is an 8.1 from gamespot justified?

Discussion in 'General' started by Condor, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. Condor

    Condor Well-Known Member

    well, i dont own a PS3 or VF5 yet, but after i did my research at gamespot, I am a little bit turn off by VF5. Since there is a big disscusion on how to extend the VF community with the release of VF5, sad to say, but imho, i dont think the VF community is going big as we all hope.

    At my university, there are many hardcore tekken players, and some of theme told me that they are planning to get a copy of VF5 when it comes out, based on the amount of hype that VF5 recieves, which excites me a lot. But as we all know that Gamespot is the mother of all video game website, and i know for a fact that many people who are planning to get a copy will check out gamespot's review. Now, i do understnad that every game reviews have their own biases, but given the magnitude and influence that Gamespot has, I cant see non-fans or people that are interested in the VF5 will get their copy anytime soon.

    Furthermore, I, too, am a little turn off right now. I had always imagine that VF5 would greatly extend the single player mode so that people at home can enjoy the game, but instead VF took a step back (based on gamespot's review). And it seems to me that Sega isn't making any effort to draw new fans to the series. It's more like "We only target the VF fan base only, and we don't care about anyone else".

    Though dissapointed at the direction that VF series is heading, I really hope that VF5 really proves me wrong, and that this release will bring more fans to the series. I still plan to get a copy of my own once i have enough spare time to actually play games, but for now, I will wait and see what will happen and where this latest release is heading.
  2. Onslaught

    Onslaught Well-Known Member

    It's pretty justified. Sega's laziness is hurting AM2's game.
  3. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

  4. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member


    Yeah, their review was pretty lowbrow and clodish. I don't know who that fuck is that that wrote the review, but I suspect he got his ass beat in Vf in, like, 1998 and was intimidated and just has sour grapes. If you notice, during the review he just mentions how sega has done nothing that will interest anyone who isn't a big fanboy already and how if you are not one of those fanboys you should basically steer clear. Never does he say that if you are interested in having the deepest videogame (or at least fighting game) experience you should try VF. He reveals his own prejudice for the lowbrow. He is a sorry motherfucker. I guess he would rather play a hundred shallow, shiny games in a year rather than devote very much time to concentrating on a game that is actually challenging.

    Fact is, VF5's core gameplay and graphics warrant at least 9.0, even with the weak single player and no internet. It is just that good and there is nothing else like it.
  5. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    We just received a huge marketing research packet at work, and among the information gathered was that by a wide margin, Gamespot is the #1 website videogame consumers go to when trying to find more information on a videogame (with #2 being the official website of the game itself). Gamespot is definitely a pretty big deal.
  6. Condor

    Condor Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    Zero-chan, i just now realized taht you're working at a video game, hopefully you aren't as critique as gamespot. But i still stand by what i say earlier. I was really excited about finding out what gamespot gave VF5 since, they really praised VF4 and evo to be one of teh all time greatest fighter. Instead, i was slapped in the face with an 8.1. Ohh i can see it now, those tekken players at school are gonna bash me for this :(. Do u you sega rushed this game, bc tehy could have done so much more for this considering they are using a blue-ray disk.

    BTW, what does "laffo" stands for?
  7. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    gamespot sucks ever since kasavin left. Check out Gerstman Tekken reviews for a completely biased perspective on reviewing.
  8. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    It's pretty well-known in games media that, in terms of sheer size, scope, and consumer influence, IGN is hugely dominant. Say whatever you want about the quality of the site's writing, but god DAMN do they ever get plenty of hits from the public at large. Add in Gamespy and it gets even bigger.

    Speaking of Gamespy, my pal Sterling's got something here...
  9. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    Really, I should link that review in every mail I send or post I make for the coming month.

    Gametrailers' review ends with a 9.1 (after getting a 5 for story ^_^ ) but the talk itself boils down to: "there's no online, it takes time to learn, there's no online, is for the hard-core player, oh, and there's NO online". The lines of praise (Most balanced is mentioned, though I missed it when I first saw it) are wedged in and almost seem added as an afterthought.

    Gamespot calling the AI bad? Have they even got someone who played VF more than a couple of hours?
  10. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    I read his T5 review. He called its fightng engine nearly perfect. It is ok if he prefers to play that stupid game, but given the loyalties fighting game players, GS should not let a Tekken fanboy write the review for VF5.
  11. Condor

    Condor Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    hmmm...I though that the score given at gamespot was an average score from their staffs. I didn't know that it was an individual score. Anyway, given the score as it is, how do you think it will effect teh VF community in terms of getting new ppl in?
  12. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    I just read/watched Gerstmann's review. I actually found it to be pretty fair. He only made one mistake (that you can't get the CPU to show how a move is executed which he calls "criminal" -- but you can do it to a limited degree in command trainnig) but otherwise his comments are valid. I also didn't hear him say the AI was bad or even worse than Evo Ai, just that it's "robotic."

    At the end of the day Gerstmann simply doesn't know how to value VF5's core value propisition -- the gameplay. Just watch the video; the 1P was doing /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif over and over. For a player like Gerstmann, most of the value unfortunately comes in the single player experience and the console extras.

    I agree with Dissmaster. The core game is worth at least 9/10. We can and should be critical about the lack of console extras, but let's not forget that the core gameplay is why we as VF players are here the first place.

    P.S. VF5's average ranking is 89% on GamerRankings ( That's not bad. I personally expected most outlets to rate VF5 as an 8.5.
  13. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    Ultimately, Ice-9 is right on almost all counts. The 1up crew are complete and utter VF fanboys, and lavish endless praise on it, but really don't seem to have a clue about how to actually play the game (and personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with that). They've picked up on the perception that VF is the premier fighter on the planet and they reflect that in their scoring of the game. I didn't hear anyone protest the 9.5 that they gave VF, which I find as equally undeserved as Gamespot's 8.1. The game's deserved score probably lies somewhere in the middle, but fighting games are funny like that. You really shouldn't be relying on a general enthusiast website for your fighting game info, but unfortunately, that's exactly what the buying public does.

    With that said, I am somewhat at odds with simply supporting VF regardless of whether your heart is in it or not. I myself had an awesome time playing lastnight with a couple of buddies I've managed to recruit, and despite not feeling this much sequel deja vu since SF2: CE, I plan on trying to get as many of my fighting friends to play as possible. But if you're not feeling the game, it's certainly your right to tear Sega down at every given opportunity. Something tells me said detractors don't need my permission to do that, though.
  14. yuki_daruma

    yuki_daruma Member

    Re: NO

    I notice that a gamers who are nuts about fighting games. For example most people who play videogames do not give a crap about frames. But for fighting games to compete in tournaments it is a necissity. With that being said the guys who review games have no idea how to really play fighting games competetively. I think it is a great game. I am really missing 1080p support and online play. But its an awesome game. Pick it up for sure.
  15. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    Oops -- I wrote my original post because I thought the AI was a big part of Gerstmann's review. It wasn't, so I had edited it out.
  16. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    Funny, I have no problems getting VF5 to send a 1080p signal to my tv - just go to the ps3 video settings menu, uncheck 720p and 1080i and leave 1080p checked.
  17. yuki_daruma

    yuki_daruma Member

    Re: NO

    If you look on the back of the box it reads that vf5 supports 720p resolution but it does not support 1080p
  18. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    Assuming you're talking about the US version. the asian version box says it supports 1080p,
    and it does.

    try setting the ps3 video settings to:

    x 480p
    _ 720p
    _ 1080i
    x 1080p

    start the game up, check your tv's menu to see what signal its getting.
  19. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    Just a quick mention... Akira is called "a professional karate man" - which he is about as much as I am. Part of why he's so interesting is that he is a "typical Japanese I-will-be-ever-stronger main hero type"... practicing a Chinese martial art.

    Shame on you, mr. Gerstmann.
  20. CaliJared

    CaliJared Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    Kasavin is gone?!?! =( He was my favorite and most fair reviewer. Where'd he go?

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