Lau Player

Discussion in 'Lau' started by HoodedFreak, Apr 15, 2002.

  1. HoodedFreak

    HoodedFreak Member

    I play Lau.. and I just started today. This doesn't seem to be in the training mode, and I can't really find it elsewhere. but how do you catch people's punches and do reversals? I think that's the right term for it.. thanks for reading.
  2. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    Lau doesn't have any reversals, but the command is standard for each character that does have them:
    b+P+K catches high moves
    db+P+K catches mid moves
    d+P+K catches low moves
    Of course, not everyone can reverse every move (for example, Kage can only reverse high/mid punches). Some stances also include auto-reversals (like Lei's crane stance, which takes down punches only if Lei isn't pressing anything.)
  3. HoodedFreak

    HoodedFreak Member

    No reversals for Lau? /versus/images/icons/frown.gif what a shame.. thanks for the reply
  4. HoodedFreak

    HoodedFreak Member

    just to clarify.. there are no ways to stop attacks as lau other than block?
  5. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Either block..or evade and counter with his evade attack...causes a crumple on Mc...follow up with ur fav combo

    Good damage
  6. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    Against linear attacks, you have the dodge attack or even b+K+G. Against high attacks, Lau has a pretty respectable suite of low moves, and the standard low punch stuff. Of course, once you block something, abuse your advantage with f+PP.
  7. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    yeah, this is why a lot of people say lau's boring, he didn't get reversals (the ability to grab incoming attacks and slam or hit the enemy for damage).. or inashi reversals (ability to grab someone and deflect the attack for little or no damage, but you also make them stumble) or sabaki attacks (attacks that are specially designed to beat certain other attacks every time).

    I dunno why I said all that, except you're bound to ask sooner or later /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
    If you want to see some cool reversals, try akira or aoi.
  8. HoodedFreak

    HoodedFreak Member

    i swear i was just fighting a 4th dan lonel lau and he grabbed one of my punches like a reversal
  9. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Enuff with the ' I swear this happened statements..I swear that happened statements'

    It's not possible for Lau to do a reversal.
    Not in the past, not presently...maybe in future VF series.
  10. HalfLotus

    HalfLotus Active Member

    He mentions Lau grabbing a punch ONCE, and you say "enuff with that". What a jackass. Oh wait, I just saw your sig, that explains alot.
  11. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    what summers is referring to isn't this one poster making a false statement one time, he's just saying he's sick of seeing "I swear it happened!" posts in general.
    It happens more often than you think, people SWEAR they see moves that don't exist.

    PS: if summer's sig bothers ya, you should have seen my old one /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  12. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Use the search feature
    or even better

    Use ur brain before u speak.
  13. HoodedFreak

    HoodedFreak Member

    The first line of your post = my thoughts exactly.
  14. Marginal

    Marginal Well-Known Member

    Come on. They just told you Lau has no such reversal. They tell you that because Lau does not have a punch reversal. You either saw in interrupt (something like b+P+K,P) or a throw, but I promise you that Lau doesn't have a punch reversal. Aside from the fact Lau doesn't need them, look at the movelists. Direct from Sega, verified by multiple third party magazine publishers in Japan and players the world over...

    No reversal's listed.
  15. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Thanks marginal

    But let's not waste our time on them.

    Better to spend time helping others.
  16. Marginal

    Marginal Well-Known Member

    Eh. Better to explain why people get so short about this kinda thing rather than have it devlove further into a flamewar while discouraging someone from trying to get into VF. The numbers of serious players are kinda low as it is.

    Hooded, rather than offering rhetorical statements and weak flames, just read the other forum entries. That's the typical tone on the forums. You weren't being flamed.You weren't being singled out. It's simply about reality.

    They were largely making an observation on what's come from what people think they have seen already. (Which has been no new moves ever found.) This stuff's been going on since VF1, and it's not something anyone really cares about anymore.

    Basically, you have what's there spread out right in front of you already. All that seperates moves etc is how you use them, and that's what you should be looking at right now if you're just starting with VF now.

    If I wanted reversals, I wouldn't play Lau in the first place. Pai is similar at the core, and she has reversals.
  17. Deniz

    Deniz Well-Known Member

    They were largely making an observation on what's come from what people think they have seen already. (Which has been no new moves ever found.) This stuff's been going on since VF1, and it's not something anyone really cares about anymore.

    Marginal: I agree with SummErs' observations and most of yours. But with all due respect, the quoted statement is wrong. Research will reveal that undocumented "new" moves do get discovered; some result from bugs. There was Sarah's Shun-puri in VF2, Senbon punches (the buggy VF2 versions that helped force a 2.1 correction), Jacky's iaigeri, Lion's Vacuum Punch [in VF2], etc. Yupa recently discovered for VF4 a Sarah [Flamingo Stance] d+K(hit)P+G back throw that does more damage than the documented front throw with the same inputs, and which to the best of my knowledge is undocumented. I've been told and read that all VF4 hit throws are high throws, but have found ones that can be done on crouchers. I found a P+K Sarah TT attack that is her only high TT attack that can be done from a crouch (and from standing as well). And so on.

    Again, no disrespect meant; just striving for accuracy of information. And of course Lau has no reverses. /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    Edited for clarification and spelling.
  18. Marginal

    Marginal Well-Known Member

    I think you read too much into my post. (I tend to stay in context...) I meant all the stuff that someone could've "sworn" was in the game. Like Jeffry's modified millitary press in earlier VF games etc. Nothing ever came of these moves that were supposed to exist because someone thought they saw it happen.
  19. Deniz

    Deniz Well-Known Member

    I don't follow your logic, Marginal. Initially, I thought I saw Jacky crouching during recovery when I threw him with Sarah' s [FS]K+G(hit/guard)P+G; then I couldn't repeat it, and read a guide here at VFDC saying all hit throws are high. So I chalked it up to poor observation. But I could have sworn I saw it happen. Then when I went back to further testing, I discovered it required certain conditions, such as a closed stance. So there is an instance that belies your assumption. I would assume it's the way most uncommon and unexpected discoveries that at first seem odd or wrong are processed. But whatever...
  20. HoodedFreak

    HoodedFreak Member

    No rhetorical statements or flames of any kind coming from me. that "first line of your post = my thoughts".. i was just agreeing with halflotus. anyway, "You either saw in interrupt (something like b+P+K,P) or a throw, but I promise you that Lau doesn't have a punch reversal."
    well, no one suggested anything about a bpk, p move, and i hadn't considered it, having only been playing for like 2 days at the time of my last posts

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