XBL Jami San

    p.s. if you have a mic it will help you learn faster.

    Ellis, Craigbot and Kohlrak like this.
  5. Kohlrak

    Kohlrak Active Member

    I see.

    I have a mic, but i don't have XBL, just PSN.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Welcom to vfdc and enjoy vf5fs. It is a good game that requires a lot of practice but that is what makes it fun too.
  7. Kohlrak

    Kohlrak Active Member

    It feels like it doesn't need as much practice as it initially seems, but rather a better understanding of timing. I'm not sure whether i'm doing things too fast, too slow, or just hitting the wrong buttons. Like with tutorial 20: evasion 4. I have no idea what i'm doing there. I am having a bit of trouble with "offensive moves"' timings as well. Certain things in the command training will help you, but not in the basic tutorial. But, that's why i'm about to google it.

    EDIT: I'm having trouble doing 2G+P+K PPK(on hit)K. I can consistently hit everything but that final kick.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2015
  8. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Chill PKG
    Most strings have a somewhat lenient input timing, however some moves have a tighter timing. Generally these moves are timed so that you press the button the instant the prior move physically contacts the opponent, and this is the case for the last [K] in that sequence.

    As a training exercise try inputting [P][P][K] as fast as possible, then just concentrate on timing the last [K]. You should find if you hit the last [K] input around the same time as Brad's first [K] contacts the opponent, that the string will work.

    (Also in Training Mode - Command List, you can view a demo of this move including the input timing by pressing start, going to the move and selecting 'Play Demo')
    Kohlrak likes this.
  9. Kohlrak

    Kohlrak Active Member

    Maybe i'm just feeling things that aren't there, but i feel that if i hit that K too slowly, even if there are a few frame of buffer before it connects, that the second K is impossible. Is this the case (i'm still trying to do it as fast as possible, however i'm worried about that i might not be fast enough for something)? What's the slowest that i can hit those initial inputs? I'm not sure my fingers are fast enough to perfectly match the untimed presses in the demo.
  10. AngryFlyingChop

    AngryFlyingChop Well-Known Member

    It's not as bad as some of Akira's buffered bullshit, i'll tell yah hwat.

    I wonder it would help to try other character's moves that combo into throws on hit... probably not...
    Kohlrak likes this.
  11. Kohlrak

    Kohlrak Active Member

    I got enough of that from my first DoA main (Kokoro). The timing for that wasn't fun, i tell you. I ended up learning through rhythm: the timing of the throws were based on the last button pressed. I think this game is a different case, though. Still trying to pull off the "offensive movement," which i have no guide for. Slowly but surely i'm getting the timing on Brad's move down. I can it it once out of 5 times now...

    However, everything else for brad seems easy, once i get the bugs worked out of my finger movements. I can already do my favorite combo, and i'm getting better at this crouch fuzzy guarding.
  12. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    VF is definitely perfect example of easy to learn hard to master game. It is actually really easy to start playing it and within few weeks you can easily reach the level where your game looks solid; but it takes years to really understand all possible usage of all "simple" mechanics VF have to offer, not to mention to know how to really use them properly.

    What I personally like a lot on VF, it is that when you keep learning it, you will run into several "breaking points" that if you pass, you will find yourself playing quite different game. Yet (at least so far for me) on all levels the game is fun and enjoyable :)
    Dark Nova Void, Kohlrak and Kruza like this.
  13. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    It's not that hard once you get the timing for it down. Press the second K as the first one makes contact with the opponent.
  14. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

    Damn..... I didn't know you were having such problems... but then again I couldn't know because DoA5U/LR does not exist in my region (except on 8th Gen systems)..... I imported my copy of DoA5U from The UK and had to change my XBL account region in order to get all the updates.... the game may say Last Round at the Title screen but I've been playing DoA5U ever since February because TN and Microsoft decided to join forces in making this game difficult for me to enjoy to its fullest...... I have giggs upon giggs of updates/DLC that I would gladly pay to use but don't have the option to do so....

    It was at my lowest moment that I decided to buy VF5FS..... :(

    I consider DoA5 to be the Bestest Fighting Game ever..... but what good is that if the service is not as good? I can totally see why you left.... that game tests everyones patience constantly.

    Perhaps the DoA Community should demand more from TN.
  15. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Chill PKG
    You can input [P][P][K] as slow or as fast as you like, as long as the first [K] comes out the second [K] is possible.

    If you can consistently get Brad to do the [P][P][K], then you can punch that out without thinking and be able to concentrate solely on the timing for the last [K], that's the main thing.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    I can definitely understand this. The first fighting game I got into competitively was the Soul Calibur series during Soul Calibur 4. I spent about two-three years playing the game a ton and travelling to tournaments (when they actually had them, the game was *dead* in tournaments by end of 2010), but I was pretty bad at the game but couldn't figure out why. I tried tutorials, tried studying and participating at 8wayrun.com, and played a ton of people, but I was still bad, no matter what I tried.

    Then when VF5FS was getting close to coming out in the US, I switched to VF as my full-time main. This helped me a ton, as the community here was much better at teaching me how to play the game competitively and how to think competitively (fortunately, I think calibur community improved alot in this aspect too for sc5). They were much better at pointing out my dumb mistakes I would make in matches or that my mindset and goals were flawed.

    So now, years later, I'm better at VF and when I go to learn other games (anime, DoA, etc) or play Calibur again, it doesnt take me nearly as long to play at a decent level, because I know what to look for now, when learning the game. So, from personal experience, I'd say learning VF and chilling with the VFDC community will benefit you in learning how to look at (3d) fighting games.
    Kohlrak, Kruza and Lulu Lulu like this.
  17. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

    The First Fighting Game is always the hardest. ;)

    But as the charming @BLACKSTAR said..... once you get a good grasp of one of them you can take that knowledge with you to the others.

    I love it when Skills Transfer. :D
  18. Kohlrak

    Kohlrak Active Member

    What specifically doesn't work?

    I think the issue is that they know they're at their highest point in their history, and they're getting greedy. Instead of figuring out why, trying to improve upon the things that their existing community is complaining about, as well as continuing to listen to "the outsiders," the community and TK both are in full on advertisement of this game. What they don't realize is, people who have never been exposed before who are getting exposed now will be turned off by all the shortcomings. If they want to tap into DoA's true potential, keep trying to improve the experience before inviting people to disappointment. DoA still is not an easy game to get into. Everyone's relying on a page in a language they can't read just to get up-to-date frame data (before they knew it existed, everyone said it wasn't worth the investment), the tutorial constantly rubs the execution barrier in your face (i can say that i do wish more from VFs tutorial mode, but Sega isn't doing what TK's doing). All the "help videos" are just combo videos and "character tutorials" that use jargon way over the average new player, yet "we've poured so much into the community and have so many great videos, what more do you want?"

    I will say, though, there are some awesome people in the community. Only people who're blinded by their infatuation for the game could not see that the game is heavily sexualized compared to other fighters. For that, the softban took place. I find some of the banned choices to be odd (Gracia's outfit on Kasumi?), but the attempt was noble and should have had an effect on TK, but it didn't. Special shoutouts to Tenryuga, iHajin, and everyone else behind the "Team Best" movement which seemed to have died in obscurity, despite how useful it could've been. When i proposed some ideas to experiment with to see if it affected learning, i've had 2 or 3 open-minded people help out altogether (good for them bad for the community as a whole). Mr. Wah seems to have his head where it needs to be, but the mods aren't on the same page and they are not afraid to show it. I've had Mr. Wah and maybe a few other "higher ups" come to me when i've posted things asking to hear more of my theories (even if they were not practical).

    The DoA community is like mice who have gone through their complicated maze of a house, even stole the cheese off the mouse trap without triggering it, then getting ontop of the cat to eat it. They have good intentions, but they're smelling the prize and are over-promoting their game way too early.

    I'm trying to time that second K to land as that word "low" appears on the screen. Still not much luck, but it's good to know that i can relax a little. Eventually i'll get it down.

    That's what i'm hoping for. I'm already seeing, from the posts i'm reading, less content with much more quality.

    I hope i don't need to transfer. My guess, however, is that my thought process needed the kind of correction that the videos and the like at FSD don't provide.

    EDIT: I think the best and shortest way to describe DoA is, they have some pretty cards, but the community has decide to make a beautiful mansion out of them alone, instead of using them as wallpaper.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2015
    Lulu Lulu likes this.
  19. Dark Nova Void

    Dark Nova Void Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure someone has answered but just to give my opinion. Play whoever you want man just make sure to stick with dat character and learn them as well as learn the game fundamentally. Also I wanna add don't get discouraged because you lose a lot or stuff doesn't make sense like people said we're all pretty willing to help anybody. Finally welcome to VF5FS. :D
    Kohlrak likes this.
  20. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

    Well for starters... In the wrong Region... DLC doesn't show up in the XBL Marketplace..... this is problematic because the game is still going to attempt to update itself and it will refuse to run if it doesn't get the The DLC that is suppose to go hand in hand with each title update.......

    Luckily I can get around that problem by changing the region on my account.... the down side is I can't buy anything anymore. I had to use an entirely different account to buy stuff.

    LoL The DoA community is two-faced and can be as ugly as it is awesome......

    Mr.Wah and iHajin have been the most helpful to me.... I just admire how patient they were with me.

    I don't know that much about the politics there....I don't see the mods any differently from the rest of the users there but then again I only travel within very specific circles around there. I spend most of my time in the Character Specific boards.... mods rarely make appearences there.

    LoL I may have been a bit rude to Emperor Cow regarding his Combo Videos..... I too was also more interested knowing how to actually play a character more maximum Damage Combos.... I could have handled that situation better.... I didn't mean to sound like what he was doing wasn't important.... anyway the point is now they appear to be more character specific how to tutorials. The problem is you have to hunt them down..... the were all creatated by the community.... TN should do what Sega did and should create an official volume of tutorial for the game's basics and characters.

    And don't even get me started on the in game Combo Challenges....

    LoL I don't think that analogy is easily understable considering where I'm from but I sort of get what you're saying....

    We paint our walls.... I don't think wall paper will stick reliably on the uneven cement surface on the walls. :D

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