Jeffry's Version C Command List Errata

Discussion in 'General' started by Deniz, May 5, 2002.

  1. Deniz

    Deniz Well-Known Member

    I think I have enough to start this one:
    1. The reversal level for the b+P Elbow Stump should be changed from EL to MP.
    2. I've been experimenting with high level attacks to see if I can figure out when they are H*. Based on this testing, I think the b,f+P Kenka Hook, and the df+P+K Broad Axe Left are both H*.
    3. The ff+K Kenka Kick should have its reversal level updated to SK.
    4. The b+K Knee Push should have its hit level changed from M to M*.
    5. The reversal level for the b+KP "Knee, Hammer" should be changed from HE to HP.
    6. The damage for the df+K Side Kick should be changed from 26 to 28. I can't read my notes concerning its reversal level. I'll have to recheck it tomorrow. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
    7. The f+P+K Hell Stab does not require an MC to produce a Stomach Crumble.
    8. There is a hit throw listed as the b,df+P+Kd+P+G Spine Buster which I don't believe exists in the game.
    9. The b,df+P+Kb+P+G Lift Up Throw needs a note saying it causes Jeffry to recover in a back turned position, and its command notation is missing the parenthetical (hit) between the two parts of the combo.
    10. The fully charged version of the b,f,f+P+K Full Swing Hammer should have its hit level changed from M to H, and its reversal level changed from MP to HP. Also, its Guard Stagger note should be removed. It does not stagger -- it knocks down. On the other hand, the uncharged version needs a Guard Stagger note added.
    11. The db+P+K Megaton Fist Drop needs a "Force Crouch" note.
    12. The f+K+G Heel Drop has a Force Crouch note that I don't think is correct.
    13. The u+K+G Raiding Drop has a note saying Jeffry recovers down. I think the note should say recovers down if the attack does not hit.
    14. The uf+K+G Rolling Heel Attack has a note saying "Recovers Down" which I believe should be changed to "Recovers Low."
    15. The P Catch Blow (a Threat Stance Attack) does not allow the knocked down opponent to TR/QR, and should have some sort of note reflecting this.
    16. The K Counter Toe Kick (a Threat Stance Attack) should have its reversal level updated to SK.
    17. The term "Just Break Fall damage = 40" is used in the note for the b+P+G Body Lift. Shouldn't it be "Just Break Fall Damage = 20"? BTW, this term is not unambiguously clear. Its meaning should be explained in the legend.
    18. The confusingly named db+P+G Back Throw (which is a front high throw) should have a note saying it leaves the opponent with his/her back turned to Jeffry.
    19. Jeffry recovers back turned from the b,df+P+G Tackle.
    20. The commands for the two Arm Breaker side throws should have their parenthetical portions clarified to show that they refer to the right/left side of the opponent's body, not the right/left side of the screen.
    21. The Choke Sweeper Swing d+P+G back throw has a note saying "QR/TR posssible." Should this be changed to "Just Break Damage = 65"?
    22. The Corkscrew Knuckle side throw should have a note explaining how it is escaped. It's done by tapping the directional control/joystick diagonally downward in the direction towards Jeffry while simultaneously pressing P+K+G, regardless of which of the three alternative commands for the throw is inputted.
    23. I don't believe two of his hopping attacks, the Heel Drop and the Pushing Kick, can be reversed, despite what the list says.
    24. The damage for the Pushing Kick should be changed from 20 to 22.
    25. The "opponent face down" version of the d+P+G Devil Reverse Claw should have a note saying it leaves the opponent with his/her back turned to Jeffry.
    26. The d+K Back Heel Kick, a back turned attack, needs to have its reversal level updated to SK.
    27. The f+P+K+G Jumping Knee wall attack needs a Guard Stagger note.
    28. The b,f,f+P Tornado Punch needs a Guard Stagger note too. I think it causes a Flop as well. I am not sure about this, but it also seems to act as a Sabaki vs. HP attacks. Maybe I'm just seeing/hearing things...
    29. Another strange one that I may need to do more checking on: Each time I've connected a Vertical Upper (df+P from a crouching position) with an MC, it seems to do no damage, but staggers the opponent instead. This seems to deserve some kind of note...

    More to come.
  2. Deniz

    Deniz Well-Known Member

    Some clarifications to my post:

    29. Another strange one that I may need to do more checking on: Each time I've connected a Vertical Upper (df+P from a crouching position) with an MC, it seems to do no damage,

    Okay, I did check this further, and it does do damage on an MC. But the rest of the statement is correct. Also, the frame advantage stats for an MC by the Vertical Upper are missing from the list.

    2. The fully charged version of the b,f,f+P+K Full Swing Hammer should have its hit level changed from M to H, and its reversal level changed from MP to HP. Also, its Guard Stagger note should be removed. It does not stagger -- it knocks down.

    In case it isn't obvious: This also means that the Guard Stagger note should be replaced by one indicating it can't be blocked.

    3. The reversal level for the df+K Side Kick should be updated to SK.
  3. Aeon

    Aeon Well-Known Member

    Yeah, i was gonna mention about b,f,f+P+K being unblockable when fully charged, but i gathered that you were already implying it.

    Oh yes, and i definitely am the Aeon of legend (for better or for worse). /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  4. Deniz

    Deniz Well-Known Member

    Here are a few more:
    A. The b,f+P Kenka Hook Sobers for DP -2, not the noted DP -1.
    B. The fully charged b,f,f+P+K Full Swing Hammer has a note saying "Sober (DP -1~3)." I am not saying this is wrong, but so far I have only obtained DP -3 results. Myke: In order to further test this, can you tell me if the White/Blue/Black books indicate the conditions affecting the alleged variance?
    C. If the df+P+KPP Megaton Body Blow is done, it negates the sobering effect of the df+P+KP Right Heavy Upper (but not the initial sobering effect of the df+P+K Broad Axe Left).
    D. The u+K+G Raiding Drop, in addition to being a midlevel attack, also doubles as a G level ground attack.
    E. Is it worth noting that the b,f+P+G Headbutt and the b,f+P+Gf+P+G Double Headbutt leave the opponent standing (a rather unusual effect for a damage causing "throw")?

    Also thought I'd mention a couple of things that future guide writers and Jeffry players might want to take note of (I don't think they require any command list changes):

    a. If Shun does a QR/TR to escape the last part of the damage from a Choke Sweeper Swing, the DP -3 still takes effect.
    b. Apparently one must be careful of the timing of the joystick/controller pad taps when doing the d,f+P+K+G Machine Gun Knee Lift from a standing position. The computer seems to frequently register the down tap as an evade, and the Side Step Elbow will come out instead of the low throw. I am not sure of the exact timing yet; I am still working on it.
  5. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Apparently one must be careful of the timing of the joystick/controller pad taps when doing the d,f+P+K+G Machine Gun Knee Lift from a standing position. The computer seems to frequently register the down tap as an evade, and the Side Step Elbow will come out instead of the low throw. I am not sure of the exact timing yet; I am still working on it


    There's no mystery in this..I've never had a side step happen to me.

    It's just practice...

    One theory on the occurance of side step in ur case

    u've done it too the sense u pressed PKG before the QCF is completed...

    I would say..chances are u might have pressed PKG as soon as u tapped D...thus the evading elbow
  6. Deniz

    Deniz Well-Known Member

    u've done it too the sense u pressed PKG before the QCF is completed...

    I wasn't inputting a QCF. I was tapping down, letting the control return to neutral, then tapping forward. Thanks to your tip, I now use the QCF and the problem is solved. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Back to the command list:
    1. The df+K+G Low Kick is a low attack that recovers high.
    2. The f+K+G Heel Drop needs a Guard Stagger note.
    3. The range for the Running Body Press is 20~28, and the damage decreases with distance.

    Note: If anyone is having trouble getting both parts of the b+KP Knee, Hammer to work, try holding the "b" position for the hammer part as well (or quickly tapping "b" again).
  7. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    1. The reversal level for the b+P Elbow Stump should be changed from EL to MP.


    2. I've been experimenting with high level attacks to see if I can figure out when they are H*. Based on this testing, I think the b,f+P Kenka Hook, and the df+P+K Broad Axe Left are both H*.


    3. The ff+K Kenka Kick should have its reversal level updated to SK.


    4. The b+K Knee Push should have its hit level changed from M to M*.


    5. The reversal level for the b+KP "Knee, Hammer" should be changed from HE to HP.


    6. The damage for the df+K Side Kick should be changed from 26 to 28. I can't read my notes concerning its reversal level. I'll have to recheck it tomorrow.


    7. The f+P+K Hell Stab does not require an MC to produce a Stomach Crumble.


    8. There is a hit throw listed as the b,df+P+Kd+P+G Spine Buster which I don't believe exists in the game.

    Yeah. They had it in the Black Book, but has been since omitted from every following publication. Entry removed.

    9. The b,df+P+Kb+P+G Lift Up Throw needs a note saying it causes Jeffry to recover in a back turned position, and its command notation is missing the parenthetical (hit) between the two parts of the combo.


    10. The fully charged version of the b,f,f+P+K Full Swing Hammer should have its hit level changed from M to H, and its reversal level changed from MP to HP. Also, its Guard Stagger note should be removed. It does not stagger -- it knocks down. On the other hand, the uncharged version needs a Guard Stagger note added.

    Updated and added "Unblockable" note to fully charged version.

    11. The db+P+K Megaton Fist Drop needs a "Force Crouch" note.


    12. The f+K+G Heel Drop has a Force Crouch note that I don't think is correct.

    Correct. It's actually a Guard Stagger though.

    13. The u+K+G Raiding Drop has a note saying Jeffry recovers down. I think the note should say recovers down if the attack does not hit.


    14. The uf+K+G Rolling Heel Attack has a note saying "Recovers Down" which I believe should be changed to "Recovers Low."


    15. The P Catch Blow (a Threat Stance Attack) does not allow the knocked down opponent to TR/QR, and should have some sort of note reflecting this.

    Added "Side Knockdown" to note.

    16. The K Counter Toe Kick (a Threat Stance Attack) should have its reversal level updated to SK.


    17. The term "Just Break Fall damage = 40" is used in the note for the b+P+G Body Lift. Shouldn't it be "Just Break Fall Damage = 20"? BTW, this term is not unambiguously clear. Its meaning should be explained in the legend.

    Yep, damage should be 20.

    I'm going to change the terminology used for QR/TR, Break Falling, etc. I'd like to go with the official terminology used in the US PS2 version:

    <ul type="square">[*]In-Place Recovery (IPR or IP): Previously QR (P+K+G)
    [*]Side Roll Recovery (SRR or SR): Previously TR (d or u+P+K+G)
    [*]Instant Recovery (IR) : Previously Break Falling. Collectively means IP or SR.
    [*]Exact Recovery (ER): Previously Just Break Fall. A perfectly timed IP or SR.

    Previous notes mentioning "QR/TR" will be replaced with "IR" or "Instant Recovery". Same with "Just Break Falling" being replaced with "Exact Recovery". I'll be updating the document I made on Break Falling soon, as well as updating the command list legend.

    *phew* moving on..

    18. The confusingly named db+P+G Back Throw (which is a front high throw) should have a note saying it leaves the opponent with his/her back turned to Jeffry.

    Updated note. That's the official name for the throw BTW.

    19. Jeffry recovers back turned from the b,df+P+G Tackle.


    20. The commands for the two Arm Breaker side throws should have their parenthetical portions clarified to show that they refer to the right/left side of the opponent's body, not the right/left side of the screen.

    The (left side) and (right side) already refer to the side of the opponent, as mentioned in the legend.

    21. The Choke Sweeper Swing d+P+G back throw has a note saying "QR/TR posssible." Should this be changed to "Just Break Damage = 65"?

    Exact Recovery doesn't reduce the damage. When in Free Training mode, the highest damage value will always be shown at the top left of the screen. Go into Free Training, set the CPU to Instant Recover, then do the d+P+G back throw, and you'll see the highest damage report 75.

    I went and re-checked Akira's Side Throw which you previously reported the damage being reduced with Exact Recovery, but this is not the case as well. It still does 40 pts.

    22. The Corkscrew Knuckle side throw should have a note explaining how it is escaped. It's done by tapping the directional control/joystick diagonally downward in the direction towards Jeffry while simultaneously pressing P+K+G, regardless of which of the three alternative commands for the throw is inputted.

    All low side throws are escaped this way, except for Pai's and Aoi's which is left or right+P+G in the direction of the opponent. I'm thinking of a way to add Throw Escape commands into the Command Lists, possibly in place of the MC and Esc columns.

    23. I don't believe two of his hopping attacks, the Heel Drop and the Pushing Kick, can be reversed, despite what the list says.

    Fair enough /versus/images/icons/smile.gif Updated.

    24. The damage for the Pushing Kick should be changed from 20 to 22.


    25. The "opponent face down" version of the d+P+G Devil Reverse Claw should have a note saying it leaves the opponent with his/her back turned to Jeffry.

    Note added. I moved the opponent face up/down conditions into the command.

    26. The d+K Back Heel Kick, a back turned attack, needs to have its reversal level updated to SK.


    27. The f+P+K+G Jumping Knee wall attack needs a Guard Stagger note.


    28. The b,f,f+P Tornado Punch needs a Guard Stagger note too. I think it causes a Flop as well. I am not sure about this, but it also seems to act as a Sabaki vs. HP attacks. Maybe I'm just seeing/hearing things...

    Added Guard Stagger and Flop note. Tried to test the questionable Sabaki property and found it to be very borderline. Jury's still out for me so, anyone else want to confirm? None of the books mention anything FWIW.

    29. Another strange one that I may need to do more checking on: Each time I've connected a Vertical Upper (df+P from a crouching position) with an MC, it seems to do no damage, but staggers the opponent instead. This seems to deserve some kind of note...


    Okay, I did check this further, and it does do damage on an MC. But the rest of the statement is correct. Also, the frame advantage stats for an MC by the Vertical Upper are missing from the list.

    They're missing because it Stumbles on MC. Added Stumble note.

    2. The fully charged version of the b,f,f+P+K Full Swing Hammer should have its hit level changed from M to H, and its reversal level changed from MP to HP. Also, its Guard Stagger note should be removed. It does not stagger -- it knocks down.

    In case it isn't obvious: This also means that the Guard Stagger note should be replaced by one indicating it can't be blocked.

    Already addressed in item 10 above.

    3. The reversal level for the df+K Side Kick should be updated to SK.



    A. The b,f+P Kenka Hook Sobers for DP -2, not the noted DP -1.


    B. The fully charged b,f,f+P+K Full Swing Hammer has a note saying "Sober (DP -1~3)." I am not saying this is wrong, but so far I have only obtained DP -3 results. Myke: In order to further test this, can you tell me if the White/Blue/Black books indicate the conditions affecting the alleged variance?

    Actually, the Blue Book had it at -1~3 but the White Book only has it at -3, which agrees with your observation. The Blue Book offers no explanations for the variance, so I'm updating it to -3.

    C. If the df+P+KPP Megaton Body Blow is done, it negates the sobering effect of the df+P+KP Right Heavy Upper (but not the initial sobering effect of the df+P+K Broad Axe Left).

    I'm at a loss for a neat way of noting this effect. Any suggestions?

    D. The u+K+G Raiding Drop, in addition to being a midlevel attack, also doubles as a G level ground attack.

    Updated note.

    E. Is it worth noting that the b,f+P+G Headbutt and the b,f+P+Gf+P+G Double Headbutt leave the opponent standing (a rather unusual effect for a damage causing "throw")?

    Sure. Updated.

    a. If Shun does a QR/TR to escape the last part of the damage from a Choke Sweeper Swing, the DP -3 still takes effect.

    As already noted, you can't perform Exact Recovery to reduce the damage.


    1. The df+K+G Low Kick is a low attack that recovers high.


    2. The f+K+G Heel Drop needs a Guard Stagger note.

    Already added.

    3. The range for the Running Body Press is 20~28, and the damage decreases with distance.

    Updated. Should be 30 to 20 though.
  8. Deniz

    Deniz Well-Known Member

    1. I've been experimenting with high level attacks to see if I can figure out when they are H*. Based on this testing, I think the b,f+P Kenka Hook, and the df+P+K Broad Axe Left are both H*.


    The update is not showing on the list.
    2. The Corkscrew Knuckle side throw should have a note explaining how it is escaped. It's done by tapping the directional control/joystick diagonally downward in the direction towards Jeffry while simultaneously pressing P+K+G, regardless of which of the three alternative commands for the throw is inputted.

    All low side throws are escaped this way, except for Pai's and Aoi's which is left or right+P+G in the direction of the opponent.

    I think you meant P+K+G. In any case, Pai and Aoi's low side throw escapes are reason enough to clarify the one and only way the Corkscrew Knuckle is escaped.
    3. The fully charged b,f,f+P+K Full Swing Hammer has a note saying "Sober (DP -1~3)." I am not saying this is wrong, but so far I have only obtained DP -3 results. Myke: In order to further test this, can you tell me if the White/Blue/Black books indicate the conditions affecting the alleged variance?

    Actually, the Blue Book had it at -1~3 but the White Book only has it at -3, which agrees with your observation. The Blue Book offers no explanations for the variance, so I'm updating it to -3.

    It's also not yet been updated. I will further experiment anyway to see if the Blue Book might be correct.
    4. If the df+P+KPP Megaton Body Blow is done, it negates the sobering effect of the df+P+KP Right Heavy Upper (but not the initial sobering effect of the df+P+K Broad Axe Left).

    I'm at a loss for a neat way of noting this effect. Any suggestions?

    Yes: "The df+P+KP (only) won't sober in this combo."
    5. The range for the Running Body Press is 20~28, and the damage decreases with distance.

    Updated. Should be 30 to 20 though.

    Based on what? I have experimented with this move many, many times, and have never exceeded a 28, and I have gotten Jeffry as close distance-wise to the opponent as is possible. If the 30 upper value is based on a book, I think it's wrong. If it's based on your actually observing this, I am greatly surprised and would like to know how you did it.
    6. The f+P Elbow Butt and f,f+P Dash Elbow do a Crouch Stagger.
    7. The Slam note for the b+P Elbow Stump should be amended to a Slam on Air Hit, and a Flop note should be added.
    8. The “Guard Stagger†notes for the b,f,f+P Tornado Punch and the uncharged version of the b,f,f+P+K Full Swing Hammer should be updated to “High Guard Stagger†notes.
    9. The b,f+K Heel Attack does a Slam on Air Hit.
    10. The P+KPP Machine Gun Hell Stab is an H* special high attack, and it does a Head Crumble on MC.
    11. The F+P+K Running Body Press attacks cause a Flop.
    12. The u+K+G Raiding Drop causes a Flop. It also does a Slam on Air Hit.
    13. The uf+K+G Rolling Heel Attack and the two (d|u) P+K+G Side Step Elbow attacks do a Slam on Air Hit.
    14. The (side) P+G Coconut Crush should be separated into two different (right side) and (left side) entries. The (side) d|df|d,f+P+K+G Corkscrew Knuckle should also be separated into a (right side) entry and a (left side) entry – the right side version of this low throw for instance switches ring positions, and the left side version doesn’t.
    15. I strongly recommend that the “Opponent Back Turned†note for the db+P+G Back Throw be changed to “Opponent Recovers Back Turned†and the “Opponent Standing†notes for the b,f+P+G Headbutt and the b,f+P+Gf+P+G Double Headbutt be amended to “Opponent Recovers Standing†or “Opponent Remains Standing.â€Â
    16. The (asc) P Hammer Down does a Slam on Air Hit, as does the back turned d+K Back Heel Kick.
    17. The Jumping Knee wall attack does a Head Crumble to non-defenders.
  9. Deniz

    Deniz Well-Known Member

    Reversal levels for Jeffry's rising attacks:
    All of Jeffry's low rising attacks are SW, with two exceptions: Face down feet towards, no roll (no delay) is LK (and does a Foot Crumble); face down head towards, no roll (no delay) is a low headbutt that is not reversible.
    Midlevel rising attacks:
    Face up feet towards: All are MCR.
    Face up head towards: All are SK.
    Face down feet towards:
    1. no roll (no delay): MK
    2. delay: SK
    3. longer delay: MCR
    4. sideroll: MK
    5. backroll: SK
    Face down head towards:
    1. no roll (no delay): a headbutt that is not reversible.
    2. delay: MCR
    3. sideroll: SK
    4. backroll: MCR
  10. Deniz

    Deniz Well-Known Member

    New comment:The [4][3][P]+[K](hit)[P]+[G] Lift Up Throw needs an "IR possible" note.
  11. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    1.(special high attacks) ...

    The update is not showing on the list.

    Sorry about that. Now they are.

    > All low side throws are escaped this way, except for Pai's and Aoi's which is left or right+P+G in the direction of the opponent.

    I think you meant P+K+G. In any case, Pai and Aoi's low side throw escapes are reason enough to clarify the one and only way the Corkscrew Knuckle is escaped.

    No, I did mean P+G -- these are special cases to low side throw escapes, and have been noted in their lists. Escaping Jeffry's low side throw is not a special case, so I won't be mentioning it in the Command List.

    If I ever get bored though, I might consider putting in escape commands for throws in the Escape column.

    >Actually, the Blue Book had it at -1~3 but the White Book only has it at -3, which agrees with your observation. The Blue Book offers no explanations for the variance, so I'm updating it to -3.

    It's also not yet been updated. I will further experiment anyway to see if the Blue Book might be correct.

    Missed this one. Updated.

    > I'm at a loss for a neat way of noting this effect. Any suggestions?

    Yes: "The df+P+KP (only) won't sober in this combo."


    > Updated. Should be 30 to 20 though.

    Based on what? [snip]

    My bad. I meant to write "28 to 20" to imply decreasing damage with distance, whereas you wrote 20 to 28.

    6. The f+P Elbow Butt and f,f+P Dash Elbow do a Crouch Stagger.


    7. The Slam note for the b+P Elbow Stump should be amended to a Slam on Air Hit, and a Flop note should be added.


    8. The “Guard Stagger†notes for the b,f,f+P Tornado Punch and the uncharged version of the b,f,f+P+K Full Swing Hammer should be updated to “High Guard Stagger†notes.


    9. The b,f+K Heel Attack does a Slam on Air Hit.


    10. The P+KPP Machine Gun Hell Stab is an H* special high attack, and it does a Head Crumble on MC.


    11. The F+P+K Running Body Press attacks cause a Flop.


    12. The u+K+G Raiding Drop causes a Flop. It also does a Slam on Air Hit.

    Updated. Also corrected name to Raiden Drop.

    13. The uf+K+G Rolling Heel Attack and the two (d|u) P+K+G Side Step Elbow attacks do a Slam on Air Hit.


    14. The (side) P+G Coconut Crush should be separated into two different (right side) and (left side) entries. The (side) d|df|d,f+P+K+G Corkscrew Knuckle should also be separated into a (right side) entry and a (left side) entry – the right side version of this low throw for instance switches ring positions, and the left side version doesn’t.


    15. I strongly recommend that the “Opponent Back Turned†note for the db+P+G Back Throw be changed to “Opponent Recovers Back Turned†and the “Opponent Standing†notes for the b,f+P+G Headbutt and the b,f+P+Gf+P+G Double Headbutt be amended to “Opponent Recovers Standing†or “Opponent Remains Standing.â€Â


    16. The (asc) P Hammer Down does a Slam on Air Hit, as does the back turned d+K Back Heel Kick.


    17. The Jumping Knee wall attack does a Head Crumble to non-defenders.



    Reversal levels for Jeffry's rising attacks:
    All of Jeffry's low rising attacks are SW, with two exceptions: Face down feet towards, no roll (no delay) is LK (and does a Foot Crumble); face down head towards, no roll (no delay) is a low headbutt that is not reversible.
    Midlevel rising attacks:
    Face up feet towards: All are MCR.
    Face up head towards: All are SK.
    Face down feet towards:
    1. no roll (no delay): MK
    2. delay: SK
    3. longer delay: MCR
    4. sideroll: MK
    5. backroll: SK
    Face down head towards:
    1. no roll (no delay): a headbutt that is not reversible.
    2. delay: MCR
    3. sideroll: SK
    4. backroll: MCR

    Updated. Omitted longer delay rising kick due to lack of frame data.


    New comment:The [4][3][P]+[K](hit)[P]+[G] Lift Up Throw needs an "IR possible" note.


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