Joystick reviews and recommendations please?

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by Haven, Sep 29, 2008.

  1. Haven

    Haven Member

    I've finally done it.
    I've decided to sell my PS3 for $470 in favor of getting a a brand new $250 xbox360 and play VF5 online. I'm a working college student who only have time to play in short burst - and I believe VF5 (and Ikaruga of course!) would be my best bet of having a satisfying and rewarding experience on what little free time I got to devote on gaming.

    So, as I'm about to get the "Arcade" experience at home later this week, I'm thinking of buying an arcade stick.

    Problem is, I don't know which one to purchase.
    I never bought an arcade stick before (yep, not once), and I don't want to shell out some good dough I worked hard to earn on some below average product.

    I've been reading a lot here about the Hori EX stick and decided to search around for reviews. I've read criticisms about it being wired, questionable button layout, and a certain stick aspect/flaw that takes time to get used to. It's kinda making me think twice on buying it, especially because I've never seen or read about what the other competing products have to offer.

    So what do you guys think?
    What other sticks out there should I check out?
    Do you have any recommendations?
    Best places to purchase?

  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Yep, the Hori EX2 is pants. Your best bet is to get a VSHG and have it modded so it works on 360. I'm not sure if it's still possible to find a VSHG anywhere though.
  3. Haven

    Haven Member

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot!

    Button configuration.
    Never touched a VF arcade before, so i was wondering how the controls are meant to be configured on the controller.
  4. McMystery

    McMystery Active Member

    The config on stick is:

    P K X
    G X X

    Where X is nothing.
  5. Haven

    Haven Member

    Interesting control layout.
    Looked weird to me at first as I always configure my gamepads on old consoles with the bottom 3 buttons in use. But I can see how that layout looks like it would feel more natural to the hand (especially the wrist)


    I've read that Hori EX stick is the only one available for 360. The rest of the ones I found are modded PS2/PS3 sticks.

  6. Lars

    Lars Active Member

    The VSHG is a great stick, but if you are looking for that *arcade feel*, then I suggest having a look at Arcade in a Box ( - specifically the 360 Slim Arcade or 360 Slim Arcade Custom sticks with all Sanwa parts).
  7. Haven

    Haven Member



    Looks like I'm not hardcore enough to shell out that much for an arcade stick. My budget is anything near the $50 price range - a little over or a little under, but nothing much more.

    I think this means the Hori EX stick is the way to go.
    Lots of them floating around online stores.

    Thanks guys^^
  8. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    $50 ?

    Get the Hori Soul Calibur IV stick.
  9. Haven

    Haven Member

    But it's Soul Calibur IV!
    There's a reason I sold my copy of that... that.... XD

    Are there any difference from the regular version of the stick?

    ACTIONBASTARD Well-Known Member

    It's just an EX2 with some stickers on it.
  11. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Just wanted to jump in n say my button layout is (i'll use McMystery's method to show)

    X X X
    G P K

    I use the Hori EX2, it's cool, only problem is the buttons wear out kinda quick. Some last longer than others i've heard but eventually it'll happen. I've had mine for about 5 months and my punch button seems to work like 80-90% of the time and my gaurd button is on it's way too (once in a great while). But i've also put a ton of hours on my stick.

    I didn't think i'd like the lil ball thing on the joystick cause way back when I played in arcades i've always used the bat looking stick. But the ball is way more comfortable imo (I hold it between my middle and ring finger)

    Later on down the line you could always shell out a lil more bread and mod the buttons and the stick with sawna parts and you should be good to go for a long while. Don't know how much it would cost, i'd have to pay someone to mod my stuff along with buying the parts, and shipping if I had to. I don't know how to do any of that or know anyone that could/would do it for me.
  12. FcoBenitez

    FcoBenitez Well-Known Member

    You can always mod the EX2 with Sanwa parts...
  13. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Even though it's a pain in the ass to do so.
  14. Haven

    Haven Member

    Sanwa parts?
  15. Dreamcazman

    Dreamcazman Active Member

    If you want a really good stick that will go the distance and that's still available, get yourself a HRAP3, and get someone (if you can't do it) to solder in a cheap 360 control pad with a switch. The other option is a VSHG, but they're very hard to come by nowadays.

    Or make your own stick from scratch and use quality Sanwa or Seimitsu arcade components.

    Just don't forget, you get what you pay for. Buy some cheap shit stick and you'll regret it later.
  16. Haven

    Haven Member

    I read somewhere that an Xbox 360 version of Real Arcade Pro EX is coming out in December 29th for about $130.

    What do you think of that one?
  17. Setsuna_Goh

    Setsuna_Goh Well-Known Member

    that should be nice, but it won't be 50 bucks, not with shipping and stuff, there's some SF4 sticks coming out soon from mad craps, you should look into those

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