Level of CPU IA on special sparring mode on xbox 360?

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by segasaturn96, Oct 27, 2019.

  1. segasaturn96

    segasaturn96 Well-Known Member

    Hi, i play a lot of against CPU on special sparring mode on Xbox360...i put very hard, my life 200 and cpu 260...playing of this way( disavantage)i lose often, i think that cpu has a relative good Level. No? Ps: i have heard that PlayStation's IA was les good...
    masterpo likes this.
  2. segasaturn96

    segasaturn96 Well-Known Member

  3. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry



    Considering that the standard in 220 vs 220, I don't see the point, but okay.

    It's flawed. Each AI has a specific pattern that if you learn you can exploit, it's just a matter of finding out what you can do where.

    I've never heard that. Where did you hear that? They're the same game...

    They're not only the same game, the AI characters are exactly the same as they are in the arcades in Japan, down to the costumes, names, etc.

    These posts aren't gonna get much attention because playing against the AI and talking about it is like sharing the things you fap to in Discord (ahem, Red Panda): no one cares.

    Now if you use it as a tool to learn the annoying strings the opponent can throw at you, or practice your observation skills in looking for patterns to exploit, that's cool (and the ideal thing you can use the AI for), but this isn't the best conversation-fodder.
  4. segasaturn96

    segasaturn96 Well-Known Member

    Ok big sorry...i imagined me that some men played against cpu because xboxlive was not very active.thanks for answer sebo...and when i said "good level" i wanted to say that was better than play against our uncle or a friend who never play at VF.
  5. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    If that's what you mean, then yeah, AI is better than playing against someone who doesn't know how to play and doesn't aim to improve.

    As for fighting people online, I don't know if it is the same for XboxLive, but on PSN it's easy to make a new account and set the region to Japan. I've been able to get over 4,000 games in about 3 months, by doing that (for comparison, only 5,000 when playing worldwide from December to July).
    masterpo and segasaturn96 like this.
  6. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I'm on PS3 and PS4. Since VF5FS I've played 10,000+ matches online. Since VF4 I've played over 100,000 matches in 2 vs player, but I still play lots of matches against the AI ;)

    VF4, VF4EVO and VF5 actually kept count of single player win losses, I had about 15,000 Cpu matches in each of these. Sadly VF5FS does not keep count of single player win/loss stats. But if I've played 15,000 matches in VF5 I've played at least that many in VF5FS and I find the AI in VF5FS refreshing:cool:

    I like Arcade AI, License Mode AI, and Special Sparring AI. I find all of the AI in Virtua Figher refreshing and very different from playing human players.

    And I don't play the AI just to see how easy it is to beat:ROTFL:. I play the AI to enjoy how beautiful the game is. To enjoy the beauty of the stages and to see the diversity of game play that is possible. I Play the AI to see character and style interactions that you would never see IRL:LOL:

    When you play against the AI you get to see the other characters do moves you would never see a human player try in a real match in the same situation. In fact some moves the CPU can easily pull off people can't. And because the human players these days are so optimized and they've mastered the concept of frame advantage, disadvantage and punish that there are certain moves they simply never do:( Some of awesome looking strings are unsafe or do low damage, or are easily interrupted, so good players never do them in a serious match.:whistle: So in some sense you miss some of the beauty of what a VF match could look like when you see the Frame Masters play. They know which moves are unsafe, or have low reward, or are moderately risky and they don't do them in competitive playo_O Likewise they focus on high damage strings, combos, spacing etc. Of course this is the way to win and this is the way to play high level matches, but you will not see the true diversity and full beauty of character match ups when you watch seasoned VF players:cry:

    On the other hand playing against the AI its more fun to try totally different moves, different strings, different setups, things you know are unsafe, or things you know that would be punished against a real player, but the AI surprises me all the time.:)

    Yea, If I play at my level 10 I'll easily beat the AI every time. Of course I can easily beat the AI on hard every time. But that's not the goal:rolleyes: If I experiment at my level 6 or 7 the AI pulls off interesting strings, surprising moves, reversals, spacing, wall attacks, things that I would have never seen if I played my best against the AI. Usually once a week, I swear I see the AI pull of one or two moves I've never seen in a live match between good players.

    If you relax and just play the AI to see what the possibilities are, try new things, new strings you've never tried, different spacing than what you do when you play against a human player, different combos, unsafe moves, low reward moves, then the AI starts to really surprise you and gives you a new perspective on the game and what the original designers of Virtua Fighter had in mind. If you look back at some of Yu Suzuki's original interviews you'll see more than a few references to the 'Beauty of Virtua Fighter';)

    The point is not to try to beat the AI, but rather to engage the AI, then you will see move combinations that you never ever see in a live match (regardless to the level of human players involved!!!):holla: Part of the reason I enjoy VF so much is its elegance and beauty and the totally cool interaction that is possible during a match. I am able to appreciate the game to its fullest when I engage the AI, take chances, try different perspectives than I usually would with a human player. The game shines most when you play it at nice relaxed level without being consumed by Frame counting or maximizing combos, or trying to capitalize on some game Meta. Pulling off cool looking moves and strings, engaging the AI to see what it will do in all kinds of different situations is really fun and gives you an even deeper appreciation of Virtua Fighter as a masterpiece.

    Face it, most players when playing against another human might accept a loss here or there, but they are usually playing to win, or to try to get better. (Nothing wrong with that). And in today's E-Sports world we could be talking about big money or fame:ninja:
    But I play against the AI to see what's possible in the game. To see what the possible interactions there are between the various characters, to see fantastic strings, reactions, and awesome animations, etc that I would not normally see when two high level players are playing.

    Long answer to a short question. IMO the AI in VF5FS, VF5 ,VF4Evo, VF4 is awesome, depending on why and how you play against it. If you're trying to use it to help you beat top players, or how to get really good at the game it has a little value and will it least help you get the basics down and beat button mashers. However, If you use it to see the beauty and possibility of the fighting match ups and interactions between characters in the game its awesome. If you engage the AI using experimental techniques that you never would do in real life, then playing against the AI is even more fun. You also have a chance to appreciate the beauty of the stages, and you get to notice detail in costumes, in the stage music, in the crowds on different stages that you would never pay attention, during the stress and strain of a high level match.

    Yep I've played thousands and thousands of matches against humans. But I enjoy the game most, I see the beauty of the game most, I'm inspired by the possibilities of Virtua Fighter most when I play against the AI. The AI always is ready to play whenever I'm ready to play. The AI will also play as long as I want to play. And when I switch up my style the AI plays differently. When I engage the AI differently it engages me differently. Human players especially Frame Masters will punish the fuck out of you if you make one wrong move. Frame masters will press the advantage and avoid the disadvantage regardless to how it makes their character look They don't care how a string or combo looks, only how much damage it does and the risk it has. In fact, many Frame Masters simply don't care about the beauty of the interacting animations between any two VF characters. They only worry about how negative they are on block and whether said move is safe, or how much damage they can do in a wall splat. Who gives a damn about the look of the match:LOL:

    I'm not a high level player. TBH I'm glad I'm a causal player. I think that fact allows me to enjoy more aspects of the game. I enjoy the back story, customization, the diversity of AIs though out all of the versions, the beauty of animations, and stages. I get a kick out of the pseudo martial art simulations and all the possible interactions that play out during a match without worrying about whether I'm -24 on block or if my move has 50 startup frames.

    Say what you want to say about the AI in Virtua Fighter, but IMO it is the best AI in any 3D fighting game on the market:X3:
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2019
    jimi Claymore and segasaturn96 like this.
  7. segasaturn96

    segasaturn96 Well-Known Member

    Wow wonderful answer...i play to progress...but also,sometimes, after a long journey of work i just need to relax...i play automaticaly, i watch stages and special wins,original customizations of ia,listen different music of vf, try unsafe and original attacks, i change the look of my character,try different special wins...not need to think...not stress to win...and yes i play also because i think this game is beautiful...i travel on my living room.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2019
    jimi Claymore likes this.
  8. segasaturn96

    segasaturn96 Well-Known Member

    Yes,today,i have succeed to have xboxlive :) happy!!!where and how to found européen opponent? BigfootChene95
    jimi Claymore likes this.

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