Is it possible?

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by PompeyFraz, May 29, 2008.

  1. PompeyFraz

    PompeyFraz Well-Known Member

    Probably a stupid qustion but here go's...

    When VF5 was first ported to the PS3 I bought the Hori Fighting Stick 3. Which quickly gathered dust when the 360 version was released and I got the Hori EX2.
    Now it looks as if my EX2 is on it's way out /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif So I thought oh well I'll just get another, then remembered I had the FS3...
    So is there a mod of some sort I could do to it to get it working on the 360? I'm no good at this sort of thing but I'm willing to give it a shot as I no longer use it.

    Cheers /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif
  2. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Quick answer: No.

    Long answer:

    You can't use PS3 controllers on a X360 and vice versa.

    The only way to get a FS3 to work on a X360 was if you were to open it up and connect a X360 PCB to the controls. But if someone was going to do that, they might as well replace all the controls for they are subpar compare to authentic arcade equipment.

    I don't think there is room for a X360 PCB and the original PS3 PCB inside the FS3. People have made mods to VSHG's to work on both platforms.
  3. PompeyFraz

    PompeyFraz Well-Known Member

    Thought as much.
    Ah well, off to buy a new EX2.
    Suppose the FS3 will come in handy for when *cough* Tekken *cough* *cough* 6 comes out..

    Thanks for the info anyway Shag /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  4. hikarutilmitt

    hikarutilmitt Well-Known Member

    What's the problem you're having with the EX2 itself, anyway? If it's the buttons, if you're not scared to do so, you could replace them with Sanwas for less than a new EX2. It took maybe a month or two for the buttons on my EX2 to start heading south, so I started modding it.
  5. PompeyFraz

    PompeyFraz Well-Known Member

    The buttons were fine it was the stick that was knackered. I couldn't crouch dash /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/db.gif or /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif and all my diagonals and circular inputs were messed up. (as an Akira player that's pretty much my entire game)
    In dojo with the input data on I press /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/db.gif and it would show as /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif
    Problem solved now I got a new EX2 yesterday! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Wonder how long this one will last...
  6. mattfabb

    mattfabb Well-Known Member


    I am sure a bit of modding would have sorted out your stick. I am not an expert, I only swapped the original buttons with sanwas, and I only ever replaced the DC stick with a sanwa.

    But Other than modding the whole thing (that could be hard to do) you could get a sanwa stick and swap the gate, or the spring, or the shaft, or even the microswitches,just to see if it sorts out the troubles. It would be cheaper than buying one new every 6 months!

    If you need any help with it feel free to ask me.

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