Lei Fei thread

Discussion in 'Lei' started by ColinDru, Dec 28, 2002.

  1. ColinDru

    ColinDru Member

    This thread is for discussing Virtua Fighter's Shaolin McNasty, Lei Fei. Strategy, questions, etc. Allow me to start, but keep in mind I'm a total newb.

    Good Attacks
    [DM][P],[P]+[K]: The first punch is 10 frames and hits high, but the second hits mid and gives you a +5 advantage on block, enough to set up all sorts of nasty guessing games. One of the best moves in the game.
    [TG][P]: Sabakis high/mid attacks. With enough anticipation, this can be your best friend, along with...
    [TG][K]: Sabakis low attacks and puts you in [EV]. Now the opponent's options are very limited, and that's where Lei wants to be because it enables him to start his confusing attack strings while causing hesitation.
    [DM][P]+[K]: Long range attack from [DM]. Chargeable. Very good surprise attack from long range, as Lei jumps at the opponent.

    Feel free to add anything I forgot.

    Lei Dance
    [8]+[P]+[K]+[G]: Can be cancelled by [G] to quickly return to neutral, or by [2]+[P]+[K]+[G] to go to [DM]. Can someone confirm if this is cancellable by [4]+[P]+[K]+[G]?
    [2]+[P]+[K]+[G]: Can be cancelled by [G] to quickly return to neutral, or by [8]+[P]+[K]+[G] to go to [IN]. Yes, you can cancel [8]+[P]+[K]+[G] with [2]+[P]+[K]+[G], cancel that with another [8]+[P]+[K]+[G], and repeat ad nauseum to do a funny little confusing dance.
    [1]+[P]+[K]+[G]: Unfortunately, you must wait for this animation to complete before G-cancelling to BT or going to another stance. Of importance is the stance you input this from: It steps back most from [DM] but also takes longer. From neutral, Lei moves back pretty well, and from [IN] he barely evades at all. [8]+[P]+[K]+[G]~[1]+[P]+[K]+[G] puts you in [IN] faster than just doing [1]+[P]+[K]+[G]. Of course, you can G-cancel the [EV] stance to BT and proceed with the back turned madness.

    And that's really all I know; sad, isn't it? So go ahead and post everything you know about Lei Fei, or else.
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    On the part of lei fei dances, the most effective dance imo is the [8][P]+[K]+[G][2][P]+[K]+[G] mix. Now these two stances can be canceled by the other, you don't need to [G]-cancel for it to work. One of the cool things you can do is change between open and closed stance by doing [2][P]+[K]+[G][8][P]+[K]+[G][G]. The [1][P]+[K]+[G] stance has weird properties. If you input the command while you are in the [2][P]+[K]+[G] stance, the distance you rotate back is longer. This can be beneficial for retreating fast. Another thing to remember is that [1][P]+[K]+[G] can be canceled by [2][P]+[K]+[G] only. One of the things heruru likes to do is [2][P]+[K]+[G][8][P]+[K]+[G][1][P]+[K]+[G] and repeat. When you do this quickly it gives the illusion that leifei is spinning in a circle. One of the things that looks really cool is if you can do that dance and go into attacks from [8][P]+[K]+[G]. While in that stance do either [8]or[2][K]+[G] or [K]+[G]. Or even if you can catch people with the auto reversal. These are two of the most useful dances for leifei in Ver C. Play around with them and impress newbs /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  3. ColinDru

    ColinDru Member

    I didn't know [2]+[P]+[K]+[G] cancelled [1]+[P]+[K]+[G]... that's very useful.

    Also, the Lei dance is not a good technique to do over and over again at close range... use it just long enough to either mixup your attack or surprise the opponent with the [IN] auto punch reversal, [EV]/[DM] high avoidence, [EV] sabakis, or G-cancel to block.

    Now that I know you can cancel [1]+[P]+[K]+[G] with [DM] stance, I'll try and list some good "movement strings" to use:
    -To evade an attack and punish with a throw: [1][1]~[G]~[2]+[P]+[K]+[G]~[1]+[P]+[K]+[G], [2]+[P]+[K]+[G]~[G], [P]+[G] (reverse crouch dash, G-cancel to [DM] to [EV], return to [DM], G-cancel, throw)
    -Alternatively, one could G-cancel the [EV] stance, attack quickly with a BT attack and throw, but that isn't as flashy or confusing.
    -For elite dancing; fast cancelling, prancing, etc (already mentioned by NinjinSan):
    -So that's how you make Lei spin...
  4. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    One thing that I should point out with your theory is that [1][P]+[K]+[G] done from the DM stance cannot be caceled as fast as you normally could. This is due to the special backwards rotation that lei fei does going from DM stance into EV stance. The rule of thumb is that if you want to dance, NEVER go into EV stance from DM because it stops the flow of movements. One of the things you can do, however, is to utilize the special command that you can do to switch between IN stance and DM stance. When in IN or DM stance, inputing [4][P]+[K]+[G] will make lei fei alternate between the two stances. The difference between using [4][P]+[K]+[G] to alternate DM and IN stance and using [8][P]+[K]+[G] or [2][P]+[K]+[G] to switch is that when you use [4][P]+[K]+[G], lei fei takes a step back to switch stance, instead of doing it in place. So to work that into your dancing, you can do this. [2][P]+[K]+[G][4][P]+[K]+[G][1][P]+[K]+[G][2][P]+[K]+[G][4][P]+[K]+[G]...... Notice when you go from the DM stance to the IN stance in that dance pattern you use [4][P]+[K]+[G] instead of [8][P]+[K]+[G]. Being able to alternate between spinning in place and spinning backwards, and using stance changing as feints is what will confuse your opponent the most when playing as lei fei. Some other useful feints, [2][P]+[K]+[G][G]-cancel. This gives the illusion that you are going into DM stance, but it's so quick that you can immediately throw. Another you can try is while back turned, do [8][P]+[K]+[G] to go into IN, cancel that with [1][P]+[K]+[G] and immediately cancel that with [G], this makes people think you are turning around, but really you are keeping yourself back turned. you can even do that while standing normal to turn yourself around quickly. On the note of dancing up close, you can use the DM feint or the open/close stance feint to make throw opportunities. Or you can switch between IN and DM stance for [IN][2][K] or [DM][P][P]+[K] or throw mix up. Being able to confuse your opponent into blocking is one of leifei's strongest weapons in my opinion. Have fun!! /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  5. ColinDru

    ColinDru Member

    Those are some awesome tricks. I'm very impressed! /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    One thing I'm interested in is Lei's crouch dash game. Repeated regular/reverse CDs have been working well for me as of late... they're good for causing whiffs, dodging highs, avoiding throws, and blocking low (just press [2_]+[G]~[G] to cancel and block low). Mids are handled fairly well with fuzzy guarding (basically guarding in the WS frames, although there's more to it then that).

    Anyway, my mixups from the crouch dashes seem to be getting predictable... I think I need one response for each possible action the opponent may take, but I end up punishing with incorrect moves or not knowing how to take advantage at all. Any help would be appreciated.

    I'll compile any tips I get into a (hopefully) solid CD game for other aspiring wavedash-junkies.
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Hey, I see a lot of lei dance crap.. but keep in mind that the lei dance does 0 points of damage and evades/guards nothing. It's useless without throwing out some attacks (and the lei dance just disguises those attacks).

    Some other useful attacks.
    [DM] [P]+[K] - Arrow punch is a relatively safe, quick lunging punch. When charged it crumples for an easy and damaging b+P,P combo. The startup animation to the charage attack is sorta subtle, so it's not useless like so many other easily-spotted charge attacks. It's worth gambling with one as you dance around.

    [2][3][6][P]+[K] - One of the best sabakis in the game, it will beat pretty much any punch... high punches, mid punches, elbows, high elbows..if you can predict an incoming punch or elbow (either of which is very very common) you can nail people with this. Crumples every time for an easy b+P,P followup. This is a key move to avoid getting hassled by characters like lau, jacky, and akira.

    [IN] [2][K] - This one's already been mentioned, but if you didn't know the strength of it - follow it up with:
    K -> d+P+K+G -> P,P+K -> uf+K+G -> df+K (ground attack) [101 pts] *
    [MW up to Lau - This is not a true combo since you can struggle between the low kick and the standing kick. After the K, switch stances with a quick buffered d+P+K+G. Vs. Akira in open stance and vs. lau in closed, the uf+K+G will barely hit OTB but the enemy can tech roll. This is still the best combo in those situations]
    ---In other words it's 45-50% damage if the opponent fails to struggle out of it.

    [3][3][P][P] - true combo, floats for an easy d+P -> uf+KG -> ground stomp. Do the first and delay a little before cutting loose with the second, or scare the opponent with just one and then throw them when they guard/dodge.

    [3][P][G] - the best throw, follow with a 2-hit dodge attack into df+K stomp.

    [6][P][K]-[P] - a sort of canned elbow-elbow combo. A safe poke. Both hits stagger crouching opponents.

    All of this info is for version C. Some of these moves are changed in evo and evo version B.

    Has nobody done a lei faq/guide/bigass post yet?
  7. ColinDru

    ColinDru Member

    I dunno, the Lei dance evades a lot of stuff for me.
  8. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    i also find that after a crumple ~ b+p,p combo, and the opponent stupidly TRs to the side, lay this punishing combo on them, around 98 damage pts (can't rember for certain)

    d+p+k+g, p+k ~ f,f+k(hold) ~ k+g ~ uf+k+g (~ stomp VS lights & mids)

    if they are smart and dont TR. just pounce, if they QR, well, just land a throw as they rise.. /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  9. ColinDru

    ColinDru Member

    Nice tech catch... it brings to mind the match vid in the beginning and end of ShinZ's LeiCombination vid in which he gets an excellent in 7 seconds. It's really funny.
  10. ColinDru

    ColinDru Member

    I hope no one minds a little bump...
  11. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Please don't bump threads unless you have something new to add... probably the people reading this now are the exact same players who read it 20-30 days ago.

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