Kakutou Shinseiki 3 Updates

Discussion in 'General' started by Pai_Garu, Jan 19, 2005.

  1. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    <font color="white"> Streaming of the Event has Started!! Click below!! </font>

    Kakutou Shinseki Live Feed

    This thread will serve as the news thread for Kakuto Shinseki 3. The results will be updated in English as they come up each weekend. Please direct all appropriate discussions to this thread. Any comments or questions are welcome regarding the English page as well as others relating to the tournament.

    The English Results Page can be accessed by clicking on this line.

    <font color="white"> You may have to hit refresh a few times for the page to display correctly if you are using firefox. </font>

    Update (1/25/05): The tournament will be a 48 players national tournament taking place on March 21st. Most likely the tournament will be broadcasted.

    By March 13th, all of the regional tournament will be over and we will be able to see the brackets for the national tournament. The tournament itself will run like all the tournaments in the past with the following rules.

    - Single man elimination and no character change throughout the whole tournament.
    - 1P and 2P sides will be chosen by drawing for the first match, all consecutive matches will be chosen by paper, rock, scissor.

    These 4 previous tournament winners have been confirmed to have a reserved spot in the national tournament.

    Super Minami AKira
    Homestay Akira

    <font color="white"> Things to check before the live event </font>

    Here are the key things to remember in order to watch the live stream correctly.

    You NEED to have installed Windows Media Player 9 or higher.

    Since the streaming is tentatively scheduled to be broadcasted at 500Kbps, you will likely need to have DSL or Cable modem to be able to watch the stream.

    Remember that since the number of simultaneous streams will be limited to a certain number, it is recommended that you begin the streaming before the tournament actually starts so you have a connection.

    In the event that anything goes wrong with the streaming, and it is possible due to network irregularities, there is nothing that Sega can promise or guarantee, so you can only hope for the best. Remember the live streaming is only planned, if something goes wrong it can be canceled without notice.

    One last thing to do is to go to the Tools menu in Media player, then go to options. Under the network tab, uncheck the http box under streaming protocols. Once you have done this, you can click on the following link to test if you can receive the streaming correctly.

    Streaming Test for Kakutou Shinseiki 3

    This will connect you to a mock streaming of the event, which is actually a clip from Otemi Haiken 3.

    If this test stream works, then remember to check back to this thread or even the front page Sunday night around 10:30 E.S.T for the link to the live event. Have fun. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  2. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Thanks alot, wanted something like this. Absolutely awesome that a Brad (Bone) has qualified aswell. Many Shuns so far btw.

  3. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    Too many Shuns in my opinion. I still want an Akira player to win. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  4. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    akira - 9
    jacky -7
    kage - 7
    lau - 6
    shun - 4
    vanessa - 2
    sarah - 2
    pai - 2
    jeff - 2
    lion - 2
    aoi - 1
    brad - 1
    lei fei - 1
    wolf - 1

    every character except for poor ol' goh
  5. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    I hate to say it, but yeah it's kinda sad that there isn't a Goh. Sad really because Goh is a pretty good character in my view. You just have to train with him and you'll be good. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  6. Makatiel

    Makatiel Well-Known Member

    i hate to sound like a whiner, but i cant help but think that the reason there is no goh player is due to balance.

    there are some incredible, incredible goh players here (in tokyo). just last week i was watching a meisho (or something like that) goh absolutely stomping everyone who challenged him (he had about 4 thousand games total and a 70% win rate). my feeling is, if that guy cant qualify for kss3 then there's got to be imbalance. i just cant wrap my head around it.

    am i just totally whacked? it's possible that im whacked, but like i said, i just cant explain it. i mean, i guess there's bad luck, and maybe having a bad qualifying match, or maybe lots of goh players just got matched up against some really powerful "famous" players. but still, not even one? id love if someone could provide an explanation that i could agree with.
  7. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Well, even in Japan, most people think Goh sucks. Also, the qualification has only begun. There are still tons and tons of spots left for qualification, so who knows what will happen.
  8. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    It's the law of averages. How many Meisho Goh players are there? How many Meisho Akira players?
  9. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I concur. I don't believe they aren't so many Goh players especially high ranking Goh players. I've known its been mentioned that Arashi, the first reknown Goh player now mostly plays Jacky in FT.

    Does VF.net have a total character usage chart online somewhat like the machines themselves keep track of? I'd bet money Goh, Brad and Vanessa are at the bottom.
  10. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    That's sad if Brad and Goh were actually at the bottom of the list. I mean I can understand about Vanessa, but Goh and Brad are actually pretty damn good. I've seen a Brad player completely dismantle an Akira player. I mean the guy just completely rushed him and got 2 excellents in the match. I've also seen Goh players who were whooping a$$ on characters like Kage and Lau. I think the reason Goh doesn't get picked much is because he seems very slow (maybe even slower than Wolf). But the truth is that hes not that bad. All you have to do is learn his moves and his techniques and how to apply them with his throws and you will be able to dominate. I also think that some people believe that Goh doesn't have many flashy moves. I mean look at Akira, Kage, and Wolf, they all have cool looking moves. Maybe for VF5 Sega will hopefully change Goh's moves so that they look a bit more flashier.
  11. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Chill PKG
    I can understand if Goh and Brad aren't that popular - in Evo they were new characters and while they certainly weren't broken, I would put them lower down in a tier list. Now that FT is out they have gained some improvements - Brad has had a huge upgrade given to him (possibly the biggest and most needed upgrade in FT) and Goh has some small changes, [6][6]+[K] helping him out alot. There was definately an increase of Brad media after FT was released, but Goh not so much. It will be interesting to see how many Goh players do end up qualifying.
  12. Makatiel

    Makatiel Well-Known Member

    personally, i still think goh's been weakened in ft, not improved.

    but i think srider's right. it's still too early to say. i'll just wait and see.
  13. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Judging from a recent trip to Japan:

    You don't see a whole lot of Vanessa - definitely one of the more uncommon characters. However, most of the Vanessas you DO see now are really, really good. The majority of Vanessa players, myself included, devote the lion's share of their VFing time into mastering her, since she takes a lot of time and effort to play well.

    But it's oh so worth it.

    There are quite a few more Vanessas in tourneys since FT. One has qualified for KSIII already - Hopefully Kashin, Kurita, or Tokyo Megane will make it in as well.
  14. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member


    I see about 7 new Vanessa players here (including Kashin), a couple of new Brads (Itoshun) and even 2 new Goh players. We'll have to see how things turn out in the end.

    Srider: is this just the qualifying section before the regionals?
  15. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Itoshun. Thank god. KS3 is looking to be so great, can't wait for it.

  16. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Yes, these are only the people who qualify to enter regional tournaments. They will hold regionals later on to decide who gets to the national tournament.

    Kakutou Shinseki has always been the biggest VF tournaments in Japan with all the glitz and glamor, this is why the road to the finals is so tough.
  17. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

  18. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Jacky weakened?

    "All the big players like Jacky got nerfed for FT. It's only Kage who you can win with now."

    Anybody looked at the list recently?

    Jacky's beginning to go ¯\(º_o)/¯ ? :cry:

  19. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

  20. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    personally, i still think goh's been weakened in ft, not improved.

    but i think srider's right. it's still too early to say. i'll just wait and see.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i agree on goh for some parts, i reckon because most players have to change thier goh ALOT in ft, i think he's changing from sharp/swift to being more sloppy with big animations.

    and btw, strong goh players are everywhere in japan. Ebi is also a strong goh like arashi, amongst another handful. Casual players in japan were just as difficult to defeat from my view.

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