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John Kerry's Acceptence Speech for the U.S. Presidency

Discussion in 'General' started by kungfusmurf, Jul 29, 2004.

  1. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Man, I thought he did good & he really address all the issue that was important. & he seemed really relaxed, confident & especially strong.

    Damn those HOT daughters, hehehe. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  2. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Get Your Peep On!

    John Kerry gave a speech better than I had hoped. He seemed more energetic and dynamic than I've ever seen him. There is much work to be done before the Bush stain is removed from the White House, but I feel more confident in Kerry than I ever have. He and Obama stole the show at this convention.

    Here good smurf, have a carrot:

  3. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Re: Get Your Peep On!

    I'm a Smurf not a Rabbit you Moron.

    ONce Kerry & Edwards Nail Bush & Cheney against the wall during the Debates, we should be good. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  4. IamthePope

    IamthePope Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it was a good speech. Too bad he'll lose because he's a flip-flopping shmoe who will only tell you what he thinks you want to hear, he has little or no charisma, he's "aloof", he has no signature achievment, he has less campaign money than the Republicans, George Bush is the incumbent President and therefore can effect changes and set the issues.

    And about the Debates, that's what everyone was saying last election when George Bush made a fool of Al Gore in the debates. Don't make the mistake of thinking George Bush uninformed about the issues or an incompetent debater.

    And for the record, Kerry's daughters are not as good looking as the George Bush's.

    Vote George Bush in November
  5. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

  6. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member


    Iamthepope is all up on Bush's nut sack. crazy like.

    Truth is I would rather have Kerry in office than Bush, while democrats may be do nothings in some ways at least they dont make things worse .

    With the green party pushing its voters towards Kerry it seems like he might have as much a chance if not more than Gore, and hey, Gore won the last election!
  7. IamthePope

    IamthePope Well-Known Member

    Re: hehe

    [ QUOTE ]
    Vith_Dos said:

    With the green party pushing its voters towards Kerry it seems like he might have as much a chance if not more than Gore, and hey, Gore won the last election!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Did I ever mention that Vith_Dos was a Hippie?

    In response to what Vith_dos said:

    he is a Hippie(or protester, or activist,or whatever he calls himself). Hippies are the scum of the earth and have little or no common sence. never try arguing with a hippie, it is impossible to reason with them or make them see reason. Hippies come crawling out of the woodwork whenever there is a war to protest for rediculous, nonsencical, reasons they probably don't understand. people who throw out comments like "[the Bush Administration] should be hung" and consider themselves "protesters" are the real evil to society. If you can't understand the Bush Administration, read a book or watch the news, but don't waste my time by saying stupid things.
  8. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Re: hehe

    Did I mention that Pope was a crazed Christian wacko and card-carrying 700 Club member?

    See what I said earlier:
    I suppose you hate "filthy faggots", "negroes", and "non-christians" too? Hey, we can all stereotype the other side...

    <3 Political stereotyping.

    Praise be to Allah/Krishna/Jehovah/Diety of choice here.
  9. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Re: hehe

    I adore your view on protesters. For just as you think I fall into that wierd and twisted stereotype YOU fall squarely in the middle of the hot headed / fox news watching / the president can do no wrong so I must lick his balls / kinda of stereotype that have gotten so popular in the last 3 years

    You know waht the best part about you is, you're from Texas. Just plain awesome.
  10. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    Re: hehe

    Without protesting, we wouldn't even HAVE this fucking country. Yeah, that's right: We were formed out of one giant protest for the way the british were running things.

    Doctrinarian bigots are the evil in this country; the kind of people who can't see any evil inside their own party, and who believe that everyone on the other side is the cause. What they don't see is that by running the nation down the narrow rails that they percieve as 'best', they completely eliminate any form of debate, and therefore, any possibility of finding and expounding upon alternatives.

    Our president has refused alternatives. Hell, he's picked a war that, for every reason given, has had far better targets. It doesn't make any sense if you listen to the causes cited for the war. There were others (see the Farenheit 9/11 thread for the full scoop) that were far worse offenders of human rights, others that have amassed weapons of mass destruction, others that have cooperated more openly with terrorists, and others who have made far greater threats to us than Iraq. This leads me, and many of your so-called "scum of the earth hippies" to believe that the cause of the war is something that WASN'T cited. Do the math, you retarded chimpanzee.

    The only people who are the scum of the earth are those who would blindly follow what the leadership of the nation does, without opposing or questioning a thing. These people are NOT PATRIOTS. They are nationalists, and the worst form of citizens you could hope for.
  11. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member


    Think about Vietnam. Who wouldn't have protested that bloodbath? We killed so many of those poor fucking people it's unbelievable. The U.S. killed more Vietnamese people than we have lost in every war we have ever fought combined (That includes casualties on both sides of the Civil War).

    Our inbred friend uses all of his Texan eloquence to ridicule "hippies" but history shows that the pot-smoking, free-loving hippies had it right and all the "best and the brightest" war peddlers and jingo leaders had it wrong.

    The thing about our current military misadventure is that its lies are more transparent than the lies in Vietnam. The danger that it places Americans in is more acute. We're over in Iraq trying to see what new things we can sodomize Iraqi prisoners with. The Muslim world sees this and more and more of them want to kill Americans. Bush's war has put us all at risk for bloody retribution. If this idiot aristocrat cowboy gets reelected, our country is truly fucked if we're not already.
  12. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Re: Protesters

    There is no need to try and talk sense to Iamthepope. he is obviously wrong and just seeks attention
  13. IamthePope

    IamthePope Well-Known Member

  14. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    Re: hehe

    Well, since we're on the subject of spin.

    Did you know that florida aviation officials had contacts with Al-queida officials?

    What that statement doesn't tell us is that the florida officials DIDN"T KNOW they were talking to Al-queida. I'm pretty sure that is the case with sadman hussain, even if it would certainly be more beneficial to your argument if it weren't true.
  15. Shaolin_Hopper

    Shaolin_Hopper Well-Known Member

    Re: hehe

    What was that arcade game years ago, the medieval football one, where the bad guys would get as their superplayer a big green guy....

    And the people would chant "TROLL! TROLL! TROLL!"

    Anyone know? I know it's off topic, but I'm sure you can understand how this question entered my mind...
  16. IamthePope

    IamthePope Well-Known Member

    I guess John Kerry's speech wasn't that good after all.


    It seems the more people hear of John Kerry, the less they like him. Come November I doubt anyone will be voting for John Kerry. They'll just vote against George Bush. I have one question, is there any liberal minded person that is actually enthusiastic about John Kerry or do you just hate George Bush so much that, since John Kerry seems very electable, John Kerry is the guy you want running against Bush?
  17. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I would say I like Kerry even though he is no great liberal..he is pretty much like Clinton was - a middle of the road Democrate...Don't get me wrong, I thought Clinton was a great president, but I do think he could of been better - better being defined as he worked more towards legislation that followed a more liberal ideology. Bush is a moron with a very dangerous and smart cabinet. But hey, if you hate civil rights, health care, and damn near anything else - vote bush.
  18. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    Could someone go dig up numbers from the last election to see how much Gore and Bush gained during their conventions?

    Pope, perhaps what you can't understand is that this election is close enough already, one of the closest ones we've had so far. Not to mention that our president has made damn sure through his reign as leader that he's divided the population as deeply as humanly possible.

    Cmon...He's even got his own party voting against him...I know 4 older gentlemen who have NEVER voted democratic in 30+ years of elections who are voting for Kerry this time, because Bush has betrayed even his own party.

    The only people who still like him are the non-thinking touchy-feely-tasty-smellys. People who either can't or won't use any higher reasoning than to praise god.
  19. IamthePope

    IamthePope Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shadowdean said:

    I would say I like Kerry even though he is no great liberal..he is pretty much like Clinton was - a middle of the road Democrate...Don't get me wrong, I thought Clinton was a great president, but I do think he could of been better - better being defined as he worked more towards legislation that followed a more liberal ideology. Bush is a moron with a very dangerous and smart cabinet. But hey, if you hate civil rights, health care, and damn near anything else - vote bush.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ohhh nooo. Shadowdean that's not fair to Bush. Be nice to the president. Don't call him cruel names.

    George Bush doesn't have a detrimental impact to the civil rights agenda, in fact he helps the black community. He's the first President to have a black National Security Advisor and Secretary of state. His No Child Left Behind program has given record amounts of federal money to states to spend on schools to help a new generation of black kids grow up to be college graduates. and if you're referring to gay marriage, then that is not a civil rights issue because gays are not a race, they are just a collection of men who choose to have sex with other men.

    Bush doesn't want to hurt healthcare, he just wants to keep it privatized because he doesn't want the goverment to deal with it. Doing so would create more buerocracy, and therefore higher taxes on top of what people pay now for health insurance.

    One of the reasons Clinton couldn't get any liberal legislation passed is because the Republicans controlled the House. They still do and now they control the Senate as well, so if John Kerry is elected, don't expect any major legislation to get passed.

    One of my biggest problems with Kerry is that I don't know what he's like. He was a senator, not an executive like a governor or mayor, so we don't know how he would govern. We only know how he voted, but that was all on party lines so that doesn't tell us much. Another thing is that since he tells everyone what they want to hear you really don't know what he means and what he doesn't. I respect his service in vietnam but the way he plays politics with everything turns me off.
  20. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    IamthePope said:

    George Bush doesn't have a detrimental impact to the civil rights agenda, in fact he helps the black community. He's the first President to have a black National Security Advisor and Secretary of state. His No Child Left Behind program has given record amounts of federal money to states to spend on schools to help a new generation of black kids grow up to be college graduates. and if you're referring to gay marriage, then that is not a civil rights issue because gays are not a race, they are just a collection of men who choose to have sex with other men.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, because having a black cabinet member makes you SOOO much more for civil rights. I mean, he has what, one more cabinet member than Clinton did? If I recall correctly, Mr. Powell was still working there when Clinton was president.

    No Child Left Behind is a horrible joke. It should be renamed to "Every Other Child Retarded", because that is the effect it has. In order to ensure that every kind passes and moves on, education has to be brought to the slowest pace, the lowest common denominator. So you can pride yourself that all the kids graduate, but they're all gonna come out like a bunch of monkeys. I really pity the teachers in this country; they're pushed to get everyone to pass, but they're also pushed to meet unrealistically high standards of education, since their first priority is to pass everyone.

    Of course, allowing a system where some kids may fall through the cracks is inhumane, right? But by forcing everyone to learn at a sanil's pace, we are retarding the progress of any bright futures we may have coming up. Once you kill a child's spirit to learn, they aren't going to ever reach their potential, and this happens to the brightest because they have so little to learn.

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