Jin channel

Discussion in 'Kage' started by Adam Gibson, Sep 27, 2021.

  1. Adam Gibson

    Adam Gibson Active Member

    I've been playing vf in some form off and on for over 20 years now, and I have always been absolutely terrible. As a perma-noob, one thing that has been really helpful to me is watching the high level matches on Jin's channel. Particularly this video:
    https://youtu.be/sXFSrZq2QT8, which is a lengthy all-kage room match featuring some extremely talented fighters. I learn something new every time I watch, and definitely been noticing an uptick in rage-quits lately.
    If you haven't subscribed, do yourself a favor and check it out, he is doing the lord's work over there.

    VolcanoShed, Koenraku and OniwabanCL like this.
  2. OniwabanCL

    OniwabanCL Member

    Thanks!!!! it'll be helpful

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