Lion's unblockable move!!!!?????

Discussion in 'Lion' started by br0therfrank, May 13, 2002.

  1. br0therfrank

    br0therfrank Member

    ok it appears that Jacky (maybe more havent tested) cannot block lion's down/towards P+K
    is this a fluke?
    My friend and me were playing and he noticed he couldnt high or low block it and it always staggered him at least
    i was tearing Jacky up with this one move which opened up every possible move i wanted to do
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I tested it inTraining mode against a cpu Jacky set to guard all, and it was able to guard it perfectly with no trouble.. I think its either a fluke.. or your friend isnt very good at blocking. Its a low hit btw.
  3. br0therfrank

    br0therfrank Member

    boy he was bitching about that!!!
    we stopped playing and just tested it
    he crouched and guarded and i could still get it
    he stood up and guarded and i could still get it off too
    must of been something strange
    im going to try it some more
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Thread moved from Junky's Jungle board.

    Please direct character specific questions here in future.

    And are the !!!!!?????'s really necessary? [/rhetorical question]
  5. br0therfrank

    br0therfrank Member

    i am so sorry to have messed up your forum. [/sarcastic quip}
    And Myke [/is that a gay (homosexual) spelling?] does your asshole have to show in all your posts? [/rhetorical question]
    i won't be back here anymore jerk.
    i remember when the Sega hardcore used to stick together.
    but i am old now, and pencil neck little Jacky players like you are nothing but punching bags to me now
    too bad really too bad
    Mykey you really need to think about not being such as ass to somebody you don't even know, especially a new member of your crappy loser forum
    again this is my third and last post
    you suck big old donkey dicks MYKE
    you should try to come up with a "cool internet name"
    like faggoTT or Fagareea...
    just a suggestion
  6. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Wow, for someone who has just started visiting (or posting), you certainly know who to piss off to get banned....
  7. br0therfrank

    br0therfrank Member

    yeah i must of got lucky somehow
    i dont want to be apart of a VF community whose leader is so rude.
    sorry for the teenage language but it was fun to write
    im 32 years old but i still remember how to talk the trash the kids used to
    laugh riot
    see you in the arcades Mykey, i hope
  8. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    Wow. I've seen "I wanna get banned" messages, but not disguised as a real post /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Look sweetheart, which part of my post ruffled your pink feathers?

    The fact that I moved it from one board to another? Or that I advised that future questions of that nature should be asked in this board? Or my comment on the ridiculuous !?!?!?!?!??!?!?'s you had in the subject?

    It doesn't bother me one bit that you won't continue to visit this site. Hope you continue to enjoy the game though. It gets much better when you learn how to crouch and guard at the same time!
  10. br0therfrank

    br0therfrank Member

    well touche'
    or should i say douche'
    i have to admit that i am impressed that you havent BANNED me from your site
    just to make it clear
    i really thought it was rude of you to not only criticize my thread selection but to the extra effort to criticize the post as well
    i was completely unnaware of how pathetic and obviously uncool unlearned and various other self important qualities you must hold in high regard
    just so you know im not the one with the blocking problem
    its my jacky playing fiend (yes i know i cant spell, im an idiot remember
    ill be playing VF long after youve moved on to Tekken 6
    and i am very concerned with this as i saw it with my own two eyes
    its not too damn hard to crouch and guard i know but he doesnt want to play anymore cause he thinks i have this cheap move
    i tried to tell him to jump or back dash or whatever but its for real

    at least it was for one night
    i wouldnt post here if it was a joke
    this is important to me cause i love to play
    i bought a ps2 when i really couldnt afford it just to play VF4

    i put my money where my mouth is
    i got nothing personal against you
    i just think your first instinct is a pretty rude one
    i bet you are the type of player who talks a lot of trash but cant take it

    i have enjoyed this a little
    apparently no one else who has read the post has experienced the same phenomononnon so i got what i wanted plus a little attitude from some caffeined webmaster

    o boy

    remember kids the secret is to bang the rocks together
  11. Aeon

    Aeon Well-Known Member



    That, plus now i learn that low attacks are unblockable!

    Reading this thread has been a complete and total waste of the last five minutes of my life, and i'm suing ol' Hemingway here to get it back.
  12. Tetra

    Tetra Well-Known Member

    if u done that so called unblockable on the computer i am pretty sure he will block it easily /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  13. The Dude

    The Dude Well-Known Member

    It's called a period. See one of these".". Learn how to use it.
  14. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    i have to admit that i am impressed that you havent BANNED me from your site

    I don't ban people just because they don't agree with me.

    i really thought it was rude of you to not only criticize my thread selection but to the extra effort to criticize the post as well

    Well, your "thread selection" was a miss, which is why it was moved. The reason I do this is to make it easier for people to search for what they're looking for. It makes sense to keep things organised, ya know? I can't help it if you interpret this one act as personal criticism.

    The request that you post similar queries in future in the same board is just a friendly reminder to help keep things organised. You know, it doesn't hurt to read the board descriptions when you're new to a site too.

    My third remark, I'll admit, was a stab at you, but I don't regret making it. Spamming out !!!!!!'s and ?????'s might have a place somewhere (like IRC), but I personally think it's a real eye sore, even more so in a forum where messages are 'permanent'.

    Anyway, I hope you enjoy playing with your fiend [sic], but before I end this post, I'd like to sincerely thank you for making me laugh so hard today with this line:

    <font color=orange>ill be playing VF long after youve moved on to Tekken 6</font color=orange>

    Man, that's gold! /versus/images/icons/smile.gif /versus/images/icons/smile.gif /versus/images/icons/smile.gif /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  15. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Just gunna say....Chucky, do I smell chucky??
  16. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I can crouch and block.
  17. HighKing

    HighKing Well-Known Member

    Who the fuck is Chucky?

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