Jeffrey questions

Discussion in 'Jeffry' started by UnknowingNote, Nov 18, 2012.

  1. UnknowingNote

    UnknowingNote Active Member

    Hello all, I am fairly new to this game, picked it up about, 4 weeks ago or so. I used to main Eileen, and then went towards Jeffrey for throws and power, and stuck with him ever since then.

    I spend at least 2 hours or so every time I get on in dojo mode, practicing moves and everything else. I looked up some guides on here, and I have trouble understanding some of them, like the "55p" or anything like that, would someone explain that to me please? I tried searching around for it, and came up empty, so I apologize.

    I was also wondering if anyone else here plays Jeffrey, because I have not ran in to any other Jeffrey players at all since playing this. I was wondering if I could have someone teach me a couple things to do with him, and help me learn how to read people better.

    I have his basic combos down, his jabs, and other things. The most damage I have thrown together with a combo is 115 damage; but it requires a setup in one of his 3-4 knock-ups. I can string together basic stuff to make it into larger combos, and always figure out new things to do. I think my problem is, that I just try to go for them more often, than actually just playing, and flowing along smoothly.

    I sometimes get discouraged because I get beat 3 rounds to 0, or I win 2, and lose the next 3. Jeffrey seems to not get a lot of play time, would anyone care to explain why this is? I want to know what I am messing up on, and how to correct it.

    I have read the guides that Sebo(I believe) has put up, and I understand all those combos, how to do them and everything else. I just need a little more push from someone to help me out a long the way.
  2. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    THis is MarlyJay's Post it helped me & should explain your question in your 2nd paragraph.
    Think of the numbers as the layout for the joystick, where "5" is the joystick resting at a neutral position, "8" being straight ut, "6" being forward, "3" being down-forward and so on. Black arrows* mean that you hold that direction, instead of tapping. Like for a 14 frame mid for most characters you just tap 6 ([6]) and press P (Punch), however if a move is indicated with a black arrow like [6_] you need to hold down that direction and then press P while holding it down.

    789 [7][8][9] So 55p would be like u pressing neutral twice followed by P
    456 [4][5][6] Another ex would be like Jeffery's 46 PK where u would press back,
    123 [1][2][3] forward, punch [+] kick.

    *Black arrows are sometimes indicated as "n_" (like 6_), because the underscore is added in the shortcut for the emoticons of black arrows. Like this: "[n_]"

    Some of these should be fairly obvious.

    P - Punch button [P]
    K - Kick button [K]
    G - Guard button [G]
    P+K, P+K+G etc; the "+" indicates the given buttons in a sequence shall be pressed simultaneously.
  3. UnknowingNote

    UnknowingNote Active Member

    Okay well I got all that down, thank you for explaining that to me :)
  4. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Yeah no prob im not a Jeffery expert but if you ever run into JackoRCB online he might be willing to tell u a thing or 2 about Jeffery or Gastinell she's a very good player with a lot of characters though i haven't saw her online in a while.
  5. UnknowingNote

    UnknowingNote Active Member

    That's just it... I haven't seen anyone that uses him a lot at all, that's my problem i'm facing.
  6. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Yeah out of my 35 hundred something ranked matches i only ever faced 4 Jefferys. The 2 i mentioned up top along with THE WIEAND & Midget Foot, unfortunately other than that no one seems to use Jeffery that I have run into online.
  7. UnknowingNote

    UnknowingNote Active Member

    It makes me sad, because Jeffrey is a good character to use. Guess I will have to keep plugging away myself, or find a new person like him to use.
  8. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Yeah man dont get discouraged if u really like your character stick with him if ur not sure which character u wanna main just go with whoever feels most natural to use

    Some one like Jeffery would be Wolf I guess & there are A Lot of Wolfs out there
  9. UnknowingNote

    UnknowingNote Active Member

    I do like my character, and I like to play someone that not a lot of people play as, though, lol.
  10. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I play Jeff quite regularily. Your problem of not facing many Jeffs online can be explained by that not very many people play online Ranked or Player these days at all, all the players, namely people from this site, are in Room or have their own 1-on-1 Player matches. Or everybody just dropped Jeff after people somehow thought he's the worst character and wrote about it here. So if you want to play other people, you pretty much need to add their PSN/XBL from this site. Also, if you have any combo questions, feel free to ask, those old topics may not be quite up to date.
  11. UnknowingNote

    UnknowingNote Active Member

    Do you play on xbox, by chance, or just PSN? And if you have any helpful combos that would help go in to threat stance, besides the ones they have listed in dojo, would be helpful. Or a combo that you always get people with. I can string together a combo that does 115 damage, if they don't tec roll, and about 90 to 100 if they do tec roll. Any tips, at all, would help me out.

    Edit : If I can't find anybody to help me with Jeffrey on xbox, do you think I should just keep going with him, or switch to a new character? I was thinking about using Goh, or Vanessa. Any help, at all, would be awesome. Thank you guys a lot for what you have said already :)
  12. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

    If you stick with Jeffry or switch to any other character it won't make much difference. What has to grow independent of your character choice is your ability to adapt, and carefully read each opponent. Jeffry is more than capable of getting the job done, but you have to be able to pick up on habits.

    Jeffry is also way more fun than Goh or Vanessa because he has some really neat stuff that is all super gimmicky, so the challenge is in trying to train your opponent enough to get away with murder.
  13. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Once my xbox live issues get ironed out, I'll be glad to have player matches with you to help you with Jeffry... If you're on psn, hit me up there... I stay on that more recently...

    Jeffry does have gimmicks, and some setups here and there, but you have to constantly be on the offensive and overwhelm the opponent so that they feel they can't make a good defensive decision because they keep getting hit or thrown.
  14. Andramelech

    Andramelech Well-Known Member

    Please stick with jeff bro. Not enough jeffrey players. It seems like there'd be advantages to getting good with a character that people arent as used to fighting..
  15. UnknowingNote

    UnknowingNote Active Member

    I'm going to stick with Jeffrey, just going to practice and practice. Just need to keep at it. Doeas anyone have any helpful combos with him by chance, that have practiced with him?
  16. Chinsilver

    Chinsilver Well-Known Member

    when practicing combos, the best thing is to learn which of them works on what characters. the good thing is most of jeffry's combos are not foot-specific so you just have to learn the combos which work on what weight classes.

    There's a thread with the weight classes somewhere and that should be helpful maybe ask about in the shoutbox
  17. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Jeff's comboes basically go like this: Lightweights can be low bounded with 46P+K or Threat PP after non-knee launchers such as 3PP, 1K+G, 46P+K and Threat PP, while heavier characters cannot, the exception is at least Jean after 1K+G whom you can bound by dash P+K+G, Threat PP. From knee, 6K, or 33P everyone can be high bound with P, 43P+K, except with Taka you must substract the P. Common enders to flop and low bound combos are 66PP, 4KP, 43PP and 2KP, enders to high bound comboes are KPK or hcfP+K, 66PP_4KP. These along with the combo thread should get your somewhere.
  18. UnknowingNote

    UnknowingNote Active Member

    I have those combos down, surprisingly. All the combos I have practiced, work on everyone so .far, including taka. If I input correctly, the combo does 100 dmg or more. I just have to stop relying that people will alwaya fall for it, and try new stuff.
  19. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    No jeff combo does over 100 aside from ch 2k:qcf+p+g, especially on taka, unless it's a counter hit, make sure you have the fall recovery option in practice mode set to any of the (exact) variants. Online most scrubs don't know how to tech roll sure, but you're better off doing actual juggles instead of nonboes.
  20. UnknowingNote

    UnknowingNote Active Member

    The combo I use, will do 115 damage if completed fully, without a tech roll. With a tech, it will do around 100 damage. I threat stance, then I stun, I think it's P+K, I forgot, launching knee (3k), launching uppercut (33p), and the double punch (43PP), and finish with a stomp. I have tried it on Taka, and it works, unless tech rolled. If it is, it does around 95 to 100.
    And yes, I do have the recovery option on to tech roll.

    (Sorry for my explanation, i'm not good with the technical terms, yet)

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