Let's Get VF5:FS in Final Round XVI! - 03/29-31/13

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by BLACKSTAR, Jul 2, 2012.


    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager




    Final Round XVI : March 29th-31st, 2013

    Final Round XVI is announced! Final Round is America's largest fighting game tournament behind EVO, and 2013 is primed to be even bigger!

    As one of the world's largest stages for fighting games, VF belongs here! If you want VF5:FS to become an official game for Final Round XVI, let Larry/ShinBlanka know on facebook or twitter!
  2. CDGR

    CDGR New Member

    I was actually about to make a thread about this.

    We seriously have a shot at getting VF added to the roster of games at this Final Round. There hasn't been this much interest and curiosity from non VF players in a very long time. We got some stage love this past Final Round but lets make sure we can show them what it looks like when VF players fight for money.

    If the players show up, it's guaranteed to happen. Let Larry know you want VF5FS at Final Round. If he sees the interest from the players and sees that they will show up and represent the VF community, he will give us that spot.

    I know that if the community showed up just to play an early build at this past Final Round, they wont disappoint when it comes to showing up to compete.
  3. nanashi

    nanashi Active Member

    There's no chance I'd be able to go to this event, but I want to see it there for sure.
  4. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I had a blast at this years Final Round. I'd love to go back again.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager


    Just to let you guys know, Larry mentioned on our GA FGC facebook group (http://www.facebook.com/groups/164898150234339/) that, quote: 'VF and P4U have a good chance in being at frxvi'

    You want VF5:FS on the main stage at Final Round XVI?! LET SHIN BLANKA KNOW. [​IMG]

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