Jeffry Blog

Discussion in 'Jeffry' started by jinxhand, Apr 8, 2010.

  1. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Wassup everybody!!!

    As fighting games get more popular, I tend to see more and more blog sites for specific games. There's some for SF4 that while might not be pertaining to one character specifically, it might have some good info on a particular character (i.e. - Sagat)...

    I've searched everywhere for VF blogs and have only seen blogs for GO, AO, and some VF basics here and there, or even just a site with matches... I was personally wondering if we as a community could summon the assistance of the more stronger JE players to get together to compile a blog of strats, and info for those interested. I mean if there is an actual JE blog site with good info, then by all means point that out...

    I figure this could be a good chance to get those who are interested in vf to learn JE. It could also be a good chance to draw new people in, especially since Homestay Akira came through and dropped some science on us all. I figure that after reading that, both new and old players can transition to figuring out who to learn and then there would be some good info to support the reasoning of wanting to learn the character, and then as they are practicing with that character, maybe they might've found something that isn't on the blog, and they might be compelled to share.

    I don't people to see this as a crutch if some people see it as such. I would like for this to be something that brings the JE players (old, new, and aspiring) together and share info as we become stronger players. Any thoughts or ideas on this???
  2. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    Isn't this basically the same idea as VFDC Dojo sub forums? In fact that's even better as the whole community can contribute to that as opposed to a single person working on a blog.
  3. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    I agree, the site and the jeffry sub forum is here, the wiki is here - it's all here! easier, I think to just leverage that than try and create something new that will just split your audience away from the largest VF site around.
  4. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    And on top of all that, why not just post in the Jeffry Clan instead of a blog?! [​IMG]
  5. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Well I said blog because that was the first thing on my mind, but just any medium that people could contribute useful info on would suffice-- especially the wiki... I mean I think it would be great if strong players updated the wiki with the wealth of info, and possibly provide links to other sites or matches...

    Putting matches on the JE wiki (or having a section for matches on the main vf wiki page itself) would be a good idea also... Having a good match on the page that can be viewed for frame counting, examples of nitaku, etc, and having information explaining what's going on would be good as well...
  6. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I like that there's no signature images here.
  7. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    theres an aoi blog?
    whats the link
  8. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    I believe Leonard McCoy had the Aoi blog, but then it ended up changing to the Goh blog (please correct me if I'm wrong)... If I happen to come across it again, I'll drop the link...
  9. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    I think both sides are right here: yes! they is a wealth of info to be found on VFDC, on its forum as well as its wiki. But, in the same turn, yes! that info is damn scattered across the largest VF site on the net making such formats as blogs not unattractive for sharing an individual's findings.

    Jinxhand, I would not wait for someone more knowledgeable to start a blog. In all seriousness, why should you--why not doing it yourself? You'd be helping other Jeffry players greatly by starting a Jeffry blog. Writing about what you consider helpful for your playstyle will also be helpful to others.

    It's not about creating new contents--new tactics or greatly innovative techniques (though that may naturally come later)--but about presenting the material that is somewhere to be found on the net--holistically on one site (your blog), with your commentaries and thoughts and what-not.
  10. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    Go for it man, I'm considering doing a blog when Super drops. I wouldn't do it to undermine all the great info there would be on the net by much better players then I, but I would use it to record and write notes about my development as a player and things I've learned using a new character. I would also use it to archive combo videos, matches etc.
    so it would be mainly for my own benefit but useful to others if they happen to visit [​IMG]
  11. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    I'm not necessarily waiting... I'm laying out a few things myself as we speak... I am simply inquiring the support of fellow JE players who feel strong enough to drop knowledge and share all kinds of important information... Granted, the forums themselves are great, but even looking at the main page for the JE forums, its like looking at one of MC Escher's paintings... I simply want a better presentation for people to easily find what they want, as well as something we as a collective can contribute to...

    I honestly don't care if its a blog site or not, as I said previously it was the first thing on my mind... For now info can be simply submitted to the vf wiki from there... And even in that I think that a better presentation would do the wiki justice... I will say this though: Nothing on this site is as confusing or a cluster f@ck as tekkenzaibatsu is... I'm pretty sure that anyone here who has been there can attest to that... But I feel that so much more can be given to the site in general. Again that doesn't mean at all that I am "waiting"... I'm just wondering if anybody is willing to build on this concept and make it a reality... And it doesn't have to be for just JE... I would like this to be done for all of the characters... I am also a LA player, but I don't feel I truly know enough of him because I put so much time in JE... But that's just my thoughts...

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