Jean's guard breaks...

Discussion in 'Jean' started by SolidSonicTH, May 25, 2021.

  1. SolidSonicTH

    SolidSonicTH Member

    Returning to VF5 in anticipation of US's announcement has reminded me how I was never able to do these correctly.

    I've seen footage of Japanese players pulling this out in matches so it definitely seems useful but when I attempt it the timing never works out for me and I always drop the string before the final hit.

    What have you tried that works?
  2. Stumbles

    Stumbles Member

    only the last K is tight timing(on hit), i will press the k,p,p,k,p quickly and then time the k.

    if you are still dropping the sequence, maybe try slowing down, you have some leeway with the inputs.
    Last edited: May 26, 2021

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