"Let's Rumble!" - Jacky FT Thread

Discussion in 'Jacky' started by supergolden, Aug 6, 2004.

  1. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Hey guys,

    The other FT thread was getting kind of crowded, so I'm gonna re-post some old and new Jacky info from it!

    Stance Change Before Round
    Jacky can change stance before a round as much as he wants by hitting PKG, like he could in VF3... Although not a major change, it is a fun change... He can change back and forth as much as he wants before the round begins...

    -There were rumors that this was throw counterable, although I don't believe that to be the case.

    -The old combos used in Evo are distance specific I believe. It is more difficult now to get the standing P after 4KG to hit...

    -New 'standard' combos I see being used often are
    closed stance: 4KG, 2P, 9K ... If the opponent is not used to it it can be difficult to tech roll so you might get a free pounce...
    open stance: 4KG, 2P, 3KG...
    If you are a bit further away when you hit 4KG you might be able to do the old combos, as I have see at least the old open stance combo done... I'm not 100% sure of the requirements though...

    -This is a two hit move, ie the 2nd hit can't be delayed - it always comes out automatically...

    -This move hits low and comes out rather quickly, could be good for off the wall or off the ground combos...

    -I have seen PK, P, 9K combo although I don't know if it is the most damaging possibility - maybe just flashy...

    Shuffle Step Additions
    Jacky has been given three new additions to his shuffle step stance...
    P (on the way back) - this is a quick punch that can be used while Jacky is in the stepping back phase of shuffle step... I believe on MC it will crumple... It has fast execution and recovery, so you can do 4PKG, P -> 4PKG, P repeat to try to bait opponents in and maybe throw in a 4KG or 66K when they come in...

    -PK on the way back - a bit slower to come out than the P mentioned above, when it hits it usually knocks them back pretty far... I'm not sure what the best follow ups to this are...

    -33K, PG - this is a nifty looking hit throw... It drains a decent amount of damage and has pretty good range (more than Jacky's 33P from shuffle step, for example)... Can be delayed to catch dodgers, ect... Drains a DP off of Shun...

    -JF 4, 33K - I don't know what the input window is on it, but I'll call it a JF just cause it is easy... After any move Jacky can use to get into shuffle step stance, if you get the timing down you can do the SS 33K from a standstill without actually entering SS stance at all... Although if your opponent has good reflexes they will probably hit you immediatley after they think you might do this, if your opponent isn't expecting it it could be quite a surprise to them! I think the best uses are:

    PK, K, 433K - If the PK, K floats then the 33K will almost always hit them in the air for extra damage... Remember if done right Jacky will do this kick standing still, without visually entering SS...

    KG, 433K P+G - If the opponent thinks you will do KG, 2KG and ducks to block the low sweep they could be in for a nasty surprise when you hit them with the catch throw!

    K, P 433K P+G - This seems to be the fasty way to get the kick to come out, if the KP hits your opponent might not be sure what is coming next, and then hitting the hit throw for a nice flow big damage deal...

    3PPP changed to 43PPP
    This is a minor change as the move still is awesome for reverse nitaku and counter attacks... Once you get used to the new input it will be like nothing changed at all...

    Option Move: 66K
    You can switch Jacky's 66K back and forth from the version C and Evo versions... The version C one comes out fast, but does not stagger on hit - knocks down instead... With this you can do Jacky's old version C combo: 6K, 4PK, P (G) 66K for decent damage...

    The Evo version of 66K comes out a bit slower, hits a bit higher but can stagger on hit and after it you have the option to hit 4 to go backturned...

    I have seen Jacky players using both versions, it is hard to say if one is definitely better than the other...

    Option Move: 2K, P
    Old Version (vC): Jacky will act like he is going to hit the opponent with a mid punch, but cancels that into his 1P move...

    Evo Version (default): Jacky will act like he is going to low kick, but will cancel that into a mid punch... A second (delayable) mid punch is an option that can crumple on counter hit...

    I have seen both of these being used also, but I feel like the Evo version is a bit better... I think most people can see the Version C version coming and will be able to block it, whereas the Evo version has the delayable second hit which you can sucker people into...

    New throw animation for 3PG
    Although I don't know if the damage is much different, Jacky has a new throw animation for 3PG... This is much better as the old version (called Nothern Lights Bomb or perhaps the Snow plow for any Al Snow fans out there) would leave both Jacky and the opponent lying down after it hit, but now Jacky is standing after the throw hits so he can press the advantage...

    New move: 3K, P, K
    This is a pretty nifty combo... If 3K, P hits opponent might LP so I will usually backdash beatknuckle or throw after 3K, P hits... The last hit is delayable too which is cool, although if it is blocked you are probably throw counterable if not worse... The P after the 3K comes out quickly but is low punch interuptable if the 3K doesn't stagger you...

    For anyone playing Jacky in FT, and also people who see something in a movie they feel should be noted please post! And if anyone has any questions I will do my best to answer them...

  2. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    [4][K]+[G] is definitely not counterable...I think it was only in test versions. As for the combos, I think the Evo combos still work but on MC only (unsure about weight requirements).
  3. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Thanks for the info Ice-9...

    I will try to notice next time if the old 4KG evo combos are on major counter, or if distance is an issue...

    Also, I remember hearing rumors that his [2_][6][P] has been made throw counterable, but I havn't really noticed a difference... I will try to confirm next time if it is indeed throw counterable or not...

    Overall I'd have to say Jacky is stronger in Evo... He has more moves, more options in SS and they didn't really nerf anything of his besides maybe 4KG combos doing less damage and perhaps [2_][6][P] being throw counterable...

    The new SS additions are good, although I don't know how useful they all are... It seems as though the JF 433K can be useful, but if you go into SS after a big attack like P+K, K or 6P, P, K then if your opponent has good reflexes then they will probably just hit you before you can do anything in SS... However, in other situations like K, P -> SS and just plain old 4PKG into SS the new options can be useful...

  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I was really curious when you (or your brother?) first mentioned in another thread that Jacky can do his ducking toe kick (Slide Shuffle [3][3][K]) almost instantly so that you don't see any shuffle or ducking animation.

    Then while looking at site 1/60sec, I found that they have a few movies of Jacky doing combos with it, and damn does it look sweet!

    There are currently four movies, check 'em out here:

    1. [P]+[K][K] (YC) [4][3][3][K]
    Doesn't combo.

    2. [K]+[G] (YC) [4][3][3][K] (hit) [P]+[G]

    3. [4][6][P]+[K] (RC) [4][P]+[K]+[G][3][3][K] (hit) [P]+[G]

    4. [4][6][P]+[K] (YC) [4][P]+[K]+[G][3][3][K] (hit) [P]+[G]
    Doesn't combo. Therefore you need a Red Counter on the Bill Jee in order to combo this sequence.

    Edit: further note about combo 4, while the life gauge doesn't show the entire sequence as a true combo, the site mentions that it couldn't be blocked, so it's effectively a combo on YC too.
  5. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Thanks for the movies Myke! That is what I'm talking about /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    I first saw some guy trying to do this at Shinjuku Sportsland but it looked as though he was having trouble - I don't know why, even with my poor skills on a joystick I was quickly able to do it most of the time... I saw other Jacky players at the local Sega Arena doing it too so I guess it is well known now?

    So I see now that if a move can't be cancelled into SS by itself, you can buffer [4]+[G]+[P]+[K] [4][3][3]+[K] to get the kick to come out instantly in that case too... I havn't gotten this to work yet, and havn't seen anyone do it in person, but I will try it next time I'm at the arcade...

  6. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    That's the first time I've seen the hitthrow and it not look to shady. Damn, that's pretty nice dmg aswell - thanks for sharing Myke.

  7. RagingSilver

    RagingSilver Well-Known Member

    cool. A decent hit throw for once, and one coming out from combo's too. Sweet news. I'll have to sharpen those reflexes up to do those I reckon but I'll get it done in the end and it'll be 2nd nature for me.

    This may sound like a daft question but I'm trying to understand the number ppl use sometimes for directions. What they mean? Cos some make no sense to me. Is it so hard to use the lil arrows on the left of this message box or even type in f,b,d etc?
  8. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    This may sound like a daft question but I'm trying to understand the number ppl use sometimes for directions. What they mean?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Look at your numpad. While the arrows are present here they are not when, say for example, talking on irc with m8's (and even here I think most ppl use them cause they are graphics as numbers would be faster to type). F,b,d etc is tekken talk ^__^ . Learn to use 'em and they soon become second nature and people will look at you like you're insane after talking in numbers with a friend on the train / buss for 30min.

    3k+g>6p>466p+k! /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

  9. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    The numbers correspond to the numerical pad on the right of the keyboard. So 4 = [4], 6 = [6], 3 = [3], etc... /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  10. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Happy B-day Bu-Jassoom (while we're already typing) /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

  11. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    Thanks buddy (^_^). Must have both submitted like seconds apart /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif.

    SG, how does changing moves exactly work? Do you access your VF.Net account and change the move or can you do it before matches as long as you are registered? (Probably the former but the latter would be easier and more convenient.... especially for those who don't want to use their cell-phones for VF.Net)
  12. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Just want to point out that in the second clip where k+g hits that it's actually a YC, not RC.

  13. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Eh, yeah,..True story. That's almost fucking overpowered then considering the damage. Wow, can't wait to abuse the shit out of that in Oki and against evaders. I think it looks "pretty solid for a circular" *hint* ;D

  14. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Jerky, yeah you're right, typo on my part. I've edited my post and also added an additional note for combo 4 -- bill jee on YC can still be combo'd even though the life gauge doesn't indicate it as so.
  15. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Bu_Jassoom said:
    SG, how does changing moves exactly work? Do you access your VF.Net account and change the move or can you do it before matches as long as you are registered? (Probably the former but the latter would be easier and more convenient.... especially for those who don't want to use their cell-phones for VF.Net)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I access VFNet over the web and the way it works is you get a list of your two change moves and select which one you want to change.


    That's a pic of Jacky's move selection screen.

    You can only change one move once per day, so it's not like you can abuse changing moves between every match.
  16. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    KiWe, you beat me to the punch. I wanted to say that of the combos Myke posted, 3 and 4 aren't special in that, if this still works in FT, a beatknuckle could be guaranteed or another [4][6][P]+[K] > [6_][P][K] for very, very good damage.

    Where the JF hit throw gets REALLY useful is in 2. As you pointed out, he now effectively has a circular that can knock down on normal hit, or combo that takes big damage on MC!
  17. RagingSilver

    RagingSilver Well-Known Member

    thanks for explaining the number thing, I feel stupid now, lol.

    I haven't been reading on the news and changes much to FT but changing moves for ur character?! WTF!!!
  18. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    A small update guys,

    I've tried quite a bit with no success on getting
    [4][6][P]+[K], [4]+[P]+[K]+[G][3][3][K] combo to work... For whatever reasons, I'm having a harder time doing this one than the others...

    Any suggestions on the timing? /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif


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