List of customizations and alternates?

Discussion in 'General' started by RagingGhost, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. RagingGhost

    RagingGhost Member

    I have been looking for videos and/or albums showcasing the many (maybe even all) options to customize characters.

    Mostly because I am through not finding the options for each fighter. Anyone can help me out?
  2. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    You have to buy customization packs 4 a character, sorry I'm not quite sure what you're asking

  3. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    As stated, you need to buy customization packs from the PS Store/XBL Market in order to customize your character or see other people's customizations, there's one pack for each character. After you buy them that's all you get, there are no unlockable or secret customization items.
  4. RagingGhost

    RagingGhost Member

    I know that. But, what I want is if someone know a galleryor a website on the internet where I can see all of the customization options.
  5. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Unfortunately theres nothing like that to my knowledge if you want to visually see anything like that youtube is probably the closest you'll get sorry.
  6. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    There is a website where they list all the items for each character. Its in Japanese. I can't find the link at the moment. :(
  7. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    If you're wondering why you can't find each item, it may be because some items are costume specific. You'll have to check each of the 6 costumes for each character to see everything available.
  8. RagingGhost

    RagingGhost Member

    If you do, send me a PM with it.

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