It's finally here!!! The Legendary 1UP VF5 Tourney

Discussion in 'General' started by sonicspear64, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. sonicspear64

    sonicspear64 Well-Known Member

    If you are a member of 1UP (a videogame social site), you should know that they planned a tournament for the release of VF5 in February. Some things happened so it was postponed a month later. Now the tourny's back online.... and it's disappointing. Srider and Ktallguy weren't there (where were you guys!!). If you wanna see the vid its here at Gamevideos.
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Actually, Ktallguy was there, but he's not in the tourney.
  3. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    So it was a 1Up staff only tourney? They didn't want to get dominated by Ktallguy?
  4. Ulot

    Ulot Member

    After all the hype about Milkie vs Shane, they cut it from the end of the video. To bad.

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