Incomplete translation of Free Training menus

Discussion in 'Console' started by LemonMan, Feb 13, 2002.

  1. LemonMan

    LemonMan Active Member

    This is not a complete list, it's just the basics needed to get around in Free Training mode. I speak zero Japanese, so this is all from experimenting. The 3rd and 4th option of the CPU settings seem to involve how the computer attacks, if you set it to attack, but I did not have the patience to futz with them. I didn't include what the 2nd and 3rd items from the Feedback menu because I could not, for the life of me, figure out what they were. Finally, I'm not sure about the 6th and 7th options in the Record and Replay menus. If anyone wants to clarify any of this stuff, that would be great. Oh, also, this is my first time playing with UBBCode so if it's clumsy, that's why.

    1st Menu: CPU Settings
    <ul type="square">[*]1st Sub-Menu: Computer, regardless of what you do
    : 1st Option: No block, neutral (2 characters, looks like a 'v' and a '5')
    : 2nd Option: Crouch
    : 3rd Option: Hop (To see what can be hopped, I suppose)
    : 4th Option: Computer attacks.
    [*]2nd Sub-Menu: Computer, when you are attacking or moving
    : 1st Option: No block, neutral (6 characters, starts with '=')
    : 2nd Option: Follows you around, still no block.
    : 3rd Option: Follow you around, all hits are MC. (see Note #1)
    : 4th Option: Block high and mid only
    : 5th Option: Block all
    : 6th Option: Evade all (see Note #2)
    [*]3rd Option: Not translated
    [*]4th Option: Not translated[/list]
    2nd Menu: Moveslist

    3rd Menu: Speed
    <ul type="square">[*]1st Option: Regular
    [*]2nd Option: Attacks in slow motion
    [*]3rd Option: Throws in slow motion
    [*]4th Option: Everything in slow motion[/list]
    4th Menu: Feedback
    <ul type="square">[*]1st Option: Input Display
    : None = Obvious.
    : Type A = Scrolling up, with frames elapsed
    : Type B = Scrolling sideways, graphical representation of time. Not sure how long one bar is.
    [*]2nd Option: Not Translated
    [*]3rd Option: Not Translated
    [*]4th Option: Move timing display
    : Blue = Execution time
    : Yellow = Connection time
    : Orange = Total duration of move including recovery
    : Red = Recovering from hit, or from throwing
    [*]5th Option: Names above heads, flash when staggered from a back hit[/list]
    5th Menu: Reposition characters
    <ul type="square">[*]1st Option: Both to center
    [*]2nd Option: Both to left side
    [*]3rd Option: Both to right side[/list]
    6th Menu: Wall height
    <ul type="square">[*]1st Option: High
    [*]2nd Option: Low, breakable
    [*]3rd Option: None[/list]
    7th Menu: Record opponent
    <ul type="square">[*]1 - 5: Record for playback
    [*]6th Option: Save (?)
    [*]7th Option: Load (?)[/list]
    8th Menu: Playback opponent
    <ul type="square">[*]1 - 5: Playback
    [*]6th Option: Edit (?)
    [*]7th Option: Load (?)[/list]
    9th Menu: Reselect Characters

    10th Menu: Quit

    Note #1: Each opponent has one very slow attack that it will initiate during the execution time of all of your attacks if you choose this setting. Normally this leads to a major counter. If you whiff somehow, you may get kicked by the computer.

    Note #2: The computer sometimes gets confused about evading after it's been thrown. You may be able to connect with moves after a throw repeatedly because the computer's timing is off.
  2. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    BIG thanks LemonMan...I had the patience to stumble through Trial Mode, but am waaay too impatient to trudge through all the menus in Free, so thanks for doing this!
  3. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    1st Menu -- 4th Option governs what the CPU does upon knockdown. It brings you to another option table where you can make the CPU do nothing, rise with mid kick, rise with low kick, rise with random kick, quickrise, techroll, techroll + dodge, etc.

    4th Menu -- 2nd or 3rd Option : I'm at work now, so I don't have PS2 VF4 in front of me, but IIRC, one of these shows you when to press P+K+G to QR/TR upon knockdown.

    4th Menu -- 5th Option is not names above heads. It flashes above your head when you can throw. If it flashes over your head, it means you can throw the CPU; if it flashes above the CPU's head, it means the CPU just blocked your throw counterable move.

    P.S. Nice formatting with UBBCode! /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  4. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    1st Menu -- 4th Option governs what the CPU does upon knockdown. It brings you to another option table where you can make the CPU do nothing, rise with mid kick, rise with low kick, rise with random kick, quickrise, techroll, techroll + dodge, etc.

    Awesome! Okizeme practice.

    The more I hear about the PS2 version the more I like... =)

    Good post LemonMan! Thanks.
  5. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    4th Menu -- 2nd or 3rd Option : I'm at work now, so I don't have PS2 VF4 in front of me, but IIRC, one of these shows you when to press P+K+G to QR/TR upon knockdown.

    I believe one of these shows when and what command needs to be entered for specific throw escapes. When the CPU attempts a throw, during the time a throw can be escaped, the escape command will pop up on screen and a big red "!" will flash next to it. (Too bad I suck at escaping, bleh...)
  6. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    When the CPU attempts a throw, during the time a throw can be escaped, the escape command will pop up on screen and a big red "!" will flash next to it.

    If the escape command only appears during the throw escape window, this training lesson will answer the question of whether you can enter a throw escape before the attacking/throwing player does or not. Can anyone comment on this?

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