Introduction and question

Discussion in 'Console' started by YenningComity, Aug 6, 2005.

  1. YenningComity

    YenningComity New Member

    Well I'll admit it i suck at fighting games heh but i got it in my head to own an arcade game last summer and settled on a vf2. Reason being is i remembered seeing it at sega world in london when it first came out. Heck I even purchased the metal sign for it that scratches anytime i touch it.

    Anyways i rarely touch the game but lately ive become interested in getting vf3 team battle which is a model 3 game and will require work to get it running since vf2 is a model 2. My question to you guys is three worth getting? I have played it a few times at arcades but never team battle so i thought id ask.
  2. Day67

    Day67 Member

    You mean you got the actual arcade cabinet VF2? You DO have VF4 (console) don't you? otherwise I don't think you need to purchase the actual cabinet unless you purchase for collector's purposes.
    If you must buy VF3, I would say that its just a decent game
  3. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    Hey guys lets pick a random forum that totally makes no sense and post an introduction thread in it! They'll notice me this way!!!!
  4. YenningComity

    YenningComity New Member

    its nice to see that assholes still lurk on forums everywhere waiting to flame. Why post it in consoles? umm perhaps because you dont have one that says arcade cabinets (yes i own one it weights 400lbs and is the size of a fridge)

    Regardless it shouldnt matter because im asking if the gameplay is good enough? No i dont own a console anymore (sold my xbox and besides its not the same feel). I have the cabinet because its an entirely different feel and I would get vf4 evo which uses a medium resolution monitor but im not going to buy a naomi 2 and a gdrom for one game its just too expensive.
  5. Day67

    Day67 Member

    No need to be so defensive, I wasn't trying to flame you in any way. Just merely stating my opinion.
    If you want to get VF3 by all means do so. I just wanted to tell you that 3 is kinda obsolete at this time. Most of us on this forum play VF4 FT and that's where most of the competition is at. Since you seem to have a preference for the arcade "feel" I am assuming that you frequent arcades (for competition).
  6. YenningComity

    YenningComity New Member

    on the contrary i said i suck at fighters and by all means i do suck lol. To be honest im an fps person so War Final Assualt is more my style. Anyways i know vf3 is obsolete but I was wondering what you guys thought of team battle seeing how its going to be about 150 to get it.

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