The 12th VFR season, culminating to the 12th Beat Tribe Cup, ended in October and the 13th season begins in November. The next major tournament series will be Sega's Kakutou Shinseiki. For the next 5 months, Sega will be hosting a series of events leading to the the 6th Kakutou Shinseiki tournament finals (March 2012). The players that will be participating in the finals will be: 1) the star players from the 4th Season of Battle Audition (first tournament in July 2011 and last tournament in February 2012); 2) the winners of the 5 regional pre-Kakutou Shinseiki tournaments (in December 2011); and 3) the winners from the preliminary qualifiers (by prefectures) beginning in January 2012.
November 6, 2011 Update - Battle Audition in the Miyagi prefecture on November 6, 2011 ended. Below is the Ustream archived video. Post in this topic is a rough outline of the event with time listed. The winner received the title <span style="font-size: 20pt">心身一如 - shinshin ichinyo "mind and body as one."</span>
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Next Event - Battle Audition in Hokkaido on November 20, 2011 at 2:30 pm Japan time.
Japan Virtua Fighter Tournament Schedule Preview
Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Nov 1, 2011.
Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Nov 1, 2011.
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