kage's (on hit/guard moves)

Discussion in 'Kage' started by 2nd_striker, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. 2nd_striker

    2nd_striker Member

    Hi guys am really struggling with kage's moves where the inputs need to be made "on hit or guard". Despite watching the demos of the 3 hit dragon punch and his bf K+G a million times i still cant get it.

    any help you can give?
  2. Murder_Material

    Murder_Material Active Member

    If you watch it being performed in the dojo command list, you'll notice a little beep that plays when each button is pressed. It should be two quick presses followed by two slightly slower presses. Remember that rhythm and try to tap it out.
  3. 2nd_striker

    2nd_striker Member

    cheers getting better with the bf KG but the dragon punch is too tough
  4. Murder_Material

    Murder_Material Active Member

    Yeah, that one is pretty difficult. When I was learning the move, I would tap out the rhythm on my desk at work sometimes when I was bored. [​IMG]
  5. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    back , forward + K+Gk, k . Timing is more like just 2 hits, on the initial K+G you want to hit 2nd k instantly, and then its just about the timing for the last k. So Its b,f,K+G,k (no matter how fast you hit the 2nd k, it will buffer) get used to always hitting the 2nd kick immediately. This will make it so all your awareness can be on the timing of the 3rd kick(which is when you hear the sound of the previous hit. For me it is now effectively a 2 hit combo timing wise. Much more consistent then my dragon punch combo.
  6. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    Oh yes a very tricky move, like the rest say, timing is key
  7. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    Just listen the sound of the second kick and time the last K to that. I learned the timing that way. Consistency is another matter. ;-)
  8. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    Since spending more time with it. I now no longer time the first two kicks close followed by the third. I now space all three pretty evenly. I used to take advantage of the fact that only the third kick needs to be "on hit" and just throw out the first two kicks quickly. Howerver I now feel I have more consistency with three even kicks, timing both 2 and 3 "on hit".

    This is opposite of what I recommended earlier. Though whatever helps you learn the move...
  9. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    I'm the reverse of your situation. From the very start I used the method of evenly spaced out inputs in a rhythmic fashion. I got pretty used to it but really never consistent enough. I try to go on muscle memory but sometimes paying attention to the visual cues as well as the move's sound can disrupt the rhythm. I don't know why this is an issue even though I play guitar and concept is similar.

    But lately I've been using your original method. I've used it before when I first tried to choose a method I would stick with. So I went back to this last night and I think I'm getting better results. The first 2 inputs are like a plink but I tend to use K+G for every input rather the K+G,K,K. It allows my fingers to not get confused (when removing my thumb from G) and allows more concentration on the timing of the last input. I figure any little nuance can be helpful since this is so tricky to pull off in a real match.

    Longterm this method might not work out and I may go back to the even spaced method. And who knows it might even allow me to improve on that one.
  10. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Preparing at least 3 different rhythmic or muscle memory online. The first 2 kicks can easily connect immediately so focus on how much delay for the third kick. It's fucked up but necessary because you can't play Kage without this move(carry on, damage, and ring out).

    TBH, 4K+G is much more difficult rather than triple kicks online...
  11. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    I find the opposite true offline.

    Either way its been a few days now an I am alot more consistent with the plink method of triple kicks than I ever was with rhythm. I feel more comfortable using the visuals cues now and even the sound. In dojo I'm able to hit 2 in a row easily, sometimes getting a 3rd set for a 9-hit 80 damage combo. The last hit misses alot though netting you 75 damage. Not bad [​IMG]
  12. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    For those of us who might not read every single thread, noodalls has highlighted a sure-fire way to practice Kage's Dragon Punch Combo([6][2][3][P][+][K]![P]![K]![K]). Grab a metronome, set it to 225 beats per minute (225bpm), head into the dojo and get used to timing all 4 button commands with a 4-count: [P][+][K](1), [P](2), [K](3), [K](4). Then add [6][2][3] before the '1' and off you go!

    This works because a valid input pattern for the DPC is 16 frames between inputs. 16 frames in a 60 fps game is .266666 seconds which is 225bpm. Thank you, noodalls!

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