Kage's BT oki/ura options

Discussion in 'Kage' started by OffBrandNinja, Oct 22, 2004.

  1. OffBrandNinja

    OffBrandNinja Well-Known Member

    Hey, I've been trying to take my ninja play up a notch or two lately, so I'm interested to hear some people's thoughts on his back turned okizeme/ura game. The thing is, I seem to end up in BT quite a lot with a recovering or downed opponent (combos ending in [3][K]+[G], or [2][P]+[K],[K], etc.) and so I'd like to build up that aspect of my game.

    [BT] [P]+[K]+[G] - I still love this move with a passion. However, I've learned that while constant flipping out elicits plenty of laughter, it doesn't necessarily provide damage. In fact, it hosed me quite a bit until I learned to use it only from time to time. However, when used sparingly, I find the huge backflip can work wonders. On a downed opponent, 8-way walking to backflip or the buffered [7][K] to backflip can bait a whiffed rising attack, allowing for a nice [2][K]+[G] to the back, or a sidekick for back stagger, or sometimes even [P],[K],[G] followed by TFT if I'm feeling ballsy. Also, on some knockdowns where the opponent lies in such a way that his rising attack is linear, [BT] [P]+[K]+[G] (hold for Jumonji) -> sidekick reversal can work. The thing is, I very rarely see this move used in clips, so I was wondering if it's just not worth using in high level play. Also, does anyone know what advantage Kage has if he flips and baits the whiffed rising kick? I know it takes him a little bit to recover from the flip, so is anything actually guaranteed if you get the whiff?

    [BT] P+G - This cheeky-ass move has actually worked for me, but it's another one that I rarely see. If an opponent does instant recovery and goes for evade, it IS a catch throw, but is it really a viable option? Would it be better to just turn around and go for the [9][P]+[G] if I wanted to use a catch throw? Also, is there really any use to the [BT][P]+[G],[P] cancel? The cancel has to be inputted immediately to come out and telegraphs itself pretty badly, plus I find that the stagger is too short to really capitalize upon. I don't even know if it's possible to force a nitaku situation if it hits, because of the long recovery.

    [BT] [2]+[K] - Bread and butter. I love this move (despite its nasty counterability when blocked). It's also linear, but until we get FT, Kage doesn't really have any circular options from BT (BT Jumonji owns), so I suppose this isn't a real grievance. However, it causes foot crumple on any hit, which can be followed with combo to put Kage in BT yet again. I get a kick out of doing BT [2]+[K], [3][K]+[G] and then doing it again right after they QR. Delaying it (either through 8-way walking or just waiting a bit) works wonders for me as well (baiting failed evades or an attack that the move ducks under for MC).

    Furthermore, are there any moves from BT that are viable as rising attack breakers? The BT [8]+[K] seems like it might be able to do it, but that's all I can see working. On another note, what are the conditions necessary (if they exist) to guarantee the second half of BT [P]+[K],[K]? MC, mC?

    And finally... is there any point to utilizing Kage's BT for oki/ura? Is it just plain better to turn around and use his normal flows? I apologize for all the questions that have probably been answered elsewhere. Comments/suggestions are greatly appreciated, as always.
  2. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    I'll post some more later, but just some quick notes.

    BT [P]+[K][K] is guarunteed on mC. Still not any uses for it that BT [2]+[K] won't cover.

    For breaking rising attacks, yeah, BT [8]+[K] will work. The only time I really break risings from BT is with BT [9]+[K]. Usually what happens, is I do [9]+[K] after a combo that leaves me BT, then if they don't tech, I do [9]+[K] again. BT [9]+[K] has like 10 billion hit frames, so it has a chance to catch a rising attack for big damage. Kind of random, but it's good risk/reward so I like to use it.

    After BT [P]+[G][P], you can force a small guessing game ([6]+[P] and throw). Usually there is too much distance though. Again, just for goofing off.

    BT [P]+[G] is pretty good, just too much risk involved. It whiffs, you die.

    These days I am not using BT stuff that much, aside from [4]+[K] mixups, which are always strong. In FT it will be another story though. In Evo, you can just low guard and wait for [9]+[K] if he does it. He has no fast threatening BT mid, so turning around after [9]+[K] is blocked instead of doing BT [P]+[G] or somesuch is a good idea.

    Right now I am personally liking BT [9]+[K] blocked, [4][4], [2]+[K]+[G], if that gets blocked, [6][3][2][1][4]+[P].

    turtle power
  3. Kefka

    Kefka Active Member

    I rarely use BT[P]+[G] with Kage, very rarely.

    The move I use most when BT are [P]+[K]+[G] and [8][K] they work wonder, use sparingly though.

    Worst BT move for Kage is [2][K] IMO, leaves you open to mid attacks and low throws.

    Most of the time I just revert to normal position, though, BT attacks rarely work vs a human or CPU in Arcade H (except for the occasional ([P]+[K]+[G] or [8][K], one being an escape move, the other a good counter move).
  4. HowardTheMizer

    HowardTheMizer New Member

    BT [P]+[G] is crappy, IMO. You need some serious Yomi or just an opponent who is an evading whore. BT [2][K] is really not that bad. You just ARM against linear attacks and punish. It's highly annonying for an opponent to TR just to get hit again like someone said already. BT Jumonji rocks for Kage though in FT, so that really makes his other stuff weaker... :/

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