k-step question (vf3)

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by BK__, Nov 13, 2001.

  1. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    was there a set formation or pattern in pulling off the korean step??
    i was told by someone that it forms in a zig-zag formation,

    i can pull it off fleuently for about 3-4 steps, but after i evade, i loose the rythm..
    does this have anything to do with the formation pattern??, if so, how would i carry it on after i evade?

    fleuent pattern:

    f, b/d(crouch step), f/d, f+ E... what next??

    does anyone have any tips or tricks they can add in performing the k-step?? plz?? (^_^)
  2. akira2001

    akira2001 Well-Known Member

    I'm afraid I can not be much help. But, perhaps you can. I am unfamiliar with a K-step. What is that? Perhaps then I can help or find help. Please send me info.
  3. Nutlog

    Nutlog Well-Known Member

    The korean step doesn't use crouch steps, only crouchdashes, and it doesn't really have a set pattern at all. Basically, all Korean stepping is is several crouchdash cancelled evades in a row.

    Example: (btw, I use the d/f,D/F method to crouchdash. You can use any of the other methods available to crouchdash if you want)

    E, d/f,D/F before the evade completes, d+E at the end of the crouchdash, d/f,D/F, E, b+E, E, etc...

    Since you can't crouchdash backwards in VF3, you cannot cancel a backwards dash with anything except a crouchdash forward again.

    Also, I dodn't use dodgelets in my example, but those can be thrown into the mix to make the movement more wide-ranging, especially at close quarters.
  4. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    "A very controversial technique. The Korean step can be executed by mixing up
    crouch dashes, escapes, forward and backward dashes, all buffered continuously
    into each other. The result is a smooth looking "slithering" around. This
    technique is mainly used to get up close to the opponent and attack. Characters
    with crouch-dash based throws will find this technique particularly useful. A
    condensed application of the Korean step is simply Crouch-Dash-Escape (CDE) and
    Escape-Crouch-Dash (ECD) or simply known as the New Taiwan Step. I prefer
    referring it as CDE or ECD though."

    I took the above from Ice-9's general techniques guide for VF3tb. Which is located on the front page of this website so please look around a bit before asking these questions.
  5. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Well, for starters. I think you need to learn how to crouch dash.

    In VF3, you can do it df,DF (really fast, but hold that DF). I personally use the squiggle method of df,d,DF (really fast, barely touch d, hold the DF). It'll look like a forward dash that ends in a crouch, but it's really a crouch all the way through as far as I know.

    My understanding is Korean Step is just messing around with all the movement cancels. Common in the "K-step" is ECD, but again, I think it's just whatever you decide to do with all the cancels.

    I'll give you a sample pattern that will involve most of the cancels that I know, and then I'll follow that with an updated movement cancel chart.

    ***Sample Pattern***
    b+E --> f+E --> E --> CD --> b+E --> E --> CD --> E

    Dash back, dash forward, dodge, crouch dash, back dash, dodge, crouch dash, dodge.


    This chart is from what I consider to be easiest to perform, but "unique" cancels will be at the end (though they really are the easiest).

    1. Dash (forward or backward) --> Dodge
    2. Back Dash --> Forward Dash
    (***UPDATE: Forward Dash --> Back Dash just stops the forward dash, DOES NOT cancel INTO back dash)
    3. Dodge --> Crouch Dash (very easy to do after 10 minutes of learning it)
    4. Crouch Dash --> Dodge
    5. Crouch Dash --> Dash (easy to do back dash, forward dash is awkward for a bit)

    *6a VF3 (version A-D): Dodge cancels Special Dodge (like Lion's uf+E).
    *6b VF3 tb & DC: Special Dodge cancels Dodge.

    Rule of Thumb:
    CD cancels dodge and dash
    Forward dash cancels back dash
    Dodge cancels CD and dash

    Techniques with Names

    1. ECD
    Dodge (aka Evade) --> Crouch Dash
    Getting used to this (without abusing it too much) will teach you the basic idea of why cancelling a dodge with a crouch dash is not so hard. The dodge gives you time to do a slow crouch dash and still come out with an ECD. In general, since the CD is the only thing that truly cancels the dodge at almost anytime, the system lets you do a CD anytime during the dodge and doing it slowly will work easily.

    2. Dodgelet
    d+E --> CD --> d+E --> CD --> repeat....
    All you really have to do here is bounce the stick between d & df while mashing on E. Once you get the hang of it, you can start getting used to doing it properly. This technique is an extreme example of dodges and crouch dashes cancelling each other ASAP.

    3. New Taiwan Step (I recommend using b+E)
    back dash --> crouch dash --> back dash --> crouch dash --> repeat....
    Maybe it's the Shota influence, but I love doing this technique with Lau. What can I say about the New Taiwan Step? It's a zoning tool. You can cut it short or extend it. You'll want to be proficient with it before using it in a regular match (at least if you intend to bounce more than two times). It's a nice setup for modified zone traps.

    There's the VF3 system's movement guide of the day.

    JED-VF3 likes this.
  6. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    thanks guys!, and thanks chanchai, you never let me down before (^_^)

    aoi vs akira of melbourne 2002 mpeg performed the dodgelet against akira am i right??, i have always been curious as to how that was done too..., cheers(^_^)

    but for the record, i knew how to do the crouch dash all along, but i mistaked it with "step" instead of "dash".... gee i wonder how this will be done in part4!!
  7. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Well, I appreciate your appreciation/versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Yes, I do believe Aoi is performing the dodgelet in the Melbourne 2001 Clip if I recall properly.

    Oh, okay... I think I now know what you were saying in your original post. The way I first read it was that you were just doing "The Zap" (as Kris Amico called it) and thought that you thought that was a "crouch dash." Here goes some added info:

    The Zap = DB from standing
    The length of the effect seems to be character dependant. Some characters seem to love to zap into closed stance from open stance, while others are the opposite. I might be wrong here.
    But in any case, it's the interestingly far retreat you do into a crouch and has been proven useful as a nice zone setup. I don't think it's any faster than a crouch, but the retreating property and what looks like a very quick change to crouch position gives you good spacing depending on the matchup and situation.

    With Lion, I use the Zap to setup the fc, f+P (MC)--let's call this move upward peck since Lion u+P+K can also be called an uppercut. If the upward peck floats the opponent (MC), then you have so many combos at your disposal INCLUDING vacuum punch combos.

    With Lau, I basically use it for spacing and setting up the heel kick (wsK or fc, n+K) if the opponent falls for the bait.

    Just a couple examples of using "the Zap." On a side note, because VF3 has no retreating Crouch Dash, I sometimes call this technique a retreating crouch dash (or crouch dash backwards). Crouch Step, as you call it, is appropriate as well. Crouch walk, crouch retreat.... whatever you want to call it because it hardly has a real name. But as long as the application is there, that's all that matters, right?

  8. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    hey chanchai!

    i found your last information a great deal helpful! (^_^)
    at last!! i can fluently perform the k-step as i saw at melbourne 2002!!

    my dodglets still need improving, but i can still pull it off atleast..
    so you can expect the k-step to be used a great deal if i ever do another video

    YEAH! **dances round the room in k-step style**, hehe whatch out arcade challengers!!!

    im UPGRADED (^_^)

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