Jacky's (backturned) P+K+G>Billi Jee backstep

Discussion in 'Jacky' started by aZ1d, Apr 3, 2004.

  1. aZ1d

    aZ1d Active Member

    Me and a friend were experimenting a litle with this move,and we noticed when checking the movelist that its +16 frames on normal hit which lets you use d/f,d/f,k launcher.
    We also experimented with doing this against rising opponents (with the backstep from p+k+g from backturned he misses the rising attack) and again it was a succes with a launcher again hitting them with a juggle for around 60 DMG (f,PPK).I was just wondering why dont we see this in more vids? I mean with the P+K option also from backturned that jacky has its a good chance it'll hit, since normally they would guard to defend against p+k but instead they see the backstep and attempt a attack and the BJ hits allowing a major launcher ^^. Wondering why doent we see elite jacky's use it?
    It has a hella reach and the payoff is excellent and its even safe on guard (+2 frames i think dont remember really =P). Im gonna keep experimenting with it alitle bit more so i might find out why they dont use it and see if i just made a totall fool outa myself =D
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Because that move is already really hard to hit people with when you do it normally. Going back turned first and then trying to hit people with it not only gives the opponent more time to prepare for dealing with the attack, it also increases the distance between two fighters going backturned first, and makes it that much harder to hit people with it.
  3. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    While [4][6][P]+[K] & the BT [P][K][G],[P] animate similarly, the latter does give you more of an advantage than the former. I noticed this shortly after evo came to the ps2...I was getting [3][K]+[G] to register as a combo in training after the backstep thingy whereas the normal eyepoke gave me "just" the beatknuckle. Too good to be true? Basically. The move hits high & doesn't have terrific range. If your opponent whiffs a move in front of your backstep you are in good shape or if they are so scared of the backstep, [K] that they try evade then the [P] could catch them walking slow. I've gotten the shit floated outa me a good deal when I've tried it, but that's been in regular kinda toe-to-toe action. You may have better luck...vs rising kicks sounds like a nice, safe application of the move (ie, I'm gonna see if I can't weasel out a round with it, thanks!)...might not work a bunch but it'll be worth it when it does & you probably won't get punished for it. It ain't a staple, but it's in the movelist, y'know?
  4. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    It's I that came up with the wierd application of using it against rising kicks and shared this with Wilddog (Az1d) yesterday as he's the Jerky main player after he had experimented with Billi Jee.

    Basicly I did it after a [K][P][K] knockdown in which I immideatly buffered a CD backturned so Jerky closes the distance without turning around then as the opponent tries a mid rising kick do [P][K][G]>[P] to get just out of range and then get that poke (during other guys recovery phase) in for combo time (there is ofc lots of options to threathen with from backturned pos besides this - just for show).

    The stats are really different actually;
    Normal [4][6][P]+[K] = -5/ +12 / +17 (Sober -1dp)
    From step back = +2 / +16 / +16 (No sober, go for [P]+[K] if you want that)

    The interesting thing would be + on block and that normal and CH will give the same results. The problem imo is more that for the small step to actually avoid something (like an elbow or punch) you would have to go into backturned pos with an advantage like doing [P][P][4][P][K] or the likes and then really hope the other person will try to attack you (you can [6]+[P] / Elbow and win against backturned [P]+[K] due to it's 18 frame exe in this situation although Jerky has the advantage).
    If the stepback [P][K][G] is done without the opponent hunting you Jerky only has two options from it; [K] or [P] of which both are linear so evading shouldn't be a problem if you don't attack. To bad he can't keep his backturned pos and do [2][K] or something (or backstep [K] had longer range and etc whine).

    I still wonder why [4][6][P]+[K] isn't used more being non TC, 15 frame exe (!), having decent damage (24 on MC) and offering huge payoff ([3][3][K] garanteed?) on MC and so on. More thoughts?

  5. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    I still wonder why + isn't used more being non TC, 15 frame exe (!), having decent damage (24 on MC) and offering huge payoff ( garanteed?) on MC and so on. More thoughts?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Cause Jacky has [3][P][P][P], [4][K]+[G], or bk combos for those whiffed moves.....
    Not that you can't use [4][6][P]+[K]... but using that move seems fairly risky since it's high, compared to bk..
  6. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Would depend on the application of the move. I would use it to hunt for the MC (reverse nitaku / from backdash / whatever) in which garanteed [3][3][K] after would make it unparalleled in damage (I think) on MC. Not against whiffed moves mC. BK is great compared to it with regards of being high (and same exe) but how does BK compare to it on block? Not to well. A BK on MC against a LW is about 66 damage. A MC [4][6][P]+[K] could net you (24+92) 116dmg. Why for example ever use pure [3][3][K] as reverse nitaku instead of this move if you think you're gonna get thrown? The [3][3][K] after is garanteed on MC right?

    Still think it should have it's place more amongst Jerky players then it seems to but understand that the other tools he has are good shiznit - but none are quite similar really in stats.

  7. Hamme

    Hamme Well-Known Member

    Not much to add, but a question.

    Would BT[P]+[K]+[G],[P] be a good mix-up after [6][6][K][4]? Base on theory, it's a nightmare for people who get hit with t. If they did struggle out, thinking of blcok [P]+[K] but blocking a BT[P]+[K]+[G],[P] instead, which gives a free [6][P] or [2][P] or throw game. Since I haven't tried it at all in battle, can BT[P]+[K]+[G],[P] be save move after a block too?
  8. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Why not try it in a real match and see what happens??
  9. aZ1d

    aZ1d Active Member

    We dont live to close to eachother and it costs (not alot but its money) "some" cash to take the train or the bus =| but we will this week /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif i hope atleast =P
  10. Hamme

    Hamme Well-Known Member

    I detected sarcasm. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

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