I'm not improving at all.

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by NuclearRaven, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. NuclearRaven

    NuclearRaven Well-Known Member

    Well I was playing Carolina Panther online just now and it wasn't pretty. I managed to beat him twice but then he just went to town on my ass. He beat me 15 times in a row with Wolf successfully breaking my self-esteem. I thought I was getting good at this game but then I keep getting my ass kicked over and over again. It's a wonder that I keep playing even though I never win matches. I managed to beat him one last time but then I had to get off because I just couldn't take another loss. Now I'm sulking in my room wondering if I should give up.
  2. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member


    sorry if I am going to sound patronizing, but CP has been around a long time and hes not going to get steamrolled like nothing, the guy must have 1000 of game hours under his belt and to beat somebody like him you gotta have even more experience...patience I say, bite your time for now!
  3. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Raven I think you should check out the wiki here. Learning how to play VF well at ground level is like trying to digest a whale. This isn't a random Japanese game show man. Start off with the basics. You're a Kage player right? Kage is a good solid character and he has many tricky tools to utilize as well.

    VF is hard, but rewarding and extremely fun when knowledge of the game is applied. No one can pick it up and beast.
  4. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Good sir, we both are more similar then you think. Now lets not get things mixed up, I ain't a big boy around here, not even close but I consider myself in the "average/below average" department. Anyways, lets start things off by saying I've also foughten CP and there's absolutely no reason to be ashamed of yourself to be losing. You beat him twice then he beat you 15? I lost 15 in a row to Plague then won one then another 15 in a row then win one, I lost like 20 in a row to sudden death then won one, I lost like 20-30 one time to happyfriends lau and won none, I lost 15 times to yosuke and won none, and I can go on foreeeever because of all the matches I've had, but I'm not loathing, you get better from losing. For example I keep on losing and I'm wondering wtf is going on but I try to listion to advices I get, "you 2p 2 much" well stopped doing that recently and now I feel I've gotten better, also heard "keep the pressure going don't just stop randomly and back away" listioned got better. Now working on my defense, A good thing to do is save some replays to see what your doing wrong and try to break the bad habits or the best thing to do imo is just ask for help this is VFDC afterall you got all the vets here an threads to learn from. You can't give up now because you lost to someone way better then you.

    Bottom line: I know how you feel, I mean I still get raped time to time to this day, you can't always win you know that? Get help ask questions "what should I do if he does this" Go check out your own character's main points under strategy of kage or whoever you use. I've been playing for a year or so and I can't even do my fuzzy's, just to show I'm not good. I don't know I hope you feel better just from the fact that you know people care here about you, before people can help, you must take the first step first.
  5. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    save and watch replays it can really help out when identifying mistakes and adapting
  6. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    For somebody starting out, it will take forever to beat some of the regulars. They have years of VF on you. In my case, I've played since VF3 so that's like 10 years. (In fact, I should probably be better for all the VF i've played.)

    The thing to do is to try and play as much as you can without worrying too much about winning. This is easier said than done, but you have to put in a lot of time before you will be competitive with the vets.
  7. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    You have to continue adapting to what your opponent is doing... I have a problem with doing this myself. I'm better when I can stop and meditate for a bit then start fighting again, but player sessions aren't generally like that... I end up losing 6-10 in a row quite often. You have to diagnose what your opponent is doing to beat you and then change your game accordingly. Unfortunately, this is usually a flaw in your game that they are taking advantage of. You might not even be aware that it was a flaw until now. You have to be able to critique your own game on the fly. It's a difficult skill.
  8. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

  9. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    You're whining about getting beaten up by someone who has been playing the game over a year or two while you are a self admitted noob. How arrogant does that sound? Experience level is relative and there is ALOT of learning in VF. I recommend you put on your learning hat and welcome the beatings from veteran players to help you improve. VF isnt an instant gratification game and no matter how talented you might think you are, it's impossible to get around the experience required to compete with veteran players. There are alot of strong players in other games that simply don't want to play VF because their egos cant take the beatings and if you're expecting to be whooping on veterans after a few weeks or months of play, then VF isn't for you.

    Think of it like learning a new language. It takes alot of time to become fluent and even after that happens, it still doesn't mean you know anywhere near the complete language. Right now you are learning your ABCs and grammar and you are trying to have a conversation with someone that is already fluent. Not going to happen.
  10. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator


    NuclearRaven, it took me about 2-3 years to really understand what I was doing. The game doesn't come easy. It's a good thing that CarolinaPanther was beating you so badly. I wouldn't want to invest a lot of time in a game where newbies could beat me after spending hardly any time with the game (relatively speaking).

    Think of it that way and keep trying. If you really care about the game, then the fruits of your continued efforts will eventually be worth it.
  11. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    I've been playing vf5 now for about 10-11 months and if i play an hour a day, i am still improving weekly!! The game is that sophisticated. I think LA put it better than i've ever heard it: think of vf as a foreign language. Yep. Sums it up pretty good.

    If you want to get better do the things people are suggesting. For my part, i would advise assessing what u think your weakest trait is and trying to improve it. Or try and diagnoses where u can get the most improvement in the least amount of time, and continually work wherever you think that is, to maximize your practice time.

    If you were to graph my improvement, it would be a stair step graph, not a smooth line rising in ability. Meaning if you are like me, your hardwork may seem like it isn't paying off, then it starts "clicking" every so often.

    Find a good mix of opponents to train with. Some much better then you, some at the same level, and some weaker.
  12. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I'll say don't feel discouraged. After you learn the initial things it's easy to over look some of the improvements you're making. You're probably getting a little better every match, just through gained experience without noticing.

    I've felt the same way at times. I've realised that i'm playing better players on a more regular basis and so win less. Probably the same for you. It's normal and since 'good' is relative, makes it harder to assess your own level.

    Keep at it and don't be shocked if you find you have to take a step back before you take 2 forward. (i didn't win for a while when i stopped spamming PPP /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif )
  13. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    Alot easier said then done sir. Its easy to feel discouraged especially in a game like VF. I am still rather new myself and i dont really know much about VF. I kinda play it by ear. I play alot of good players and i always feel like im moving backwards. But I i cannot say I get mad at losing. Moreover i get mad at looking like i dont know how to deal with anything(though half the time i really DONT know how to deal with anything.) From one new player to another. Youll get it man, Just keep at it. Thats what im doing
  14. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Cozby, VFNumbers, AssassinCP, Social Ruin, Glory and a few others that started playing VF seriously when VF5 online drop. This guys put in work. Especially Cozby, after NYG7 homeboy drop the pad, and got a dual modded VSHG, looked at Youtube and study the frame data. I can't even get a 3 game winning streak against him anymore. Want to be good, put in work, Is that simple.
  15. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Wait, so you have to watch youtube and get a modded VSHG to get good?

    Why am I still n00b?! Wahhhhhhhhhhhh /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif
  16. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    You love spinning words don't you? Just stating the work Cozby put in. I'm not going "explain" in detail what every word in my post say. BTW, the shoutbox is that way---------->
    Feel free to flood that application with your wisdom of bullshit.
  17. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I was just kidding, I actually agreed with your post /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  18. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    I know frame data and all the words to chocolate rain
  19. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    LMAO at pointing at the shoutbox
  20. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I found that pretty damn funny too but figured it would be better not say anything.

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