is it odd...

Discussion in 'Console' started by Eileen, Mar 4, 2007.

  1. Eileen

    Eileen Member

    I was wondering is it really THAT hard to use the ps3 controller to play? Maybe Eileen's moves are very easy to do but the pad doesnt seem very hard to use I've reach master with 200 wins and 25 loses. Does anyone else use the pad? If I were to buy a stick how hard would it be to change from controller to stick?
  2. I'm new and just want to say hello to everyone and say that I am honored to be playing such an amazing game and be a part of this site.

    VF5 is the first Vf that I'm playing seriously. I tried 4 but I was too hyped about Tekken 4 (Tekken player at heart) and wasn't in the mood to learn a new fighter. VF1-3 I've only played casually. Anyway, I've played fighters solely on console and have been using pad for ages. I picked up Brad in VF5 and I have such an easy time pulling off the sways and long ducks perfectly with pad but when I bought the Hori fighting stick 3, I just could not adapt. I can't play Tekken on stick if my life depended on it but I thought I could learn a new fighter on a stick... should be easy- NOPE.

    If you're accustomed to pad and have your specific playstyle, I recommend staying with it since it's what you know best. If stick is something you definitely want to learn despite the learning curve.. just go for it. I, on the otherhand, am much more comfortable using pad.
  3. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    First off, reaching a rank with A.I. doesn't mean anything. My Evo Jeffry is a Champion 1853/150... the key word my Jeffry.

    Now if you aren't playing people or playing friends in a very casual manner then don't bother with a stick.

    If you wish to get better, play with good players, etc... get a stick.
  4. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Trust me on this one but its all about preference. In Japan thiers arcades all around so it makes more sense too use sticks there.They would laugh seeing someone play on a pad simply cause everyone who plays seriously in japan uses a stick. In America, most people have already adapted using pads on an unseen level and the only reason I learned how to use a stick was because of final tuned..but trust me on this, anything I can do on a stick I can also do on a pad. If you been playing on pad for awhile I say stay with it cause getting used to the stick will be tough,vice versa as well. Just be glad that in Vf5 you can change buttons in mid fight rather then having to always go back to the main menu like it was in EVO
  5. Yeah, I was always embarassed for playing on pad after joining tekkenzaibatsu in '01 and seeing how competitive everyone was and how "leet" the stick players thought they were...

    ...but after years of trying to play on pad, from ttt-t5 and vf4 and 5, I give up. I'm far superior playing on pad. It's not even the button layout that screws me up, it's the actual stick. I've played my whole videogaming "career" (haha) on pad using my thumb to control motion so trying to adapt to using my wrist and whole hand is just overwhelming for me.

    I can seriously say that I can hold my own on pad. Why this is considered inferior is beyond me... in fact, it's even harder to perform some moves using a pad.

    ^that was in response to:
  6. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    I never said Pads suck (both of the posters above), I even rewrote that statement to not belittle it. I never meet anyone good on a pad, but I've read enough on these forums to believe otherwise.

    I was mostly referring to tournies where they only have sticks... but how many can get that inference?

    Akira's knee is only easier on a pad.
  7. Eileen

    Eileen Member

    I guess I'll stick with the pad because every so often my friends come and play its not like I gonna start a tourney...=S
  8. Didn't mean to seem snappy, Sebo. I still want to learn stick. When T5 was announced and confirmed to have controller ports I was excited. I thought "Finally I can play this game in public without looking like a scrub" haha. Turns out, you're still considered a scrub if you play on pad *shrugs*. If I came across one (I never did), I swore I'd run to the nearest game store and buy a dual shoch just to play...

    Anyone know of any links that demonstrate good stick strats for beginners?
  9. ShinFuYux

    ShinFuYux Well-Known Member

    I play with the pad because I'm just too damn cheap to waste 50-80 dollars on a damn stick that can only work for one game.
  10. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Thats cool enough. You save money and still have fun... win-win?

    I miss the SCII days... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    No Tekken DR (I'm stoked for a Tekken game, who'd thought)? It did better than VF5 on Gamespot... eh? Eh?

    Don't worry about it, I hope my post didn't read as snappy back. Maybe I should use /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif to emphasize shit.

    As for stick usage, no idea, just work on input speed and accuracy... = to get an idea.
  11. I've seen vids like that in the past and my reaction: Stick is not for me. My left wrist would never be able to perform the stick movements correctly. It's hard for me finding diagnals on a consistent basis in practice modes, forget about clutch situations in an actual match haha. Never had a problem with the buttons though.
  12. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Well it all comes from practice.

    Being extremely right-hand dominant and all of my past-times (drawing and writing are the biggies here) have only strengthened my right-hand bias (leaving my left hand as nothing more than the hand that holds down a paper). I didn't start playing fighting games until about 3 years ago (Virtua for 1 1/2) and just using a stick improves my left hand buffering abilities (though gradually).

    I remember no being able to input 666 for Akira SDE, now (in practice) I can get it off 80% (yeah I suck, but I can draw). Of course if I use my right I get it 100% no problem.

    Just practice.

    (insert masturbation jokes where you wish if you quote)
  13. Hahaha, I always cringe when talking about this subject when I realize just how easily someone could tarnish my words.

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