Kansai and Tokyo Bay Area Cups - November 27, 2012

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Nov 25, 2011.

By akai on Nov 25, 2011 at 9:53 AM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter

    [​IMG] There will be two Bay Area Cup tournaments this coming Sunday, November 25th:

    1) Tokyo Bay Area Cup, Volume 8 - 3 on 3 Team Battle, actual tournament starts ~ 1:00 PM Japan Time. Archived Tournament - Part 1/Part 2/Part 3. Extras - pre-tournament matches/post-tournament matches

    2) Kansai Bay Area Cup, Volume 1 - 2 on 2 Team Battle, actual tournament starts ~ 3:00 PM Japan Time. This tournament will be streamed on Ustream.

    For more information/summary of the 13th Season of VFR - Topic Link

    Update: Both the Tokyo and Kansai Bay Area Cups have ended! The Tokyo Bay Area Cup, Vol. 8 is archived, while the Kansai Bay Area Cup, Vol. 1 is currently unavailable. Links and additional information are provided in this topic and in the 13th Season of VFR Topic Link above.


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Nov 25, 2011.

    1. akai
      The entire Tokyo Bay Area Cup tournament (3vs3) is archived (good stream). Check first post for links. Kansai Bay Area Cup tournament (2vs2) is not currently available.

      Click spoiler for the final results of the two tournaments!

    2. akai
      Earlier this year, Myke posted the God of Thundeï½’ Ranking Battle to determine who will be the first person to receive the "God of Flame" rank. Now over 8 months have passed and their was another night in which high rank players fought against each other. This occur after the Tokyo Bay Area Cup and the video of the promotion is in the post-tournament link in the first post. You can just jumped to the specific matches with this God of Flames Ranking Battle link. I found out the significance of that match from Kamaage's post on battlecore.jp. Results for those who don't to watch it (it is actually very quick compared to the Fuudo and Itoshun matches) is in the spoiler.

      For those interested how the ranking system is changed from VF5 - here are the ranks so far in VF5FS

      級。Kyuu Group - åç´š/一級
      段。Dan Group - åˆæ®µ/å段
      士。Shi Group - 錬士/烈士/傑士
      者。Mono Group - 強者/猛者/王者
      人。Jin Group - å人/é”人/超人
      将。Shou Group - 智将/猛将/闘将
      魔王。Maou Group - 大魔王/真魔王/天魔王
      ensei Group - 空拳è–/撃拳è–/剛拳è–
      æ­¦å¸ã€‚Butei Group - ç£æ­¦å¸/鬼武å¸/é¾æ­¦å¸
      マスター(神)。Master (God) Group - 轟雷神/爆焔神/天翔神

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