Launchers float higher when CH interrupting a character's side kick & most high kick

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by kingo, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Just want to share something I found out yesterday while doing some research on dojo.

    A few months ago, in an online match, I accidentally do that Aoi combo on Wolf:
    [3][3][P][+][K]CH >[P]>[P][+][K]>[6][6][P][+][K][P]
    I was very surprised it worked on him, so I tried to reproduce it on dojo, but with no success: I tried everything, even making Wolf do a jumping move Jump [P] / [K], or a move with a airbone state such as his [9][P][+][K].
    The [P][+][K] just wouldn't Bound.

    Then I was told by my little bitch G0d3L that if you CH a move that does more than 25 dmg, some launchers float higher. He gave the example of Kage's [3][3][P] CH on Jacky.
    When interupting Jacky's somersault kick, [3][3][P] CH floats higher, so you can do a light Bound after it, which is usually not possible. Combo is [3][3][P] CH>[P]>[6][6][P][+][K]>[4][6][K][+][G][K]![K].
    However according to my tests, I couldn't get that combo consistently. I found out that you need to delay the [3][3][P] a few frames, otherwise Jacky doesn't float higher.

    Back to dojo, I tested the Aoi combo on Wolf while he was using a 25+ damaging move, but it didn't work neither, so it wasn't that.
    And then I try to get a higher float with Kage on Jacky, with Jacky using different moves.
    It turned out that if Jacky is doing a side kick [3][K] at disadvantage, Kage's [3][3][P] CH float higher than usual, allowing me to do [3][3][P]CH>[P]>[6][6][P][+][K]>[4][6][K][+][G][K]![K] everytime.

    And I finally managed to do the Aoi combo on Wolf !!!! ( open stance only )
    I started to messing around with other characters' launchers while interupting a side kick and it lead me to that conclusion:

    In FS, launchers CH floats higher than usual if they interrupt a side kick or a high kick.

    (Few exceptions: Goh's [K] and Akira's [K])

    Of course we already know that some launchers CH float higher than that same launcher on NH, but interupting a 3K or a K lead to an even higher float than the regular CH version. Dunno why.

    Now this allow us sometimes :

    _ to do some combos on heavy weights ( Akira, Jean, Wolf, Jacky ) what are usually only possible on mid weights. ( it usually consist in adding an extra light Bound ).
    _ to do some combos on midweights what are usually only possible on lightweights.
    _ to do some stance specific combos turn into combos what works on any stance.

    Some examples:

    [3][3][P][+][K]CH>[P]>[P][+][K]>[6][6][P][+][K][P] on Wolf, open stance
    [6][6][P][+][K]CH>[P]>[P][+][K]>[6][6][P][+][K][P] on Jacky & Brad ( open stance), Lei Fei both stance, Goh close stance.
    [3][3][P][+][K]CH>[P]>[6][K][+][G]>[2_][3][P][+][K]>[6][4][P][+][K][P] on Vanessa close stance


    [3][3][P]CH>[P]>[6][6][P][+][K]>[4][6][K][+][G][K]![K] on Akira & Jacky
    that combo also becomes possible on Jean in any stance ( regular CH allow you to bound in open stance only)
    [4][4][K]CH>BT [P][K]~[G]>[P]>[4][6][K][+][G][K]![K] become possible in any stance ( was only possible in close stance in regular CH ) against midweights

    [9][K]CH>[P][P][2][3][6][P][+][K][K]>[6][6][K]>[1][P][K] on Wolf open stance
    Usually this combo is only possible if [9][K] hits at max distance.

    [9][K]CH>[4][P][P][2][3][6][K][+][G][K]>[6][6][K] etc become possible on Jacky on any stance ( regular CH: only open stance )

    [9][K]CH>[6][P][+][K][P][2][3][6][P][+][K][K]>[6][6][K] etc on Jean close stance

    [2_][3][P][+][K] CH>[3][P][2][1][4][K][+][G] on Wolf both stance, Jacky close only,

    [2_][3][P][+][K] CH>[6][P][P][2][1][4][K][+][G] combo on Akira close stance, Jean both stance

    [1][P]CH>[P]>[4][6][K][+][G]>[6][K][+][G]>WS [P][+][K][P] on Jean

    [2_][3][P][+][K]>[P]>[4][6][K][+][G] etc become doable on Jacky no matter his stance

    These combos usually don't work with a regular CH or work only in a specific stance..
    Note that generally the foe should be -4 or -5 at worse when he abares with his [3][K] or [K] ( doesn't work at higher disadvantage but there are exceptions ) in order to get the high float. But It also depends on the character you're facing, his high kick /side kick properties ( how many frames to execute etc ) and the launcher you're using.

    Of course why would anyone abare with a side kick ?
    But sometimes you may interupt someone who try to poke from distance with his side kick.

    Now, there are moves what can provide you the same effect outside of being a [K] / [3][K]:

    Jacky: [2][K], [2][K][+][G]
    Wolf: [4][3][P], [6][2][K]
    Kage: [K][+][G]
    Brad: [4][K], [K][+][G], [6_][K]
    Akira: [9][K]
    Vanessa: OS [6_][K]
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
  2. HomebredTripod

    HomebredTripod Well-Known Member

    Kingo Eileen combo works on wolf in both stances from what im doing.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
  3. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Only if [9][K] hits at max distance. Otherwise the heavy Bound is not possible. ( try the combo at close range)
    But with the higher CH float, even at close range it works.
    Anyway, additionnal note added.
  4. HomebredTripod

    HomebredTripod Well-Known Member

    i know about the range thing i was telling Tricky about it. He doesn't listen to me.
  5. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    9K just has to land on the 18f or later. The combo works in meaty situations too.
  6. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I listen I just know the limits of what I can do in a match. Max range 9K is hard to hit and connect with but. . .

    18f or later is a lot easier. When I hit my 9K combos I want to know i'm getting that damage not hope.
  7. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I also got this to work from Wolf 43P too using Taka, so it's not just side kicks.
  8. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Yep side kick just work for everyone. For sure there are others specific moves for each character. For wolf there is also his 62K. Jacky 9K.
  9. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Maybe it's just about the damage the move you're interrupting does then. Sidekicks all do at least 21 damage don't they?
  10. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Move damage or major counter status doesn't seem to matter, I tried a couple of moves from Wolf that do more than 21 damage and only 3K and 43P floated higher than usual, maybe it's just another glitch?
  11. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I read the OP and maybe I missed it, but we're talking about red counter hits here? As for why it can work against side kicks, it's probably a balance issue of some sort. They may have figured that it should lead to lots of damage on side counter hits and back dashes, but if interrupted you get more damage on you than usual. In other words, I wouldn't look at the damage value of side kicks as a determining factor of when these special counter hits take place. It's likely just a rule built into them that doesn't apply to moves in general. I'd try experimenting with moves that do 25 points of damage or more to find out when you can usually get a red (?) counter hit.
  12. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Yeah, someone named it as red counter too, because of the red color shown through the word "counter" written in dojo. I'm not sure how to name it because the actual red color flash can be seen when you CH stagger someone.
    But anyway, like Yomi said it, it's not about the damage of the move interrupted.

    I was thinking about the same thing as you Libertine about side kick, but I just found out today that it can actually work against....generic high kick K of all character too ! lol

    EDIT: doesn't work for Akira and Goh's K

    So in short: launchers can float higher if CH interrupt a high or a side kick.

    I'm gonna edit my 1st post.

    I'll add moves what are not K or 3K what can provide the same effect if interrupted.

    Wolf: 62K, 43P

    Kage: K+G

    Jacky: 2K+G, 2K

    Vanessa: [6_][K]
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2013
    HomebredTripod and Libertine like this.
  13. Optimus_Cack

    Optimus_Cack Well-Known Member

    is this what you're talking about?
  14. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    update: the launcher when crushing a rising attack floats higher too

    credits: chibitox

    Testing with Aoi's 33P+K on Wolf and Jeffry, and most of the time,

    33P+K¨-> P -> P+K B! -> KPK becomes possible on them
    akai likes this.

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