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Killzone 3 (Move + Navigator + sharpshooter)

Discussion in 'General' started by SicilianVizzini, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    A while back, when I first got Move, I mentioned it was really good with Sport's Champions and I recall one or two people wanting to know how it played with core games (like MAG/RE5) that I didn't own. Well I recently tried the Killzone 3 demos with a DS3(left hand) & Move(right hand) and really liked it (after finding a setup and calibration that worked well for me).

    Naturally I bought the game, and was already swayed to play it differently than a standard FPS (Eg MW2) by getting a Sharpshooter and Navigator controller.

    Although it took a few extra days to get my sharpshooter delivered, last night I eventually finished the single player campaign(on Veteran) with the sharpshooter.

    I don't normally play these type of games on console(but had tried the KZ2/Black Ops demos), so I probably wasn't suffering from FPS overload like most people would, but even putting KZ3's visual feast (as the game progresses) to one side, the gaming experience with a replica plastic sub-machine felt awesome like bringing the arcade feel home. It also took a little bit of configuration to get comfortable with, and some switches like the mode select(& safety are probably implemented more for MAG?) , but I'm already looking forward to getting back into trying it again on Elite and will certainly be looking to buy more games that support it. Making single shot, long range headshots without a sniper rifle weapon, by needing to take a breath to hold still really sold it to me that this is a like a new genre again.

    VF5 related, but Off topic:
    It has been good that KZ3 + sharpshooter hasn't disappointed me. On Saturday my original OtherOS PS3(f/w 3.15) died in dojo command attack, fittingly while I was trying to do Akira's full DLC on a six-axis pad. I don't quite know if it died by animating the normal or full Dragon Lance Combo when the screen corrupted; but I'm going to believe it was Akira's full shoulder hit that did it.

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