I'm new and I hate aoi

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by BostonVSu, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. BostonVSu

    BostonVSu New Member

    K so, how the heck to you overcome aoi with the never ending cheapness of her instantaneous dual reversal?
  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Which character are you using? Also you can throw her.
  3. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    And sweep her, or try a K+G attack. If you juggle her (knock her up into the air), you can land more hits on her than most other cast members.
  4. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Try not to duck too much against a "dancing Aoi" most of her attacks look like she'll hit you low but most of them end up being faked into mids or highs. Having fought GunSniper a few times I watched the replays & thats what i noticed
  5. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Most of the aoi players have bad habits, try to read his game and punish with a throw when he tries the reversal
  6. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    The first thing to remember when fighting against Aoi is to be patient. Don't be quick to throw out a fast attack every single time after gaining any type of advantage. All Aoi players -- and I mean all of them -- love to fight opponents who routinely does that. Before responding with any attacks, try to recognize what that Aoi player is doing once they give up the advantage after whiffing an attack of their own or getting it blocked. Then you respond accordingly.

    Don't try to fuzzy often against an Aoi player who likes to go to [6][6][K] from medium to long range. That move absolutely kills fuzzies, plus it starts fairly damaging combos. (Some of the higher-difficulty combos from [6][6][K] are extremely damaging, but most Aoi players don't really go to them.) If you like to move around a lot via evade cancelling use the forward dash version and not the crouch dash one, as you'll have an opportunity to block [6][6][K] if you apply the former technique. And by the way, this move kills failed evades too. So be careful when looking to sidestep from medium to long range against a seasoned Aoi player. Also don't be discovered as a frequent low puncher during predictable moments as you'll then open yourself up to a healthy dose of backdash > [6][6][K] throughout the entire match.

    Aoi's back turned [2][P] move is actually quicker than her forward-facing low punch. So if she gets to this point with a counter hit attack, don't be eager to immediately attack or back throw her whenever you see her back turned while standing close to you. You'll likely get CH back with that move and next get opened to a brand new batch of evil BT antics from that Aoi player in the future.

    I hope this helps you out some.

    leftylizard likes this.
  7. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Taka has a easy time against Aoi, 33P+K beats every "dance" aka Tenchi attempt and options all the time as an double limbed launcher, plus she can't combo him worth shit where as Taka does a fuckton of damage on her from pretty much every juggle. So my advice; Pick Taka.
  8. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    He can beat Aoi with anyone, he just need to have a better understanding of Aoi like Kruza mentioned. When it come down to it everything in VF can be stopped. Some things might be very hard to stop ,but don't say you can't stop it.
  9. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    aoi isnt cheap...just misunderstood ;)
    MarlyJay and aoi ameindei like this.
  10. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    im an aoi player i think i can safely say all aois hate people who play very defensively
    Chibiaya likes this.
  11. Valakrie

    Valakrie Well-Known Member

    Welcome to VFDC. Aoi isn't cheap, in fact, I'm going to go on a limb and say that she is the most real character in VF at the moment. There is no bullshit with this character, just skill. If you are having a hard time with her stance, throw her, do a low, or hell just 2P her out of it cause there is no autopilot reversal property that stops low jabs in her stance. Also, make sure to go to practice mode or look at your character's move list and see what works, or rather, makes the most sense in a situation where you think an Aoi would use the mid reversal or stance. Pretty much every character has a specific mid (like Shoulder rams) that can't be reversed by her stance (Such as Aoi's 46P+K).
    kingo likes this.
  12. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    Also to add on to this her tenchi n'you stance on stops mid highs that are linear or half circular. Circulars beat most of her reversal and tenchi stance all together. Thats a must when u fight aoi. also try not to use alot of combos on her because of the stance.
  13. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    I think the quickest and easiest adjustment to make is to throw aoi much more than you do just about any other character. As said above, almost ALL aoi's will try to reverse far too much. They rarely do an reverse and TE.

    This will help to put a bandaid on your matches until you learn her better.

    p.s. If you think aoi is cheap, just wait until you get better and face some of the stronger people using other characters :eek:
  14. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    The OP is complaining about "dual reversal" ie. Tenchi. Back in VF5 vanilla i had compiled a list of fast mid unsabakiable attacks per character. Those will beat Aoi's tenchi AND her sabakis. The list is also useful vs sabaki heavy characters like goh, DS vanessa, BT lei fei and, why not, reversal-happy akira and pai players. I didn't include LOW unsabakiable attacks because any low will always beat Aoi's tenchi anyway. I didn't include HIGH unsabakiable attacks either because these can lose to a simple low punch abare. I do include the few special high ones though.

    Here's my attempt to update the list for VF5FS (from faster to slower, with move type & payoff on CH):


    Akira: Double Palm MDP 13+f KD; Shoulder Ram SH 16+f stagger; b,f+p+k MDP 17f KnockDown; Bodycheck BK 17+f KD; p+k MDP 18f; f,f+p+k SH 19+f hit-throw mixup.
    Aoi: b,df+p MDP stagger; b,df+p+k MDP 16f stomach crumple
    Brad: uf+k MDK 14f KD; f,f+k MCR 18f KD
    Eileen: uf+k MDK (? sb confirm it's MDK please) 17f float; D,df+p+k SH 18+f float; uf+p MDP (?) 21f float
    El Blaze: u+p+k MDP 20f slam float; ub+k SM (?) 18f stagger; uf+k MDK 25f stomp or low throw attempt (?); jumping p ? ? slam
    Goh: Shoulder Ram SH 16+f stagger; HCF+p+k MHD 25f KD
    Jacky: Somersault SM 14f KD; uf+k MDK (?) 14f KD; b,f+k+g MCR 17f KD
    Jean: f,f+p+k (?) MDP 15f (?) KD; uf+k+g MDK 14f KD; b,f+k+g SM 23f stagger
    Jeffry: b+p+k MHD 17f; b,df+p,p MDP 18f KD; b,f+p+k MHD 19f slam float; f,f+p+k SH 25 hit-throw
    Kage: ub+k+g SM 15f KD; ub+k SM 16f KD; f+k+g MDK (?) 21f float; df+k+g MDK 23f KD; f,f+k+g MDK 25f KD
    Lau: ub+k SM 16f KD; uf+k MDK 20f float; (maybe uf+k+g,p? sorry, i'm not that familiar with his new moves)
    Lei Fei: b,df+p+k MDP 14f KD; uf+k+g 16f float; b,f+p MDP 19f; u+k+g MCR (?) 21f (probably more)
    Lion: D,f+p+k MDP 16+f side crumple; uf+k MDK (?) 16f down; f+k+g MCR 25f KD
    Pai: df+p+k MDP 12f KD; ub+k SM 16f down; D,df+p+k MDP 16+f float; b,f,f+p+k SH 17+f down or side crumple; f,f+k+g MDK (?) 20f float; k+g H*CR (?) 21f; f+k+g MDK (?) 26f float, ub+k+g SM (?) 22f stagger
    Sarah: ub+k SM 14f KD; uf+k MDK 20f float
    Shun: u+k+g MDK 17f float; MDK f+k+g 22f float (please confirm, is this the input for his mulekick and the new "handstand" floater? anything else?)
    Taka: f,f+p,p MDP 14f KD; df+p+k MDP (?) 16f; df,df+p+k MDP 17f float; k+g,p BK (?) 17f float
    Vanessa: f+pkg SH 19f stagger; DS f,f+k MCR 22f KD; OS k+g H*CR 37f guaranteed p,p,k; jump/IS k MCR stagger
    Wolf: D,df,f+p MDP 14f down; f,f+p SH 16f KD; uf+p MDP 18f hit throw; b,f+p+k SH 20f float; uf+k MPK 27f stomp or low throw attempt (?)


    Please bear in mind that the command lists don't specify the actual move type for each attack anymore so i'm going by memory/guessing by animation here, there's bound to be some stuff wrong or missing, sorry.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2021
    MakiLeSushi and G_A like this.

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