Jean's impracticality of charged moves

Discussion in 'Jean' started by GustavoHeisenberg, Jul 24, 2018.

  1. GustavoHeisenberg

    GustavoHeisenberg Well-Known Member

    Is it me or have I noticed that most of Jeans moves are impractical - sure he's on the easier side, input execution wise but my god is he hard to consider playing at high level.

    I main akira but it's obvious that for pros the poster boy is the equivalent of a noob friendly character given his versatility once you get past the movr execution difficulty.
  2. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    I think Jean's charged moves are Plus on block. And if you block some of Jean's charged moves from the side he can do a unblockable.
    GustavoHeisenberg likes this.
  3. Dreamboat

    Dreamboat Well-Known Member

    I'm no Jean expert, but it depends on how you're using them I guess. A few of his charged kicks like 66K or 66K+G are generally decent oki options against ukemi from what I've seen. Then there's the sideturned stuff that Jason mentioned, I think that's go-to stuff if you land CH 66P?
    You're not going to be getting away with throwing out fully charged string enders whenever you feel like it, no, but these moves do have their applications. I definitely don't think he's a weak character at high level. Whenever I watch Japanese footage there's always a whole lot of Jean.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2018
    GustavoHeisenberg likes this.
  4. Ares-olimpico

    Ares-olimpico Well-Known Member Content Manager Lion

    I think (i am not a Jean player) this moves are good for oki and to make you more unpredictable. Os course this types of set ups only works if your opponent defence
    GustavoHeisenberg likes this.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    There are a lot of things to unpack in this statement, but have you watched the grand final of the recently held 16th Beat Tribe Cup? If so, do you still hold this opinion? :)

    I'm not sure if you're suggesting that he doesn't have the tools to compete at the highest level (because he does), or that one has to be god-like to compete with him (because you don't). Over-relying on charge moves won't get you far against knowledgeable opponents, but I don't think that equates to "most of Jean's moves are impractical" -- no more or less than "most moves" for any character, IMO.

    I would argue that Akira isn't that versatile actually, and that success with Akira isn't just overcoming the execution barrier. His linearity (no full circulars) and susceptibility to back dashes can be a huge sore point, so awareness of these limitations is key, which requires considered application of his limited, although powerful, arsenal.
  6. GustavoHeisenberg

    GustavoHeisenberg Well-Known Member

    I thought you had to be godlike to compete with him. I thought he was fairly low tier but because the fundamentals are solid in VF, any character is viable - at least theoretically.

    I heard "the shirt" say back in 2012 that Akira is the best character in the game after dreifei bodied somebody but would then lose to a top Japanese player (fuudo I think ).
  7. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Tiers are really insignificant in VF until you get to the highest levels, and even then 'low tier' characters are completely viable. It's not like Street Fighter where you can have really lopsided match-ups for example.

    Jean's charge moves seem too slow at first, but as part of his full moveset they're extremely useful.

    You can use them after knocking your opponent down so that the move is ready to come out as they are quick-rising for example, alternatively most of those charge move enders for strings have alternative moves that cover different options. For example if you have a string with a charge ender, it might be a mid linear attack, but you can also cancel his charge into a full circular attack! this means once your opponent starts trying to evade your charge move, you can instead do a circular and get a counter hit. :)

    EG: K,P,P (Charge) is linear, but if you do K,P,P,K you can interrupt the charge with a half circular to catch your opponent trying to evade.

    Hope that makes sense!
  8. Ares-olimpico

    Ares-olimpico Well-Known Member Content Manager Lion

    In my opinion Virtua fighter is not a combat of characters or skills neither estrategy is a matter of mental power
  9. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Can any Lion player rate Ares-olimpico mental strength/toughness please?
  10. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    You could literally say the same thing about Aoi's cancels (and still be mostly wrong about it).

    It's about the play style of your opponent. If they mash, of course they're gonna stuff your charged attacks. If they mash, use quicker shit. If they don't stop mashing, don't stop using stuff that beats them. Does that mean those tool suck? No, they require setting up and an opponent capable of learning and adapting.
    adamYUKI, Kruza, Tricky and 1 other person like this.
  11. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Sebo, how's that guessing game of yours working out in the VF arcades of JP?
  12. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    I've been out of Japan for a year now, and the place I lived for 5 nearly all the arcades closed. Of the 12 I played at in my prefecture, only 3 were still open, and only 1 still had VF cabinets. And when the only arcade with an anti-smoking policy closed down, I played it a lot less in arcades (not dying of lung cancer is kinda a goal of mine).

    But speaking from experience (and this shouldn't be unique because I bet most of you have spent more time playing this game over the past 5 years than I have): pretty well, depending on my opponent. Opponent habits and skills can really determine your potential movelist. Some opponents (i.e. the salary man with the creepy loli-themes for his characters) you can never use an attack like Jeffry's 6K+G because he'd CH 2P you out of it every time, but you get to TKoD him for free at +5 or greater. And then there was a Kage player would could 100% of the time ECDG Jeffry's K+G/46P/3K+G even though I would properly guess his evade and direction, and by the time I switched to K/4P it was too late of an adjustment.

    Though, I fail to see how JP experience is relevant to the point made, as it's just obvious. I learned with a single play session back in Vanilla that unless you make an opponent fear Aoi's attacks will her cancels be of any use (and would have come to that conclusion sooner had I played with others earlier).
    MadeManG74, Kruza and Tricky like this.
  13. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    This is also where his charge cancel moves come into play also. If they mash out of charge attacks then, depending on the situation, you can a free CH charge cancel attack.
    GustavoHeisenberg likes this.
  14. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    He's right. If you have an opponent that mashes all of the time. Then 2p into launcher will work all of the time. Every attack has a use. The hard part is what is that use and when/where to use it.
    Myke likes this.
  15. SolidSonicTH

    SolidSonicTH Member

    I can't imagine them being useful if they weren't. Holding an attack just to get neutral frames would be horribly useless. You take the risk of charging in order to either make your opponent drop their guard too late (getting hit by the charged attack) or to make them block for longer than they should, leaving you at an advantage once they block the charged hit.

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